Spring Boot可执行JAR无法找到通过java.system.class.loader JVM参数设置的类加载器。

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Spring boot runnable jar can't find classloader set via java.system.class.loader jvm parameter



|- 共同模块
|- 应用模块

在这里,应用模块将共同模块作为依赖项,我在共同模块中定义了一个自定义类加载器类。应用模块具有-Djava.system.class.loader=org.project.common.CustomClassLoader JVM参数,用于使用共同模块中定义的自定义类加载器。

在IDEA中运行Spring Boot项目时,这个设置可以完美工作。自定义类加载器被找到,设置为系统类加载器,一切正常。


java.lang.Error: org.project.common.CustomClassLoader
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.initSystemClassLoader(java.base@12.0.2/ClassLoader.java:1989)
	at java.lang.System.initPhase3(java.base@12.0.2/System.java:2132)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.project.common.CustomClassLoader
	at jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(java.base@12.0.2/BuiltinClassLoader.java:583)
	at jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(java.base@12.0.2/ClassLoaders.java:178)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.base@12.0.2/ClassLoader.java:521)
	at java.lang.Class.forName0(java.base@12.0.2/Native Method)
	at java.lang.Class.forName(java.base@12.0.2/Class.java:415)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.initSystemClassLoader(java.base@12.0.2/ClassLoader.java:1975)
	at java.lang.System.initPhase3(java.base@12.0.2/System.java:2132)




In a module structure like this:

|- common module
|- app module

Where app module has common module as a dependency, I have a custom classloader class defined in the common module. The app module has a -Djava.system.class.loader=org.project.common.CustomClassLoader jvm parameter set to use that custom classloader defined in common module.

Running a spring boot project within IDEA this works perfectly. The custom classloader is found, set as a system classloader and everything works.

Compiling a runnable jar (using default spring-boot-maven-plugin without any custom properties), the jar itself has all the classes and within it's lib directory is the common jar which has the custom classloader. However running the jar with the -Djava.system.class.loader=org.project.common.CustomClassLoader results in the following exception

java.lang.Error: org.project.common.CustomClassLoader
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.initSystemClassLoader(java.base@12.0.2/ClassLoader.java:1989)
	at java.lang.System.initPhase3(java.base@12.0.2/System.java:2132)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.project.common.CustomClassLoader
	at jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(java.base@12.0.2/BuiltinClassLoader.java:583)
	at jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(java.base@12.0.2/ClassLoaders.java:178)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.base@12.0.2/ClassLoader.java:521)
	at java.lang.Class.forName0(java.base@12.0.2/Native Method)
	at java.lang.Class.forName(java.base@12.0.2/Class.java:415)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.initSystemClassLoader(java.base@12.0.2/ClassLoader.java:1975)
	at java.lang.System.initPhase3(java.base@12.0.2/System.java:2132)

Why does this happen? Is it because in the runnable jar the classloader class is in a jar in lib directory so the classloader is trying to get set before the lib classes were added to the classpath? Is there anything I can do besides moving the classloader from common to all the other modules that need it?

EDIT: I've tried moving the custom classloader class from common module to app but I am still getting the same error. What is going on here?


得分: 2

> 在IDEA中运行Spring Boot项目,这个工作得很完美。自定义类加载器被找到,设置为系统类加载器,一切都运行正常。


> 是不是因为在可运行的jar文件中,类加载器类位于lib目录中的一个jar中,所以类加载器在将lib类添加到类路径之前就尝试设置了?

有点类似。lib目录中的类并没有被“添加到类路径”,但是可运行的Spring Boot应用程序自己的自定义类加载器知道从哪里找到这些类并且如何加载它们。


> 1. 如果在首次调用此方法时定义了系统属性java.system.class.loader,则该属性的值将被视为将作为系统类加载器返回的类的名称。
> 0. 该类使用默认的系统类加载器加载,必须定义一个公共构造函数,该构造函数接受一个类型为ClassLoader的单参数,该参数用作委托父级。
> 0. 然后使用此构造函数创建一个实例,参数为默认的系统类加载器
> 0. 所得到的类加载器被定义为系统类加载器。
> 0. 在构造过程中,类加载器应当特别注意避免调用getSystemClassLoader()。如果检测到系统类加载器的循环初始化,则抛出IllegalStateException

这里的关键因素是第3点:用户定义的系统类加载器是由默认的系统类加载器加载的。当然,后者不知道如何从嵌套的JAR中加载内容。只有在JVM完全初始化之后,Spring Boot特殊的应用程序类加载器才会启动,然后可以读取那些嵌套的JAR。

也就是说,你在这里遇到了先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题:为了在JVM初始化期间找到你的自定义类加载器,你需要使用尚未初始化的Spring Boot可运行JAR类加载器。


> 除了将类加载器从公共位置移动到需要它的所有其他模块之外,我还能做些什么吗?


  • 将应用程序打包成可运行的JAR之前,不要压缩它,以普通的Java应用程序方式运行,所有应用程序模块(特别是包含自定义类加载器的模块)都在类路径上。
  • 将自定义类加载器提取到可运行的JAR之外的一个单独模块,并在运行可运行的JAR时将其放在类路径上。
  • 通过Thread.setContextClassLoader()等方式设置自定义类加载器,而不是尝试将其用作系统类加载器,如果这是可行的选项。

更新于2020-10-28: 在文档“可执行JAR格式”中,我在“可执行JAR限制”下找到了以下内容:

> 系统类加载器:启动的应用程序在加载类时应使用Thread.getContextClassLoader()(大多数库和框架默认如此)。尝试使用ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()加载嵌套的JAR类会失败。java.util.Logging始终使用系统类加载器。因此,你应该考虑使用不同的日志记录实现。



> Running a spring boot project within IDEA this works perfectly. The custom classloader is found, set as a system classloader and everything works.

Because IDEA puts your modules on the class path and one of them contains the custom class loader.

> Is it because in the runnable jar the classloader class is in a jar in lib directory so the classloader is trying to get set before the lib classes were added to the classpath?

Kind of. The lib classes are not "added to the class path", but the runnable Spring Boot app's own custom class loader knows where to find and how to load them.

For a deeper understanding of java.system.class.loader, please read the Javadoc for ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() (slightly reformatted with added enumeration):

> 1. If the system property java.system.class.loader is defined when this method is first invoked then the value of that property is taken to be the name of a class that will be returned as the system class loader.
> 0. The class is loaded using the default system class loader and must define a public constructor that takes a single parameter of type ClassLoader which is used as the delegation parent.
> 0. An instance is then created using this constructor with the default system class loader as the parameter.
> 0. The resulting class loader is defined to be the system class loader.
> 0. During construction, the class loader should take great care to avoid calling getSystemClassLoader(). If circular initialization of the system class loader is detected then an IllegalStateException is thrown.

The decisive factor here is #3: The user-defined system class loader is loaded by the default system class loader. The latter of course has no clue about how to load something from a nested JAR. Only later, after the JVM is fully initialised and Spring Boot's special application class loader kicks in, can those nested JARs be read.

I.e. you are having a chicken vs. egg problem here: In order to find your custom class loader during JVM initialisation, you would need to use the Spring Boot runnable JAR class loader which has not been initialised yet.

If you want to know how what the Javadoc above describes is done in practice, take a look at the OpenJDK source code of ClassLoader.initSystemClassLoader().

> Is there anything I can do besides moving the classloader from common to all the other modules that need it?

Even that would not help if you insist in using the runnable JAR. What you could do is either of these:

  • Run your application without zipping it up into a runnable JAR, but as a normal Java application with all application modules (especially the one containing the custom class loader) on the class path.
  • Extract your custom class loader into a separate module outside of the runnable JAR and put it on the class path when running the runnable JAR.
  • Set your custom class loader via Thread.setContextClassLoader() or so instead of trying to use it as a system class loader, if that would be a viable option.

Update 2020-10-28: In the document "The Executable Jar Format" I found this under "Executable Jar Restrictions":

> System classLoader: Launched applications should use Thread.getContextClassLoader() when loading classes (most libraries and frameworks do so by default). Trying to load nested jar classes with ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() fails. java.util.Logging always uses the system classloader. For this reason, you should consider a different logging implementation.

This confirms what I wrote above, especially my last bullet point about using the thread context class loader.


得分: 2


  1. 使用Maven JAR插件生成JAR文件:
  1. 在命令行运行应用程序时,请使用以下命令:
java -cp target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -Dloader.path=<自定义JAR文件的路径> org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher




Assuming you want to add custom jar to the classpath with Spring, do the following:

  1. Generate the jar file with the maven jar plugin

  2. While running the application from the command line, use the below command

java -cp target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -Dloader.path=&lt;Path to the Custom Jar file&gt;

This should launch your app while loading the Custom Classloader as well

In short, the trick is, to use the -Dloader.path along with org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher


得分: 1

一个类似以下命令行启动的应用程序 -

java -cp ./lib/* com.example.Main




附注:尚未真正考虑使用“模块”,但认为上述语法仍适用于更新的 JDK(JDK 8之后)。


An application launched on the lines of -

java -cp ./lib/* com.example.Main

would ideally be sufficient.

Will need some clarity on how the application is being used.
Is the main class itself being attempted to be launched from a custom class loader (assuming its possible to do so) or whether post launch specific application related classes are required to be loaded with a custom class-loader (and associated privileges)?

Have asked those questions in the comments above (planning to update the answers here once have more clarity).

PS: Haven't really factored the use of 'modules' yet but believe the above syntax would still hold for the newer jdk's (after jdk 8).


得分: 0

对于Spring Boot应用程序,请使用-Dloader.path来添加不同的文件夹到类路径中,就像下面的示例一样:

java -cp app.jar -Dloader.path=/opt/lib/ org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher

For Spring boot application use <b>-Dloader.path</b> to add difrent folder on classpath, like in example below :

java -cp app.jar -Dloader.path=/opt/lib/ org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年10月16日 19:34:51
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/64388395.html



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