有没有适用于Google Cloud Storage的Go实现的fs.ReadDir函数?

huangapple go评论83阅读模式

Is there a Go implementation of fs.ReadDir for Google Cloud Storage?



我修改了我的工作代码,使其可以根据标志位在本地文件系统和Google Cloud Storage的存储桶中读写文件。



最后,这些方法包括一个简单的switch case语句,用于运行标准代码以进行本地读写或从/到gcp存储桶的读写。


到目前为止,我了解到gcp模块中没有原生的函数。所以我猜测(但我需要你的帮助,因为我只是猜测),我需要一个适用于gcp的fs.FS的实现。由于它是go 1.6的新功能,我猜现在找到一个实现可能还为时过早。

1)case "local": { <像往常一样读取目录>}
2)case "gcp": {

<使用gcp代码示例列出我的存储桶中具有Query.Prefix = folderpath和Query.Delimiter = "/"的对象

然后创建一个my-own-pkg.DirEntry的切片(因为fs.DirEntry只是一个接口,所以它需要被实现... 有没有适用于Google Cloud Storage的Go实现的fs.ReadDir函数? )并返回它们。






注意:顺便说一句,通过现有的fs.FS实现和相关的ReadDirFS,go 1.6使我能够优雅地解决处理嵌入或文件系统上的资源时遇到的类似问题。所以如果我能按照相同的路线走就太好了 🙂

顺便说一句,我正在继续学习和实验,所以如果成功的话,我也会做出贡献的 有没有适用于Google Cloud Storage的Go实现的fs.ReadDir函数?


I am creating a web application in Go.

I have modified my working code so that it can read and write files on both a local filesystem and a bucket of Google Cloud Storage based on a flag.

Basically I included a small package in the middle, and I implemented my-own-pkg.readFile or my-own-pkg.WriteFile and so on...

I have replaced all calls in my code where I read or save files from the local filesystem with calls to my methods.

Finally these methods include a simple switch case that runs the standard code to read/write locally or the code to read/wrote from/to a gcp bucket.

My current problem
In some parts I need to perform a ReadDir to get the list of DirEntries and then cycle though them. I do not want to change my code except for replacing os.readDir with my-own-pkg.ReadDir.

So far I understand that there is not a native function in the gcp module. So I suppose (but here I need your help because I am just guessing) that I would need an implementation of fs.FS for the gcp. It being a new feature of go 1.6 I guess it's too early to find one.

So I am trying to create simply a my-own-pkg.ReadDir(folderpath) function that does the following:

  1. case "local": { <readdir as usual>}
  2. case "gcp": {

<Use gcp code sample to list objects in my bucket with Query.Prefix = folderpath and

Then create a slice of my-own-pkg.DirEntry (because fs.DkrEntry is just an interface and so it needs to be implemented... 有没有适用于Google Cloud Storage的Go实现的fs.ReadDir函数? ) and return them.

In order to do so I need to implement also the interface fs.DirEntry (which requires the implementation of interface for FileInfo and maybe something else...)

Question 1) is this the right path to follow to solve my issue or is there a better way?

Question 2) (only) if so, does the gcp method that lists object with a prefix and a delimiter return just files? I can't see a method that returns also the list of prefixes found

(If I have prefix/file1.txt and prefix/a/file2.txt I would like to get both "file1.txt" and "a" as files and prefixes...)

I hope I was enough clear... This time I can't include code because it's incomplete... But in case it helps I can paste what I can.

NOTE: by the way go 1.6 allowed me to solve elegantly a similar issue when dealing with assets either embedded or on the filesystem thanks to the existing implementation of fs.FS and the related ReadDirFS. So good if I could follow the same route 🙂

By the way I am going on studying and experimenting so in case I am successful I will contribute as well 有没有适用于Google Cloud Storage的Go实现的fs.ReadDir函数?


得分: 1





I think your abstraction layer is good but you need to know something on Cloud Storage: The directory doesn't exist.

In fact, all the object are put at the root of the bucket / and the fully qualified name of the object is /path/to/object.file. You can filter on a prefix, that return all the object (i.e. file because directory doesn't exist) with the same path prefix.

It's not a full answer to your question but I'm sure that you can think and redesign the rest of your code with this particularity in mind.

  • 本文由 发表于 2021年5月30日 16:26:36
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/67759198.html



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