自类型 – 要求在类型约束内部有一个类型

huangapple go评论56阅读模式

Self-type - requiring a type within a type bound





interface Base<TYPE extends Base<TYPE>> {
  default <CAST extends TYPE> CAST as(Class<? extends CAST> type) {
    if (type.isInstance(this)) {
      return type.cast(this);
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();

interface FirstIface<TYPE extends FirstIface<TYPE>> extends Base<TYPE> { }
class FirstClassA implements FirstIface<FirstClassA> { }
class FirstClassB implements FirstIface<FirstClassB> { }

interface SecondIface<TYPE extends SecondIface<TYPE>> extends Base<TYPE> { }
class SecondClassA implements SecondIface<SecondClassA> { }
class SecondClassB implements SecondIface<SecondClassB> { }

interface ThirdIface<TYPE extends ThirdIface<TYPE>> extends FirstIface<TYPE>, SecondIface<TYPE> { }
class ThirdClassA implements ThirdIface<ThirdClassA> { }
class ThirdClassB implements ThirdIface<ThirdClassB> { }


FirstIface<?> i = new FirstClassA();
FirstClassA a = i.as(FirstClassA.class); // 期望:编译通过,现在:编译错误
FirstClassB b = i.as(FirstClassB.class); // 期望:运行时异常,现在:编译错误


SecondIface<?> i = new SecondClassA();
SecondClassA a = i.as(SecondClassA.class); // 现在和期望:编译错误
SecondClassB b = i.as(SecondClassB.class); // 现在和期望:编译错误



I am wondering if it is possible to restrain a method declared on an interface to require a type within a type bound. In effect, I'd like to offer a method for casting a type that is somewhat type-safe in the absense of being able to provide real type-safety.

As an example, consider a hierarchy with a base type Base which is inherited via an intermediate interface. Typically, one knows about a type being of interface FirstInterface but not what specific class is implementing it. I'd like a method that allows casting to either implementation of an interface without allowing to cast to other implementations of Base as demonstrated in the following example:

interface Base&lt;TYPE extends Base&lt;TYPE&gt;&gt; {
  default &lt;CAST extends TYPE&gt; CAST as(Class&lt;? extends CAST&gt; type) {
    if (type.isInstance(this)) {
      return type.cast(this);
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();

interface FirstIface&lt;TYPE extends FirstIface&lt;TYPE&gt;&gt; extends Base&lt;TYPE&gt; { }
class FirstClassA implements FirstIface&lt;FirstClassA&gt; { }
class FirstClassB implements FirstIface&lt;FirstClassB&gt; { }

interface SecondIface&lt;TYPE extends SecondIface&lt;TYPE&gt;&gt; extends Base&lt;TYPE&gt; { }
class SecondClassA implements SecondIface&lt;SecondClassA&gt; { }
class SecondClassB implements SecondIface&lt;SecondClassB&gt; { }

interface ThirdIface&lt;TYPE extends ThirdIface&lt;TYPE&gt;&gt; extends FirstIface&lt;TYPE&gt;, SecondIface&lt;TYPE&gt; { }
class ThirdClassA implements ThirdIface&lt;ThirdClassA&gt; { }
class ThirdClassB implements ThirdIface&lt;ThirdClassB&gt; { }

I'd hope to being able to make the following code compile in Java:

FirstIface&lt;?&gt; i = new FirstClassA();
FirstClassA a = i.as(FirstClassA.class); // desired: compiles, now: compiler error
FirstClassB b = i.as(FirstClassB.class); // desired: runtime exception, now: compiler error

The same should work for the hierarchy of ThirdIFace, whereas the following code should render a compiler error:

SecondIface&lt;?&gt; i = new SecondClassA();
SecondClassA a = i.as(SecondClassA.class); // now and desired: compiler error
SecondClassB b = i.as(SecondClassB.class); // now and desired: compiler error

Is there any way to declare Base.as to withhold this requirement? The code is auto-generated, so it would also be possible to provide an override in the interfaces which are auto-generated (as are the classes). When overrides are used, a scenario of SecondIface extends FirstIface.


得分: 1


即使在解决没有类型变量的问题后,比如中间自身类型(在您的示例中为FirstIface&lt;?&gt;),编译器也会推断SUPER==Object(或SUPER==Base&lt;?&gt;),以满足SUB extends SUPER的要求。






  1. 使用静态方法进行转换,并且
  2. 避免在调用点使用类型推断,因为javac会愉快地推断出Object作为超类型,以使代码编译通过。


public class Hello {
    interface Base<TYPE extends Base<TYPE>> {}

    interface FirstIface<TYPE extends FirstIface<TYPE>> extends Base<TYPE> {}

    static final class FirstClassA implements FirstIface<FirstClassA> { }
    static final class FirstClassB implements FirstIface<FirstClassB> { }

    interface SecondIface<TYPE extends SecondIface<TYPE>> extends Base<TYPE> { }

    static final class SecondClassA implements SecondIface<SecondClassA> { }
    static final class SecondClassB implements SecondIface<SecondClassB> { }

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        FirstIface<?> i = new FirstClassA();

        FirstClassA a = Hello.<FirstIface<?>, FirstClassA>as(i, FirstClassA.class); // works
        FirstClassB b = Hello.<FirstIface<?>, FirstClassB>as(i, FirstClassB.class); // runtime error

        SecondClassA c = Hello.<FirstIface<?>, SecondClassA>as(i, SecondClassA.class); // compile error
        SecondClassB d = Hello.<FirstIface<?>, SecondClassB>as(i, SecondClassB.class); // compile error

    static <SUPER, SUB extends SUPER> SUB as(SUPER obj, Class<? extends SUB> c) {
        return (SUB) obj;

If your goal is to only allow calls that are likely to succeed, with likely to succeed meaning that we know (statically) that SUB is a subtype of SUPER when attempting to cast an instance of type SUPER to type SUB, I'm not sure that is possible.

A problem, even after overcoming the issue of not having a type variable for, let's say, the intermediate self type (FirstIface&lt;?&gt; in your example), is that the compiler will infer SUPER==Object (or SUPER==Base&lt;?&gt;) if necessary to satisfy SUB extends SUPER.

> The code is auto-generated, so it would also be possible to provide an override in the interfaces which are auto-generated

I don't think that would help. The goal would be for methods in sub-interfaces to have more restrictive parameter types than what is declared in the supertype, but parameter types are not covariant (covariant parameter types would violate the Liskov substitution principle)

> But since the wildcard could be any subtype of FirstIface, it does not allow for any subtype of FirstIFace

Yeah. We only have 1) the self type variable TYPE which is for the final implementing type, and 2) a type for the Base interface. We don't have a way to write down the type for the intermediate type information that is known at the call site.

I suspect the closest approximation to your goal would be to:

  1. Use a static method for the cast, and
  2. Avoid use of type inference at the call site, since javac will happily infer Object for the supertype to make the code compile.

Of course, this isn't a good solution, since avoiding type inference is impractical. Here is a full example:

public class Hello {
    interface Base&lt;TYPE extends Base&lt;TYPE&gt;&gt; {}

    interface FirstIface&lt;TYPE extends FirstIface&lt;TYPE&gt;&gt; extends Base&lt;TYPE&gt; {}

    static final class FirstClassA implements FirstIface&lt;FirstClassA&gt; { }
    static final class FirstClassB implements FirstIface&lt;FirstClassB&gt; { }

    interface SecondIface&lt;TYPE extends SecondIface&lt;TYPE&gt;&gt; extends Base&lt;TYPE&gt; { }

    static final class SecondClassA implements SecondIface&lt;SecondClassA&gt; { }
    static final class SecondClassB implements SecondIface&lt;SecondClassB&gt; { }

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        FirstIface&lt;?&gt; i = new FirstClassA();

        FirstClassA a = Hello.&lt;FirstIface&lt;?&gt;, FirstClassA&gt;as(i, FirstClassA.class); // works
        FirstClassB b = Hello.&lt;FirstIface&lt;?&gt;, FirstClassB&gt;as(i, FirstClassB.class); // runtime error

        SecondClassA c = Hello.&lt;FirstIface&lt;?&gt;, SecondClassA&gt;as(i, SecondClassA.class); // compile error
        SecondClassB d = Hello.&lt;FirstIface&lt;?&gt;, SecondClassB&gt;as(i, SecondClassB.class); // compile error

    static &lt;SUPER, SUB extends SUPER&gt; SUB as(SUPER obj, Class&lt;? extends SUB&gt; c) {
        return (SUB) obj;


得分: 0

    接口 Base<TYPE extends Base<TYPE, BASE>, BASE extends Base<?, ?>> {

        默认 <CAST extends BASE> CAST as(Class<CAST> type) {
            如果 (type.isInstance(this)) {
                返回 type.cast(this);
            } 否则 {
                抛出新的 IllegalArgumentException();

    接口 FirstIface<TYPE extends FirstIface<TYPE>> 扩展 Base<TYPE, FirstIface<?>> {}
    静态类 FirstClassA 实现 FirstIface<FirstClassA> {}
    静态类 FirstClassB 实现 FirstIface<FirstClassB> {}

    接口 SecondIface<TYPE extends SecondIface<TYPE>> 扩展 Base<TYPE, SecondIface<?>> {}
    静态类 SecondClassA 实现 SecondIface<SecondClassA> {}
    静态类 SecondClassB 实现 SecondIface<SecondClassB> {}

    公共静态无返回 main(字符串... 参数) {
            FirstIface<?> i = new FirstClassA();
            FirstClassA a = i.as(FirstClassA.class);
            FirstClassB b = i.as(FirstClassB.class); // 运行时异常
            SecondClassA x = i.as(SecondClassA.class); // 编译异常
            SecondClassB y = i.as(SecondClassB.class); // 编译异常
            SecondIface<?> i = new SecondClassA();
            FirstClassA a = i.as(FirstClassA.class); // 编译异常
            FirstClassB b = i.as(FirstClassB.class); // 编译异常
            SecondClassA x = i.as(SecondClassA.class);
            SecondClassB y = i.as(SecondClassB.class); // 运行时异常
        new FirstClassA().as(FirstClassB.class); // 不幸的是,这个编译通过 :-(

The best solution I could come up with is:

    interface Base&lt;TYPE extends Base&lt;TYPE, BASE&gt;, BASE extends Base&lt;?, ?&gt;&gt; {

        default &lt;CAST extends BASE&gt; CAST as(Class&lt;CAST&gt; type) {
            if (type.isInstance(this)) {
                return type.cast(this);
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    interface FirstIface&lt;TYPE extends FirstIface&lt;TYPE&gt;&gt; extends Base&lt;TYPE, FirstIface&lt;?&gt;&gt; {}
    static class FirstClassA implements FirstIface&lt;FirstClassA&gt; {}
    static class FirstClassB implements FirstIface&lt;FirstClassB&gt; {}

    interface SecondIface&lt;TYPE extends SecondIface&lt;TYPE&gt;&gt; extends Base&lt;TYPE, SecondIface&lt;?&gt;&gt; {}
    static class SecondClassA implements SecondIface&lt;SecondClassA&gt; {}
    static class SecondClassB implements SecondIface&lt;SecondClassB&gt; {}

    public static void main(String... args) {
            FirstIface&lt;?&gt; i = new FirstClassA();
            FirstClassA a = i.as(FirstClassA.class);
            FirstClassB b = i.as(FirstClassB.class); // runtime exception
            SecondClassA x = i.as(SecondClassA.class); // compile exception
            SecondClassB y = i.as(SecondClassB.class); // compile exception
            SecondIface&lt;?&gt; i = new SecondClassA();
            FirstClassA a = i.as(FirstClassA.class); // compile exception
            FirstClassB b = i.as(FirstClassB.class); // compile exception
            SecondClassA x = i.as(SecondClassA.class);
            SecondClassB y = i.as(SecondClassB.class); // runtime exception
        new FirstClassA().as(FirstClassB.class); // unfortunately, this compiles fine :-(


得分: 0


    interface Base {
        default <CAST extends FirstIface> CAST as(Class<CAST> type) {
            if (type.isInstance(this)) {
                return type.cast(this);
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    interface FirstIface extends Base { }
    class FirstClassA implements FirstIface { }
    class FirstClassB implements FirstIface { }
    interface SecondIface extends Base { }
    class SecondClassA implements SecondIface { }
    class SecondClassB implements SecondIface { }
    public class Generics {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            FirstIface i = new FirstClassA();
            FirstClassA a = i.as(FirstClassA.class);
            FirstClassB b = i.as(FirstClassB.class); // runtime exception
            SecondIface j = new SecondClassA();
            SecondClassA c = j.as(SecondClassA.class); // compiler error
            SecondClassB d = j.as(SecondClassB.class); // compiler error

If you know the FirstIface when generating the Base interface without all the generics madness:

interface Base {
default &lt;CAST extends FirstIface&gt; CAST as(Class&lt;CAST&gt; type) {
if (type.isInstance(this)) {
return type.cast(this);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
interface FirstIface extends Base { }
class FirstClassA implements FirstIface { }
class FirstClassB implements FirstIface { }
interface SecondIface extends Base { }
class SecondClassA implements SecondIface { }
class SecondClassB implements SecondIface { }
public class Generics {
public static void main(String[] args) {
FirstIface i = new FirstClassA();
FirstClassA a = i.as(FirstClassA.class);
FirstClassB b = i.as(FirstClassB.class); // runtime exception
SecondIface j = new SecondClassA();
SecondClassA c = j.as(SecondClassA.class); // compiler error
SecondClassB d = j.as(SecondClassB.class); // compiler error

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年10月8日 17:47:59
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/64259947.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
