Could Primitive Wrapper Classes (Integer, Double etc) and String be approximated as value based classes?

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Could Primitive Wrapper Classes (Integer, Double etc) and String be approximated as value based classes?


Java 8引入了具有“基于值(value based)”特性的类,并且只在少数Java.Util(Optional)和Java.time类上标记了这一特性。




当你定义Integer myInt = 5时,你实际上只对值5感兴趣,而不关心持有该值的引用(至少对于我能想到的大多数用例是这样)。同样,当你说String myStr = "hello world"时,你实际上对值字面量“hello world”感兴趣,而不是它的引用。


Java introduced value based classes with Java 8 and has only marked few Java.Util (Optional) and Java.time classes with it.

The criteria for value-based classes is defined here.

Most of these criteria (except the strict guidance against using them in identity-sensitive operations and the fact that they should not have accessible constructors) seem to fit for Primitive wrapper classes like Integer, Double (and similar immutable classes like String). I understand technically developers might have used these classes with identity-based operations (although they shouldn't have) and therefore marking them value based now could cause backward-compatibility issues. But apart from this, would there be any other reason that why in concept, these wrapper classes not be value-based?

The reason I incline to think of them as value based.

When you define Integer myInt = 5, you are really just interested in the value 5 and not in the reference holding this value (at least for most of the use cases that I can think of). Likewise when you say String myStr = "hello world", you are really interested in value literal "hello world" and not in it's reference.


得分: 4


你可能已经注意到,在Java 9中,原始包装类型的构造函数已被弃用,这可能是朝着这个方向迈出的一步。然而,仅仅是不鼓励使用与标识敏感操作,而不是禁止,因此不能基于此进行破坏兼容性的更改。但是,可能会破坏标识敏感操作,这可能是从“基于值”类中获得后续实际优势的唯一途径。




> 这个方法将始终缓存范围在-128到127之间的值,包括...


这就引出了[JLS §5.1.7]:

> 如果被装箱的值p是求值为类型为booleanbytecharshortintlong的常量表达式的结果,并且结果是truefalse,在包括'\u0000''\u007f'范围内的字符,或者在-128127范围内的整数,则设ab分别为p的任意两个装箱转换的结果。始终成立 a == b




JLS §15.29,常量表达式:

> 类型为String的常量表达式总是被“interned”,以共享唯一实例,使用方法String.intern


有趣的是,JLS §15.18.1 指出:

> 除非表达式是常量表达式(§15.29),否则将创建一个新的String对象(§12.5)。



[Integer的文档]: (java.lang.Integer.valueOf(int)的API文档)
JLS §5.1.7: (Java®语言规范,§5.1.7 装箱转换)
§15.29: (Java®语言规范,§15.29 常量表达式)
JLS §15.18.1: (Java®语言规范,§15.18.1 字符串连接运算符 +)
§12.5: (Java®语言规范,§12.5 创建新类实例)


Basically, you named the most important reason, why retrofitting these classes as value based is not feasible: backward compatibility.

You might have noticed that the constructors of the primitive wrapper types have been deprecated in Java 9, which would be a step into that direction. Still, using identity sensitive operations is only discouraged, not forbidden, so a change that breaks compatibility can not be made on that basis. But potentially breaking identity sensitive operations, would be the only thing that may enable subsequent practical advantages from being a value based class.

For classes like String, BigInteger, and BigDecimal, the JDK developers did not even dare to make the step of deprecating the constructors, most likely because that would be too disrupting. For some constructors, there’s not even an equivalent factory method.

But there’s more than just the public constructors.

See, the documentation of the valueOf methods, the one of Integer exemplary:

> This method will always cache values in the range -128 to 127, inclusive, …

So when the factory method is used, you still get a specified identity behavior for some cases.

Which brings us to JLS §5.1.7:

> If the value p being boxed is the result of evaluating a constant expression (§15.29) of type boolean, byte, char, short, int, or long, and the result is true, false, a character in the range '\u0000' to '\u007f' inclusive, or an integer in the range -128 to 127 inclusive, then let a and b be the results of any two boxing conversions of p. It is always the case that a == b.

So even the language specifies the behavior of certain identity sensitive operations.

Note that the specification tries not to name the valueOf method that the compiled code will use in practice, but to make up their own rules (which formally only apply to compile-time constants), which did not really pay off. As this answer documents, that part of the specification underwent several rewrites, so when anyone took the wording literally, the guarantees changed over time…

Other guarantees have burned into the developers’ minds much deeper:

JLS §15.29, Constant Expressions:

> Constant expressions of type String are always "interned" so as to share unique instances, using the method String.intern.

This is a guaranty about object identity that is impossible to turn down.

Interestingly, JLS §15.18.1 states:

> The String object is newly created (§12.5) unless the expression is a constant expression (§15.29).

It’s not clear whether this strict wording is intentional, but as written, it states that for non-constant string concatenation, it must produce a new object with a distinct identity. Yet another specified behavior that developers should not rely on.

So, if someone was to design a new language without legacies, there is nothing wrong with designing these types as value types in the first place. The designer just has to avoid to put all those guarantees into specification that were thought to be a good idea in the past.


得分: 2


value-based 类的目标是为真正的 值类型 打下基础,即类似于 C 中的 struct 类型。

值类型不是在堆上的对象,因此它们不使用 new 创建,也不是从 Object 派生的,因此它们没有对象监视器(锁)。

这就是为什么以下两条规则是 value-based 定义的一部分:

  • 不使用诸如实例之间的引用相等性(==),实例的身份哈希码,或者在实例的内部锁上进行同步等与标识敏感操作;

  • 没有可访问的构造函数,而是通过工厂方法实例化,该方法对返回实例的标识不作任何承诺;

正如 Brian Goetz 在 2015 年 1 月 6 日的评论:

Optional 是新内容,免责声明是在第一天就到位的。另一方面,Integer 可能已经被严重污染,我相信如果 Integer 不再是可锁定的对象(尽管我们可能对这种做法持有不同看法),它肯定会破坏大量重要的代码。

参考: Value-Based Classes // nipafx


The goal of value-based classes is to lay the foundation for true value types, i.e. types similar to C's struct.

Value types are not objects on the heap, so they are not created using new, and they are not derived from Object, so they don't have object monitors (locks).

That is why the following 2 rules are part of the definition for value-based:

  • make no use of identity-sensitive operations such as reference equality (==) between instances, identity hash code of instances, or synchronization on an instances's intrinsic lock;

  • do not have accessible constructors, but are instead instantiated through factory methods which make no commitment as to the identity of returned instances;

As commented by Brian Goetz on Jan 6, 2015:

> Optional is new, and the disclaimers arrived on day 1. Integer, on the other hand, is probably hopelessly polluted, and I am sure that it would break gobs of important code if Integer ceased to be lockable (despite what we may think of such a practice.)

Reference: Value-Based Classes // nipafx

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