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Mockito.spy object is not being recognized



  1. @Override
  2. public Target apply(Source source) throws MappingException {
  3. try {
  4. Target target = targetModelObjectFactory.create(Target.class);
  5. mapNameToFirstName(source, target);
  6. mapMailToEMail(source, target);
  7. mapSourceSubEntityToTargetSubEntity(source, target);
  8. mapPrimitiveSourceColToPrimitiveTargetCol(source, target);
  9. mapSubEntitiesSourceColToSubEntitiesTargetCol(source, target);
  10. mapSourceSubEntityFieldToSubEntityFetchedField(source, target);
  11. produceProducedFieldValue(target);
  12. setConstantFieldConstantValue(target);
  13. return target;
  14. } catch (Exception e) {
  15. throw new MappingException(source, e);
  16. }
  17. }


  1. public void TestApply() throws MappingException, MappingOperatorCreationException, TargetModelObjectCreationException {
  2. Source mockedSource = Mockito.mock(Source.class);
  3. Target mockedTarget = Mockito.mock(Target.class);
  4. TargetModelObjectFactory targetModelObjectFactory = Mockito.spy(TargetModelObjectFactory.class);
  5. Mockito.when(targetModelObjectFactory.create(Target.class)).thenReturn(mockedTarget);
  6. sourceToTargetMapper.apply(mockedSource);
  7. }


  1. Target target = targetModelObjectFactory.create(Target.class);

当我在测试中调试 targetModelObjectFactory 的值时,发现它的值是 "this is not available",而且我一直收到空指针异常。

注意,targetModelObjectFactory 是一个接口。


  1. TargetModelObjectFactory targetModelObjectFactory1 = Mockito.mock(TargetModelObjectFactory.class, Mockito.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS);




I'm trying to test the following method:

  1. @Override
  2. public Target apply(Source source) throws MappingException {
  3. try {
  4. Target target = targetModelObjectFactory.create(Target.class);
  5. mapNameToFirstName(source, target);
  6. mapMailToEMail(source, target);
  7. mapSourceSubEntityToTargetSubEntity(source, target);
  8. mapPrimitiveSourceColToPrimitiveTargetCol(source, target);
  9. mapSubEntitiesSourceColToSubEntitiesTargetCol(source, target);
  10. mapSourceSubEntityFieldToSubEntityFetchedField(source, target);
  11. produceProducedFieldValue(target);
  12. setConstantFieldConstantValue(target);
  13. return target;
  14. } catch (Exception e) {
  15. throw new MappingException(source, e);
  16. }
  17. }

here is part of my test:

  1. public void TestApply() throws MappingException, MappingOperatorCreationException, TargetModelObjectCreationException {
  2. Source mockedSource = Mockito.mock(Source.class);
  3. Target mockedTarget = Mockito.mock(Target.class);
  4. TargetModelObjectFactory targetModelObjectFactory = Mockito.spy(TargetModelObjectFactory.class);
  5. Mockito.when(targetModelObjectFactory.create(Target.class)).thenReturn(mockedTarget);
  6. sourceToTargetMapper.apply(mockedSource);
  7. }

The problem I'm having is with this part:

  1. Target target = targetModelObjectFactory.create(Target.class);

When debbaging targetModelObjectFactory value inside the apply function I'm testing it's value is "'this' is not available" And I keep on getting NullPointerException

node that targetModelObjectFactory is an interface

I've been trying to do it like this:

  1. TargetModelObjectFactory targetModelObjectFactory1 = Mockito.mock(TargetModelObjectFactory.class,Mockito.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS);

But still no luck

Any help would be appreciated


得分: 1

问题的主要来源是在测试中未对模拟的 targetModelObjectFactory 对象进行注入。
当您对类 TargetModelObjectFactory 进行模拟/监视时,您得到的对象根本没有传递给被测试的类,
因此它的引用为null,因此在尝试在实际上为null的引用上调用方法 create 时会抛出 NullPointerException


  1. class SourceToTargetMapper {
  2. private TargetModelObjectFactory targetModelObjectFactory;
  3. SourceToTargetMapper(TargetModelObjectFactory targetModelObjectFactory) {
  4. this.targetModelObjectFactory = targetModelObjectFactory;
  5. }
  6. }

第二种是字段注入,可以通过像 @Inject@Autowired 等注解来实现,具体取决于所使用的工具:

  1. class SourceToTargetMapper {
  2. @Autowired
  3. private TargetModelObjectFactory targetModelObjectFactory;
  4. }


  1. @Test
  2. void constructorInjectionTest() {
  3. TargetModelObjectFactory factory = mock(TargetModelObjectFactory.class);
  4. SourceToTargetMapper mapper = new SourceToTargetMapper(factory);
  5. Source source = mock(Source.class);
  6. Target target = mock(Target.class);
  7. when(factory.create(Target.class))
  8. .thenReturn(target);
  9. Target result = mapper.apply(source);
  10. assertSame(target, result);
  11. }
  1. @Mock
  2. TargetModelObjectFactory factory;
  3. @InjectMocks
  4. private SourceToTargetMapper mapper;
  5. @BeforeEach
  6. void setUp() {
  7. MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
  8. }
  9. @Test
  10. void fieldInjectionTest() {
  11. Source source = mock(Source.class);
  12. Target target = mock(Target.class);
  13. when(factory.create(Target.class))
  14. .thenReturn(target);
  15. Target result = mapper.apply(source);
  16. assertSame(target, result);
  17. }


使用mock时,整个类的行为都由Mockito处理,这就是为什么我们要用 Class 参数来调用它:

  1. FirstClass firstObject = mock(FirstClass.class);
  2. SecondClass secondObject = mock(SecondClass.class);



  1. MyClass object = spy(new MyClass());
  2. doStuff(object);
  3. verify(object, times(1))
  4. .myMethod();

在您的情况下,由于您更改了 TargetModelObjectFactory 类的行为,使用 mock 可能是更好的选择。

我在GitHub上创建了一个仓库,您可以在其中找到所有的代码 - 所有测试都通过了。


The main source of the problem is lack of injection of the mocked targetModelObjectFactory object in the test.
When you're mocking/spying on the class TargetModelObjectFactory, the object you get is in no way passed to the tested class,
thus it's reference is null, hence NullPointerException is thrown when trying to call the method create on an actually null reference.

Depending on the rest of your tested class (I can only guess) you can choose two approaches. The first one is constructor injection
(usually preferable, you can read more here):

  1. class SourceToTargetMapper {
  2. private TargetModelObjectFactory targetModelObjectFactory;
  3. SourceToTargetMapper(TargetModelObjectFactory targetModelObjectFactory) {
  4. this.targetModelObjectFactory = targetModelObjectFactory;
  5. }
  6. }

The second one is field injection and is possible thanks to annotations like @Inject, @Autowired etc., depending on the used tool:

  1. class SourceToTargetMapper {
  2. @Autowired
  3. private TargetModelObjectFactory targetModelObjectFactory;
  4. }

Both cases can be easily handled using Mockito:

  1. @Test
  2. void constructorInjectionTest() {
  3. TargetModelObjectFactory factory = mock(TargetModelObjectFactory.class);
  4. SourceToTargetMapper mapper = new SourceToTargetMapper(factory);
  5. Source source = mock(Source.class);
  6. Target target = mock(Target.class);
  7. when(factory.create(Target.class))
  8. .thenReturn(target);
  9. Target result = mapper.apply(source);
  10. assertSame(target, result);
  11. }

<!-- -->

  1. @Mock
  2. TargetModelObjectFactory factory;
  3. @InjectMocks
  4. private SourceToTargetMapper mapper;
  5. @BeforeEach
  6. void setUp() {
  7. MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
  8. }
  9. @Test
  10. void fieldInjectionTest() {
  11. Source source = mock(Source.class);
  12. Target target = mock(Target.class);
  13. when(factory.create(Target.class))
  14. .thenReturn(target);
  15. Target result = mapper.apply(source);
  16. assertSame(target, result);
  17. }

Another thing worth noting is the difference between mock and spy methods from the Mockito library.

When using mock, the whole behaviour of the class is handled by Mockito, that's why we call it with a Class parameter:

  1. FirstClass firstObject = mock(FirstClass.class);
  2. SecondClass secondObject = mock(SecondClass.class);

No actual instance of neither FirstClass nor SecondClass is created.

When using spy, we explicitly tell Mockito, which methods should have their behaviour changed and which methods should be actually called
as defined in the class. We can create the spy using a Class parameter or an actual object (the latter used more often).
In case of spies, actual behaviour is often not changed at all, since spies can be used to check if the method was actually called:

  1. MyClass object = spy(new MyClass());
  2. doStuff(object);
  3. verify(object, times(1))
  4. .myMethod();

In your case, since you change the behaviour of the TargetModelObjectFactory class, probably mock will be a better choice.

I've created a repository on GitHub, where you can find all the code - all tests pass.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年10月24日 17:18:18
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
