使用Maven构建带有仅依赖项的”fat” JAR。

huangapple go评论84阅读模式

Build fat jar in maven with dependencies only





java -cp core.lib.jar:core.jar myApp


有很多关于如何使用Java源代码构建fat JAR的文档,但我想将它们排除在外,独立地交付给服务器。

有两个用于构建fat JAR的Maven插件:assembly和shade。我想使用shade插件。


当我运行mvn -pl core shade:shade时,我会得到错误:core:无法创建阴影化的构件,项目的主构件不存在




我将phase设置为none,因为我不想在运行package时创建fat JAR。我希望运行mvn shade:shade并获得更新后的fat JAR。

我不是Maven或其插件的专家,所以非常感谢任何帮助 使用Maven构建带有仅依赖项的”fat” JAR。


I use maven-shade-plugin in my java project.

I have a module called core and i would like to pack all its dependencies into one single jar. I don't wan't to create fat big jar every time and deploy it along with my application code. My application jar has size < 1 MB but dependencies > 20 MB

On my server i would run my application like:

java -cp core.lib.jar:core.jar myApp

I need to deploy only core.jar to my server when i change application code and need to upload core.lib.jar only when i change dependencies (this is very rare).

There's a lot of docs how to build fat jar with java sources but i want to exclude them and deliver it to the server independently.

There is two maven plugins for building fat jar: assembly and shade. I want to stick with shade.


When i run mvn -pl core shade:shade i get error: core: Failed to create shaded artifact, project main artifact does not exist

I thought that that option:
would exclude my sources from the artifact.

I set phase to none because i don't want to create fat jar when i want to run package.
I would like to run mvn shade:shade and have updated fat jar.

I'm not an expert in maven or its plugins, so any help is very appreciated 使用Maven构建带有仅依赖项的”fat” JAR。


得分: 1

我自己没有使用过 shade 插件,所以无法提供实际指导,不过看起来你需要一个多模块的 Maven 项目:

  1. 重新组织你的项目(移动文件夹)使其结构如下:
  |    |__src 
  |    |  |__main(以及所有生产源代码/资源)
  |    |  |__test(所有测试/测试资源)
  |    |__pom.xml
  |    |__pom.xml

my-project/pom.xml 可以是一个“多模块”聚合器:它应该有 &lt;packaging&gt;pom&lt;/packaging&gt;,并包含以下内容:


现在 app 模块可以是你编写应用程序代码的地方。它会经常变化,但不会生成任何大型的 JAR 文件 - 只会生成一个普通的 JAR,其中只包含来自此模块的已编译代码(在你的示例中,这将是一个 1MB 的构件)。

core-lib 模块将在其 pom.xml 中包含 shade/assembly 插件的定义,并且该模块将负责创建“大型 JAR”。在其 dependences 部分中,它将列出所有你需要很少更改的第三方依赖/代码(在你的情况下,那个大小为 20MB 的构件)。

如果需要的话,“app” 模块可以依赖于“core-lib” 模块,以便应用程序可以访问来自该库的类。


cd my-project/app
mvn package


cd my-project
mvn package



I haven't used shade plugin by myself so I can't provide any practical guidance, however it seems like you need a multi-module maven project:

  1. Refactor your project (move the folders) to look like this:
  |    |__src 
  |    |  |__main( (and all the production sources/resources inside)
  |    |  |__test (all the tests/test resources inside)
  |    |__pom.xml
  |    |__pom.xml
  |__  pom.xml

my-project/pom.xml could be a "multi-module" aggregator: it should have &lt;packaging&gt;pom&lt;/packaging&gt; and have the following:


Now app module could be a place where you write the code of your application. It will change often, but it won't produce any fat jar - only a regular jar with a compiled code from this module only (in your example, it will be 1mb artifact).

The core-lib module will be a module that in it's pom.xml will contain the definitions of the shade / assembly plugin and this module will be responsible for the creation of the "fat jar". In its dependences section it will list all the 3rd party dependencies/code that you'll have to change 'rarely' (in your case, the one with 20 mb artifact).

If you need that, the "app" module could depend on "core-lib" module so that the application will have an access to the classes from the library.

So your usual workflow will be:

cd my-project/app
mvn package

If you want to build both application and core-libraries, then:

cd my-project
mvn package

You can read about multi modules here or here


得分: 0




现在我可以运行mvn -pl core shade:shade并且只有依赖项的厚Jar文件 使用Maven构建带有仅依赖项的”fat” JAR。


I needed to move this block under plugin / configuration


Used to be in executions block.

Now i can run mvn -pl core shade:shade and have fat jar with dependencies only 使用Maven构建带有仅依赖项的”fat” JAR。

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年10月12日 06:08:21
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/64309475.html



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