使用Stream API迭代LocalDate

huangapple go评论72阅读模式

Iterate through LocalDate wth Stream API



StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
IntStream.range(0, 3)
    .mapToObj(i -> LocalDate.now().minusDays(i))
    .forEach(currentDate -> {
        Page<User> users = userService.getAllUsersByRegistrationDate(currentDate);
        String reportTable = reportService.getReportTable(users, tableTemplate);

如何使用Stream API替换此代码或提高可读性?


I have three LocalDates (3 last days), and for each date I want to loop through and do some actions:

StringBuilder result = &quot;&quot;;
for (LocalDate currentDate = LocalDate.now(); currentDate.isAfter(LocalDate.now().minusDays(3));  currentDate = currentDate.minusDays(1)){
     Page&lt;User&gt; users = userService.getAllUsersByRegistrationDate(currentDate);
     String reportTable = reportService.getReportTable(users, tableTemplate);

How can I replace this code with Stream API or improve readability?


得分: 4

LocalDate.datesUntil(LocalDate, Period)

我认为你的代码目前看起来很好。如果你想使用流操作,或者你只是好奇它可能是什么样子,自从Java 9以来,你可以这样做:

LocalDate today = LocalDate.now(ZoneId.of("Africa/Timbuktu"));
today.datesUntil(today.minusDays(3), Period.ofDays(-1))
    .forEach(ld -> {
        System.out.println("现在正在处理日期 " + ld);


现在正在处理日期 2020-10-15
现在正在处理日期 2020-10-14
现在正在处理日期 2020-10-13


(我知道在这种情况下lambda中的花括号是不必要的,但从你的问题中看出,你可能想要为每个日期执行多个语句,因此它们是必需的。当然,如果你只想要一个方法调用,你可能只需要一行。.forEach(ld -> System.out.println("现在正在处理日期 " + ld))。)



LocalDate.datesUntil(LocalDate, Period)

I find your code fine as i stands. If you want to use a stream operation, or you’re just curious how one might look, since Java 9 you may do:

	LocalDate today = LocalDate.now(ZoneId.of(&quot;Africa/Timbuktu&quot;));
	today.datesUntil(today.minusDays(3), Period.ofDays(-1))
			.forEach(ld -&gt; {
				System.out.println(&quot;Now doing something with date &quot; + ld);

Output when running just now:

> Now doing something with date 2020-10-15
> Now doing something with date 2020-10-14
> Now doing something with date 2020-10-13

It’s not that well documented that LocalDate.datesUntil() works with a negative period, but it does and returns a stream of LocalDate objects.

(I know the curly braces in the lambda are unnecessary in this case, but it seems from your question that you wanted to do more than one statement for each date, and so they are necessary, of course. If you only wanted one method call there, you would probably want just one line. .forEach(ld -&gt; System.out.println(&quot;Now doing something with date &quot; + ld)).)

Documentation link: LocalDate.datesUntil()


得分: 3

<h3>Java 8解决方案</h3>


LocalDate currentDate = LocalDate.now();
String result = IntStream.range(0, 3)
    .map(date -> {
        Page<User> users = userService.getAllUsersByRegistrationDate(date);
        return reportService.getReportTable(users, tableTemplate);

Java 9+解决方案


三参数 Stream.iterate​(T seed, Predicate<? super T> hasNext, UnaryOperator<T> next)

LocalDate threeDaysAgo = currentDate.minusDays(3);
String result = Stream.iterate(
        date -> date.isAfter(threeDaysAgo), 
        date -> date.minusDays(1))
    .map(date -> {
        Page<User> users = userService.getAllUsersByRegistrationDate(date);
        return reportService.getReportTable(users, tableTemplate);

一个新方法 Stream::takeWhile(Predicate<? super T> predicate)

LocalDate threeDaysAgo = currentDate.minusDays(3);
String result = Stream.iterate(LocalDate.now(), date -> date.minusDays(1))
    .takeWhile(date -> date.isAfter(threeDaysAgo))
    .map(date -> {
         Page<User> users = userService.getAllUsersByRegistrationDate(date);
         return reportService.getReportTable(users, tableTemplate);


免责声明:我认为使用for循环更易读。不要期望将“转换”为Stream API的for循环会自动增加可读性和简洁性。对于许多情况,事实并非如此。


&lt;h3&gt;Java 8 solution&lt;/h3&gt;

If you are really stick with [tag:java-8], all you can do is to create a sequence of `LocalDate` using an `IntStream` of that many days you want to go to past with. Then `mapToObj` to create a relevant `LocalDate`.

LocalDate currentDate = LocalDate.now();
String result = IntStream.range(0, 3)
.map(date -> {
Page<User> users = userService.getAllUsersByRegistrationDate(date);
return reportService.getReportTable(users, tableTemplate);


&lt;h3&gt;Java 9+ solutions&lt;/h3&gt;

If you use [tag:java-9] or later, you can the advantage of infinite Stream and keep generating items until a certain condition is met.

**Three-args** [`Stream.iterate​(T seed, Predicate&lt;? super T&gt; hasNext, UnaryOperator&lt;T&gt; next)`][1]

LocalDate threeDaysAgo = currentDate.minusDays(3);
String result = Stream.iterate(
date -> date.isAfter(threeDaysAgo),
date -> date.minusDays(1))
.map(date -> {
Page<User> users = userService.getAllUsersByRegistrationDate(date);
return reportService.getReportTable(users, tableTemplate);

**A new method** [`Stream::takeWhile(Predicate&lt;? super T&gt; predicate)`][2]

LocalDate threeDaysAgo = currentDate.minusDays(3);
String result = Stream.iterate(LocalDate.now(), date -> date.minusDays(1))
.takeWhile(date -> date.isAfter(threeDaysAgo))
.map(date -> {
Page<User> users = userService.getAllUsersByRegistrationDate(date);
return reportService.getReportTable(users, tableTemplate);


All the examples above generate 3 `LocalDate` instances, since today is `2020-10-15`, they will have for past 3 days: `2020-10-15`, `2020-10-14`, `2020-10-13` and offer them for further processing through `Stream&lt;LocalDate&gt;`.

**Disclaimer**: I find the for-loop more readable. Don&#39;t expect &quot;converted&quot; for-loop into Stream API adds readability and brevity automatically. For a lot of cases, it doesn&#39;t.

  [1]: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/util/stream/Stream.html#iterate-T-java.util.function.Predicate-java.util.function.UnaryOperator-
  [2]: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/util/stream/Stream.html#takeWhile-java.util.function.Predicate-


  • 本文由 发表于 2020年10月15日 20:52:33
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/64372028.html



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