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Executing command in ProcessBuilder does not seem to work for "java" commands in Windows (Kotlin)


  1. 目前正在尝试以编程方式执行一个 .jar 文件。但为了测试 Java,我尝试运行以下代码:
  2. ```java
  3. val p = ProcessBuilder("cmd.exe", "/c", "java", "-version").start()
  4. val results: List<String> = p.inputStream.bufferedReader().readLines()
  5. assertThat("Results should contain java version: ", results, hasItem(containsString("java version")))



  1. val pb = ProcessBuilder("cmd.exe", "/c", "echo", "hello world")

我已经尝试过在 Java 可执行文件所在的工作目录中添加工作目录,但什么都没有发生。
我已经想尽了办法,不知道如何使这个工作。如果我在命令提示符中输入 java -version,我可以得到版本信息。


  1. <details>
  2. <summary>英文:</summary>
  3. Currently trying to execute a .jar file programmatically. But to test out java, I tried running the the following:

val p = ProcessBuilder("cmd.exe", "/c", "java", "-version").start()
val results: List<String> = p.inputStream.bufferedReader().readLines()
assertThat("Results should contain java version: ", results, hasItem(containsString("java version")))

  1. However, nothing seems to output.
  2. I am successfully able to run:

val pb = ProcessBuilder("cmd.exe", "/c", "echo", "hello world")

  1. I have tried adding a working directory where the java executable is located, but nothing happens.
  2. I am running out of ideas on how to make this work. If I run cmd and type out `java -version` I get the version information.
  3. What else could I do to get this to work?
  4. </details>
  5. # 答案1
  6. **得分**: 2
  7. `ProcessBuilder`将命令`java -version`的结果写入错误输出`Process.errorStream`,而不是`Process.inputStream`
  8. 尝试以下代码:
  9. ```koltin
  10. val results: List<String> = p.errorStream.bufferedReader().readLines()


这是一个基于Java ProcessBuilder的小型Kotlin库,用于运行进程并执行命令。

你可以使用timeout = 120秒来运行java进程:

  1. val koproc = "java -jar some.jar".startProcess { timeoutSec = 120 }
  2. koproc.use {
  3. println("Out: ${it.readAvailableOut}")
  4. println("Err: ${it.readAvailableErrOut}")
  5. }
  6. println("Full result after closing: ${koproc.result}")


  1. // 在超时后,'cmd.exe'进程将被关闭
  2. val commandResult = "cmd.exe dirs".startCommand { timeoutSec = 1 }
  3. // 但你将获得输出
  4. println("Out: ${commandResult.out}")



ProcessBuilder writes the result of command java -version to error output Process.errorStream, not Process.inputStream.

Try this code:

  1. val results: List&lt;String&gt; = p.errorStream.bufferedReader().readLines()

Also you may try Koproc lib

It's a small Kotlin lib to run process and execute commands based on Java ProcessBuilder

You may run java process with timeout = 120 sec :

  1. val koproc = &quot;java -jar some.jar&quot;.startProcess { timeoutSec = 120 }
  2. koproc.use {
  3. println(&quot;Out: ${it.readAvailableOut}&quot;)
  4. println(&quot;Err: ${it.readAvailableErrOut}&quot;)
  5. }
  6. println(&quot;Full result after closing: ${koproc.result}&quot;)

Run cmd command:

  1. // &#39;cmd.exe&#39; process will be closed after timeout
  2. val commandResult = &quot;cmd.exe dirs&quot;.startCommand { timeoutSec = 1 }
  3. // But you will get the output
  4. println(&quot;Out: ${commandResult.out}&quot;)

See examples in unit tests: https://github.com/kochetkov-ma/koproc/blob/main/src/test/kotlin/ru/iopump/koproc/ExtensionKtIT.kt

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年10月7日 03:17:39
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/64232432.html



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