JDK 15 下载

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JDK 15 download


我正在尝试开始使用Java编程。我访问了JAVA SE下载页面,点击了JDK 15下载,选择了Windows X64 Installer,同意了许可协议,并允许它对计算机进行更改。当向导弹出时,我按照所有提示操作。出现了一个屏幕,上面写着"Next Steps"或"关闭"。我选择了"Next Steps",然后跳转到了JDK文档页面。我已经打开了那个页面,所以我返回并选择了另一个选项,然后关闭了安装程序。我选择了Windows,向下滚动到新文件夹"Java Development Kit",当我打开它时,有一个文件,带我前往文档页面,但那里只有这些。




I'm trying to start programming in Java. I went to JAVA SE Downloads, clicked on the JDK 15 Downloads, selected Windows X64 Installer, agreed to the license, and allowed it to make changes to the computer. When the wizard popped up I followed all of the prompts. A screen came up that said Next Steps or close. I selected next steps which took me to the JDK documentation page. I already had that open so I went back and selected the other option and closed the installer. I selected the Windows, scrolled down to the new folder Java Development Kit, and when I opened it there was a file that led me to the Documentation page, but that was all that was there.

Am I missing a step? How do I get the actual JDK development environment?

Looking forward to starting programming in Java, but can't seem to get the platform started. Thanks for any advice, or questions that may help.


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当您到达向导中显示“Next Steps”和“Close”的屏幕时,基本上就完成了,JDK 已安装在您的计算机上。要验证这一点,您可以转到 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15\(通常是默认文件夹)。为了确保已将 Java 和 Java 编译器添加到您的环境变量中,请打开命令提示窗口,然后输入 java -versionjavac -version。您应该会得到这两个命令的版本号。如果在 C: 驱动器中看到 jdk-15 文件夹,但在命令提示窗口中未获得版本号,则必须将 Java 二进制目录添加到您的环境变量中。您可以在谷歌上搜索类似于“如何将 Java 添加到环境变量中”的内容,很容易找到大量教程。


When you get to the screen in the wizard that says "Next Steps" and "Close", you are pretty much set, the JDK was installed on your computer. To verify that this is the case, you can go to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15\ (which is typically the default folder). To make sure that Java and the Java Compiler were added to your environment variables, open a command prompt window and type in java -version and javac -version. You should get a version number for both of those commands. If you do see the jdk-15 folder in your C: drive but don't get the version numbers in the command prompt window, you must add the java bin directory to your environment variables. You can easily find tons of articles showing how to do this on Google by searching for something along the lines of "How to add Java to environment variables".


得分: 0

我也在Windows上使用JDK 15。在下载了JDK 15之后,打开控制面板,然后进入"系统与安全"。然后打开"系统",点击"高级系统设置"。在高级系统设置中,打开"环境变量",选择系统变量中的"Path",并点击编辑。之后,进入你安装JDK 15的java文件夹,打开其中的"bin"文件夹。复制JDK 15 bin文件夹的路径,类似这样:'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15\bin',然后添加到"Path"环境变量中。接着,在系统变量中点击新建。在变量名中输入"JAVA_HOME",在变量值中粘贴刚刚复制的JDK 15文件夹的路径,类似这样:'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15'(注意,你的文件夹路径可能与我的不同)。之后,打开命令提示符(cmd),输入"java -version"以查看你的版本。希望这对你有所帮助。


I'm using JDK 15 on windows too. After download JDK 15, open the control panel and go to system and security. After that open at system and click at advanced system settings. At advanced system setting, open enviroment variables and select path at system variables and click edit it. After that, go to folder java that you install and open the folder bin in JDK 15. Copy the destination folder JDK 15 bin like this ''C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15\bin'' and add new at path enviroment variable. After that, click new in system variable. At variable name I put JAVA_HOME and variable value, you copy the JDK 15 file path and paste like this ''C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15'' (Note that you folder is not the same as mine). After that, open cmd (command promt) and type java -version to know your version. Hope this is helpful.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年10月19日 11:18:19
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/64420702.html



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