Sure, here’s the translation: Java – Getter/Setter, 行为和接口

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Java - Getter/Setter, behavior and Interfaces





interface ReportInterface {
    void execute();

class Report implements ReportInterface {

    private final Repository rep;

    Report(Repository ref) {
        this.rep = ref;

    public void execute() {

class ReportWithSetter implements ReportInterface {

    private final Repository rep;
    private String release;

    ReportWithSetter(Repository ref) {
        rep = ref;

    public void execute() {
        if (release == null) throw IlligalArgumentException("release未指定");

    public void setRelease(String release) {
        this.release = release;

第二个报告需要额外的参数 release 才能正常工作,但是我的接口在 execute 方法中没有参数,所以我通过一个设置器方法来解决这个问题,代码如下:

ReportWithSetter rep2 = new ReportWithSetter(rep);

所以我不喜欢这个额外的 rep.setRelease。它看起来奇怪而且不自然 - 这个类的用户可能会感到困惑,例如,如果我在Spring中将这个类定义为单例bean,那么当第二次请求这个bean时,如果有人忘记为第二次请求触发 rep.setRelease,就会产生潜在的错误。除了将其放入构造函数中(我希望将其作为Spring bean),在处理这种情况时有什么最佳实践呢?


I have a question, a little bit theoretical:

Assume, I have the following classes :

interface ReportInterface {
     void execute();

class Report implements ReportInterface {

  private final Repository rep; 

  Report(Repository ref){
     this.rep = ref;

  public void execute(){
     //do some logic

class ReportWithSetter implements ReportInterface {

  private final Repository rep;
  private String release;

  ReportWithSetter(Repository ref){
     rep = ref;

  public void execute(){
     if (release == null) throw IlligalArgumentException("release is not specified");
     //do some logic
  public void setRelease(String release){

The second report needs an additional parameter release to work properly, but my interface is defined without parameters for execute method, so I work around it with a setter method, so it would look like:

ReportWithSetter rep2 = new ReportWithSetter (rep);

So I don't like this additional rep.setRelease. I looks weird and artificial - a user of this class may be confused, and for example, if I make the class as a singleton bean in Spring, it is a source of potential error, if it is requested for the second time and somebody forgets to trigger rep.setRelease for the second time. Besides putting it into constructor (I want to make it a spring bean), what would be the best practice to handling this situation?


得分: 5


解决方案 #1

void execute(Optional<String> release);


void execute(@Nullable String release);

然后在 Report 类中使用它们,如 execute(Optional.empty())execute(null)

解决方案 #2

void execute(String... release);

然后在 Report 类中使用它,如 execute(),在 ReportWithSetter 类中使用它,如 execute("R1.1")

解决方案 #3

在接口中定义两个方法:void execute();void execute(String release);。然后,在实现时,在不需要的方法中抛出 UnsupportedOperationException。例如,在 Report 类中,你可以这样做:

public void execute(){

public void execute(String release){
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("请使用重载的方法");




Assuming you are allowed to change the interface, here are a few solutions I can think of:

Solution #1

void execute(Optional&lt;String&gt; release);


void execute(@Nullable String release);

and then use them for Report class as execute(Optional.empty()) or execute(null).

Solution #2

void execute(String... release);

and then use it for Report class as execute() and for ReportWithSetter class as execute(&quot;R1.1&quot;).

Solution #3

Define both void execute(); and void execute(String release); in the interface. Then while implementing, throw UnsupportedOperationException in the method you don't need. For example, in Report class, you would do:

  public void execute(){
     //do some logic

  public void execute(String release){
     throw new UnsupportedOperationException(&quot;Use the overloaded method&quot;);

You can also make both these methods as default in the interface, so your implementation classes don't have to worry about implementing the unsupported method.


Use whichever is most readable and maintainable for you.


得分: 2

**解决方案1:Spring 依赖注入 - 字段注入:**

Spring 的依赖注入使用反射,因此不需要 Setter 方法。<br>
因此,如果将 Report 类设置为 Spring Bean,并使用 @Autowired 注解来注入另一个 Bean,那么就不需要 Setter 方法。<br>

    class ReportWithRelease implements ReportInterface {
    @Autowired private final Repository rep;
    @Autowired private Release release;
    public void execute(){
      if (release == null) throw IlligalArgumentException("未指定 release");
        // 执行一些逻辑

我将 "String release" 更改为 "Release release",因为创建一个 "String" 类型的 Bean 也会很奇怪。所以 "Release" 类必须包含您的 "String release" 内容。

如果 "String release" 只包含一些在运行时不会更改的配置值。那么您可以使用 @Value 注解从属性文件中读取其 String 值。

**解决方案2:Spring 构造函数注入:**

这样,您的 Report Bean 将如下所示:

    class ReportWithRelease implements ReportInterface {
    private Repository rep;
    private Release release;

    public ReportWithRelease(Repository rep, Release release) {
      this.rep = rep;
      this.release = release;
    public void execute(){
      if (release == null) throw IlligalArgumentException("未指定 release");
        // 执行一些逻辑

Solution 1: Spring Dependency Injection - Field Injection:

Spring's Dependency Injection works with reflection, so Setter methods are not required.<br>
So if you make your Report class a Spring Bean and use @Autowired to inject another bean, then the Setter method is not required.<br>
It would look like this:

class ReportWithRelease implements ReportInterface {

@Autowired private final Repository rep;
@Autowired private Release release;

public void execute(){
  if (release == null) throw IlligalArgumentException(&quot;release is not specified&quot;);
    //do some logic

I changed "String release" to "Release release", because making a bean of "String" would be also strange. So the "Release" class would have to contain your "String release".

If "String release" contains only some configured value, which does not change at runtime. Then you can use @Value to read its String value from a properties file.

Solution 2: Spring Constructor Injection:

Constructor injection is another option, which is even more recommended.
Then your Report bean would look like this:

class ReportWithRelease implements ReportInterface {

private Repository rep;
private Release release;

public ReportWithRelease(Repository rep, Release release) {
  this.rep = rep;
  this.release = release;

public void execute(){
  if (release == null) throw IlligalArgumentException(&quot;release is not specified&quot;);
    //do some logic


得分: 0


class MyFactory {
       ReportInterface createInstance(Class clazz, String... args) {
           if (Report.class.equals(clazz)) {
               return new Report();
           if (ReportWithSetter.class.equals(clazz)) {
               return new ReportWithSetter(args[0]);
           throw new IllegalArgumentException(clazz.getName());

Factory method patterns are good if you want to create instances of different classes of same interface.

class MyFactory {
       ReportInterface createInstance(Class clazz, String... args) {
           if (Report.class.equals(clazz)) {
               return new Report();
           if (ReportWithSetter.class.equals(clazz)) {
               return new ReportWithSetter(args[0]);
           throw new IllegalArgumentException(clazz.getName());


得分: 0



class ReportFactory /*ReportWithSetter*/ {

  private final Repository rep;
  private final String release;

  private final ReportInterface report = ...;

  ReportFactory (Repository rep, String release) {
     this.rep = rep;
     this.release = release;

  public ReportInterface report() {
      return report;

new ReportFactory(rep, release).execute();



Spring of course offers autowiring, but introducing @AutoWire should be done for systematic purposes.

Here you can do with a two-stage execute, a factory.

class ReportFactory /*ReportWithSetter*/ {

  private final Repository rep;
  private final String release;

  private final ReportInterface report = ...;

  ReportFactory (Repository rep, String release) {
     this.rep = rep;
     this.release = release;

  public ReportInterface report() {
      return report;

new ReportFactory(rep, release).execute();

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年10月12日 13:06:12
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