QUARKUS – MicroProfile REST Client: 添加一个自定义的、未映射的字段

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QUARKUS - MicroProfile REST Client: add a custom, not mapped field


我正在遵循这篇文章 https://quarkus.io/guides/rest-client 来构建一个REST客户端,以解析来自restcountries.eu服务的输出。

public class Country {

    public String name;
    public String alpha2Code;
    public String capital;
    public List<Currency> currencies;

    public static class Currency {
        public String code;
        public String name;
        public String symbol;


public class Country {

    public String name;
    public String alpha2Code;
    public String capital;
    public List<Currency> currencies;
    public Instant timestamp;  //<--------- 添加的属性





I am following this article https://quarkus.io/guides/rest-client to build a REST Client to parse the output from the restcountries.eu service.
Here the class holding the model:

public class Country {

    public String name;
    public String alpha2Code;
    public String capital;
    public List&lt;Currency&gt; currencies;

    public static class Currency {
        public String code;
        public String name;
        public String symbol;

Now, suppose I would like to add a custom fields such as timestamp, to record the instant when this object has been created. I imagine, I would go ahead and add another field like below:

 public class Country {
        public String name;
        public String alpha2Code;
        public String capital;
        public List&lt;Currency&gt; currencies;
        public Instant timestamp;  //&lt;--------- added attribute

My question is: how do I tell the client to populate that field? Normally, I would have done it in the constructor. However, I could not find docs that explain this part.

Thanks for your help



得分: 1

你实际上可以在默认构造函数中执行此操作。像 JSONB 或 Jackson 这样的框架希望POJO具有默认构造函数。在创建Country实例时,它们会调用它。

使用 @JsonbTransient@JsonIgnore 注解来标记你的POJO中的属性,以便避免解组器对在响应中找不到的属性发出投诉。

 public class Country {
        private String name;
        private String alpha2Code;
        private String capital;
        private List<Currency> currencies;
        @JsonbTransient // 如果你使用的是 JSONB(在 Quarkus 中是默认的)
        @JsonIgnore // 如果你使用的是 Jackson
        private Instant timestamp;

        public Country() {
            this.timestamp = Instant.now();

PS:@Data 注解是你应该考虑使用的。封装并不是一件坏事,但创建getter/setter很繁琐。然而,Project Lombok 在这方面确实很有帮助。


You can actually do this in the default constructor. Frameworks like JSONB or Jackson expect POJOs to have a default constructor. They will call it when they create an instance of Country.

Use the @JsonbTransient or @JsonIgnore annotations to mark that attribute of your POJO as ignorable in order to avoid the unmarshaller complaining about attributes that cannot be found in the response.

 public class Country {
        private String name;
        private String alpha2Code;
        private String capital;
        private List&lt;Currency&gt; currencies;
        @JsonbTransient // if you&#39;re using JSONB (default in Quarkus)
        @JsonIgnore // if you&#39;re using Jackson
        private Instant timestamp;

        public Country() {
            this.timestamp = Instant.now();

PS The @Data annotation is something you should consider using. Encapsulation is not a bad thing but creating getters/setters is tedious. But Project Lombok certainly helps here.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年10月21日 14:58:15
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