How to reply to the sender of a channel and manage state

huangapple go评论87阅读模式

How to reply to the sender of a channel and manage state







I would like to know how to reply directly to the sender of a channel in Go. More interesting is how to identify the sender for later use.

I am comparing this to Elixir GenServer where I can reply to the sender directly or broadcast to everyone. Is this feature missing in Go?

Everywhere I read about channels in Go I cannot find how to do this.

Also, GenServers in Elixir hold states becomes it is a infinite running process. Does Go have semething similar to hold and pass state? If not how is this accomplished?


得分: 2



package main

func main() {
    // 通过创建一个通道的通道来创建一个通信通道
    c := make(chan chan struct{})
    // 使用通信通道启动一个发送者
    go sender(c)
    // 从发送者接收一条消息,这里的消息本身是一个通道
    r := <-c
    // 在发送者给我们的通道上发送响应
    r <- struct{}{}

func sender(c chan chan struct{}) {
    // 创建一个接收者将用来响应我们的通道
    r := make(chan struct{})
    // 将通道发送给接收者
    c <- r
    // 这是接收者收到消息后收到的响应

至于你关于识别特定发送者的第二个问题,你可以尝试使用类似 goroutinemap 的东西,它允许你管理具有名称的 goroutine 的生命周期。然而,这种模式并不常见,如果你需要识别特定的通道发送者,可能你可以(并且应该)重新设计你的解决方案。


这完全取决于你的应用程序及其功能。根据 OP 的说法,该应用程序是一个通过 WebSockets 进行的国际象棋游戏。你可以考虑创建一个数据结构,其中包含对两个玩家 WebSocket 连接的引用,以及玩家之间的游戏状态。当游戏开始时,将创建此数据结构,然后该数据结构可以在玩家之间管理消息的传递和游戏状态的更新。可能类似于以下内容:

type GameState struct {
    Player1 *websocket.Conn
    Player2 *websocket.Conn
    // 在这里添加所需的任何游戏状态

func (s *GameState) run(ctx context.Context) {
    // 在这里在 WebSocket 连接之间发送消息,并相应地更新游戏状态

Communicating with a channel sender

As already mentioned, a channel of channels is a way to respond directly to the channel sender. Here is an example:

package main

func main() {
	// Make a communication channel by creating a channel of channels
	c := make(chan chan struct{})
	// Start a sender with the communication channel
	go sender(c)
	// Receive a message from the sender, in this case the message is a channel itself
	r := &lt;- c
	// Send response to the sender on the channel given to us by the sender
	r &lt;- struct{}{}

func sender(c chan chan struct{}) {
	// Create a channel the receiver will use to respond to us
	r := make(chan struct{})
	// Send the channel to the receiver
	c &lt;- r
	// This is the response received after the received got the message
	&lt;- r

As to your second question about identifying a specific sender, you may be able to use something like goroutinemap which allows you to manage the lifecycle of named go-routines. This pattern isn't common however, and if you need to identify a specific channel sender, it's possible you could (and should) re-design your solution.

Managing application state

This depends entirely on your application and what it does. Edit: according to OP, the application is a chess game over websockets. You could consider creating a data structure with references to both player's websocket connections, as well as the game state between the players. This data structure would get created when a game is started, then the data structure could manage the messages back and forth between the players and the updating of the game state internally. Perhaps something like

type GameState struct {
	Player1 *websocket.Conn
	Player2 *websocket.Conn
	// Add any game state needed here

func (s *GameState) run(ctx context.Context) {
	// Send messages between websocket connections here and update game state accordingly

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