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Java seems redundant for a complete beginner when creates new objects


对不起,如果这个问题看起来很愚蠢,我是一个完全的初学者,Java 构造新对象的方式对我来说似乎多余。以矩形包为例:

import java.awt.Rectangle

Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30);

那么为什么我们要两次写 Rectangle 呢?仅仅写成:

box = new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30);

不够吗?以这种方式编写,清楚地表示我的对象将从 Rectangle 构造函数创建。


I'm sorry if this question seems stupid, I'm a complete beginner and the way Java constructs new objects seems redundant for me. Using the rectangle package for example:

import java.awt.Rectangle

Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30)

So why do we write Rectangle twice? just writing

box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30)

isn't enough? writing this way it's clear that my object will be created from the Rectangle constructor


得分: 9




Shape box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30);


如果你希望变量的类型与你实例化的类相同,你可以在 Java 10 中使用 var

var box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30);



box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30);

编译器会期望 box 变量已经在该语句的作用域内被声明过。加上变量的类型(或 var)可以让编译器知道这是一个新变量。


It's not always redundant to specify both the type of the variable and the class of the object that you instantiate.

The two may be different.

For example, instead of your example, you can write

Shape box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30);

which allows you to program to the interface (Shape) instead of a specific implementation (Rectangle).

If you want the type of the variable to be the same as the class you instantiate, you can use var as of Java 10:

var box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30);

Other than that, you have to tell the compiler when you are declaring a new variable.

If you just write

box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30);

the compiler expects the box variable to already be declared somewhere within the scope of that statement. Adding the type of the variable (or var) lets the compiler know this is a new variable.


得分: 3


如果只写 box = ...,那么你是在给一个已经存在的变量或字段 box 赋值。但是在赋值之前,它必须在该作用域中存在!

如果你写的是 Rectangle box = ...,相反地,你在该作用域中定义了一个新的变量,并为其赋值。

不能写 Rectangle box = (5, 10, 20, 30); 的原因在于,可能有许多不同的类符合类 Rectangle。这是因为 Java 类的固有特性是可扩展的(有一堆例外情况)。这意味着变量(Rectangle)的类型并不总是与实际对象的类型完全相同。


The reason you need to write both is a semantic difference.

If you only write box = ..., then you assign a value to a preexisting variable or field called box. But it has to exist in that scope before the assignment!

If you write Rectangle box = ... instead, you define a new variable at that scope and assign it a value.

The reason you can't write Rectangle box = (5, 10, 20, 30); is, that there can potentially be many different Classes that conform to the class Rectangle. The reason is the inherent character of classes in Java, that they are extendible (with a bunch of exceptions). This means that the type of the variable (Rectangle) does not always have to be the very same as the type of the actual object.


得分: 1


    Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30)

右边的部分,'new Rectangle...' 创建了一个对象,并返回对该对象的引用

左边的部分,'Rectangle box',声明了一个变量,该变量能够保存对矩形(或任何其他从矩形派生的对象,但不在本课程中讨论)的引用。


    draw(new Rectangle(5,10,20,30));


    Rectangle box;



   Rectangle box = …

   box = …


是的,Java 有点冗长。


I think the important concept to get across here is the distinction between object and variable.


    Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30)

the right-hand side, 'new Rectangle...' creates an object, and returns a reference to that object.

The left-hand side, 'Rectangle box', declares a variable that is capable of holding a reference to a Rectangle (or to any other object subclassed from Rectangle, but that's not in this lesson).

These things can stand separately: you can create objects without immediately saving the value in a newly-declared variable; for a hypothetical example, maybe you'd want

    draw(new Rectangle(5,10,20,30));

to create a rectangle, display it somehow, and then you don't need to refer to the rectangle ever again. And likewise you can declare a variable without immediately initializing it to anything.

    Rectangle box;

Of course in this case you'll eventually need to assign a value to box for it to be useful, but it doesn't have to be done on declaration.

And lastly, as mentioned in other answers,

   Rectangle box = …


   box = …

are quite different. The first declares a new variable, the second uses an existing variable. If we made the second case an implicit declaration, then you're vulnerable to typing errors: maybe you typed 'b0x' instead of 'box', and now you have a bug in that 'box' did not get the expected value. For this reason, most but not all programming languages require explicit declaration of variables.

And yes, Java is somewhat wordy.


得分: 0


Foo f = new Bar(....);

说明了两件事。首先,它表明变量 f 的类型是 Foo。在右侧,你正在创建一个类型为 Bar 的对象。如果 FooBar 的超类型,那么这是允许的。在Java中,变量和对象都有类型。


A statement of the form

Foo f = new Bar(....);

says two things. First, it says the type of the variable f is Foo. On the right-hand side, you are saying that you are creating an object of type Bar. This is allowed if Foo is a supertype of Bar. Both variables and objects in Java have type.


得分: 0

在Java中,类和变量的定义是显式的。此外,请注意您可以使用不同的接口实现或使用子类。例如,您可以定义一个接口,它不能独立使用 - 例如 java.util.List。根据实现,它将在底层执行不同的代码,并且可以在以后进行替换(例如 ArrayList vs. LinkedList)。

在您的示例中,您有一个 Rectangle - 这是一个子类,也实现了接口。因此,所有这些都将是有效的赋值:

Shape        box1 = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30);
Serializable box2 = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30);
Cloneable    box3 = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30);


确实,与一些新语言相比,存在一些冗余,但是您提到的非冗长语法也有其缺点。定义和赋值具有相同的语法。因此,如果您想创建一个已经存在的变量 'box',您正在将一个值赋给预先存在的变量。在显式表示中,您会创建名称冲突并获得编译器错误:


Rectangle box; // 对于一些像JS这样的语言,不需要这个
box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30);
box = new Rectangle(6,11,21,31);


Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30);
Rectangle box = new Rectangle(6,11,21,31);



def my_function(name):


public static void myFunction(String name){




Definition of classes and variables are explicit in Java. Also note you can use different implementation of interfaces and or use subclasses. For example you can define an interface which cannot be used stand alone - e.g. java.util.List. Depending in the implementation it'll execute different code under the hood and is replaceable later on (ArrayList vs. LinkedList for example).

In your example you have Rectangle - which is a subclass and also implements interfaces. So all of this would be valid assignments:

Shape        box1 = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30);
Serializable box2 = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30);
Cloneable    box3 = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30);

This makes it easier for future devs to understand which interfaces you developed against, enabling you to replace rectangle later on.

Indeed there's some redundancy compared to some newer languages, but not the non-verbose syntax you suggested has it's downsides by it's own. Definition and assignment have the same syntax. So if you want to create a variable 'box' that is already existing you're assigning a value to the pre-existing variable. In the explicit notiation you create a name clash and get a compiler error:

No compiler error:

Rectangle box; // This is not needed for some languages like JS
box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30);
box = new Rectangle(6,11,21,31);

Compiler error:

Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30);
Rectangle box = new Rectangle(6,11,21,31);

Same problem can be faced with method interfaces. Especially it it's not your code and some poor devs did a bad job in coding and documenting:


def my_function(name):


public static void myFunction(String name){

(Please note python supports typing as well, but you are not forced to).

People will argue less code will lead to more visibility and cleaner code, but having worked in many enterprise scale projects I'd pick explicit redundancy over slink and double-functional syntax any time.

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