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Generic type container in Java



public interface GenericDataContainer<T>

我希望实现这个接口的类能够有一个底层结构来保存类型为 T 的数据。然而,我还想要追踪添加数据的人。在 GenericDataContainer 接口中,添加对象到容器的方法可能会声明如下:

public void put(String added_by, T obj);


假设我有一个结构,比如一个 HashMap,用来追踪我拥有的用户,假设我通过他们的 name 字符串来识别用户。我怎样将我容器中的 T 对象与添加它的用户的 String 关联起来?


T obj;
String added_by;


假设我还想允许某些用户访问对象,而不仅仅是所有者;我能否向这样的包装对象中添加一个 String 数组,以跟踪被授予访问权限的用户?


public interface SecureDataContainer<T> {
    public void createUser(String id, String passw);
    // 根据所有者统计添加的元素数量
    public int getSize(String owner, String passw);
    public boolean put(String owner, String passw, T data);

    public T get(String owner, String passw, T data);

    public T remove(String owner, String passw, T data);
    public void copy(String owner, String passw, T data);
    // 允许其他用户访问对象
    public void share(String owner, String passw, String other, T data);

    public Iterator<T> getIterator(String owner, String passw);

Let's say I want to create a generic type container in Java, using an interface like this:

public interface GenericDataContainer&lt;T&gt;

I want classes that'll implement this interface to have an underlying structure to hold data of type T. However, I also want to keep track of who a piece of data was added by. In the GenericDataContainer interface, a method to add an object to the container might have a declaration like this:

public void put(String added_by, T obj);

I am just getting started with generics, and also Java in general, so I'm not sure what the best way to go about this would be.

Let's say I have a structure, like a HashMap that keeps track of what users I have, and let's say I identify users by their name String. How would I go about associating a T object inside my container to the String of the user who added it?

Would I wrap the object into a wrapper class that has two members:

T obj;
String added_by;

or is there a better way?

Let's say I also want to be able to allow certain users to access the object, not just the owner; could I just add an array of Strings to such wrapper object to keep track of users who were granted access?

This is what the whole interface specification is like (please don't critique it: I have no control over the specification)

public interface SecureDataContainer&lt;T&gt;{
    public void createUser(String id, String passw);
    // number of elements added by owner
    public int getSize(String owner, String passw);
    public boolean put(String owner, String passw, T data);

    public T get(String owner, String passw, T data);

    public T remove(String owner, String passw, T data);
    public void copy(String owner, String passw, T data);
    // enable another user to access the object
    public void share(String owner, String passw, String other, T data);

    public Iterator&lt;T&gt;getIterator(String owner, String passw);


得分: 2


public class OwnedData<T> {
  private final OwnerId owner;
  private final T data;

  // 构造函数接受 owner/data … 或许还有 getter 方法



但是没错,这将是一种处理方法。当然,然后你需要考虑如何正确实现该类的 equals()hashCode() 方法,以确保对象可以被清楚地区分。




What you outlined makes sense, you could do something like:

public class OwnedData&lt;T&gt; {
  private final OwnerId owner;
  private final T data;

  // constructor taking owner/data ... getters maybe


(Note: it makes more sense to have a distinct type that denotes Owners, you might have two different users named "Carl", so better prepare yourself to be not rely just on a String name to identify owners)

But yes, that would be one way to go about this. Of course, you then have to think to correctly implement equals() and hashCode() for that class, to ensure that objects can be clearly distinguished.

Yet, in the real world, things are of course much more complicated. Permission models are complicated. You have to think not only about users, but also about "roles". Or groups of users. Or some data being read-only, some data being read/writeable.

In other words: there are many different requirements that a permission system might have to fulfil. Therefore we can't tell you what is best for you, as nobody here knows your specific requirements!


得分: 0

Sure, here's the translated content:



import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

interface GenericDataContainer<T> {
    public void put(String added_by, T obj);

class HashMapBasedContainer<T> implements GenericDataContainer<T> {

    // 如果此部分位于其他地方,请确保可以从此处访问
    Map<String, T> mapper = new HashMap<>();

    public void put(String added_by, T obj) {
        this.mapper.put(added_by, obj);





> Let's say I have a structure, like a HashMap that keeps track of what
> users I have, and let's say I identify users by their name String. How
> would I go about associating a T object inside my container to the
> String of the user who added it?

What's wrong with :

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

interface GenericDataContainer&lt;T&gt; {
    public void put(String added_by, T obj);

class HashMapBasedContainer&lt;T&gt; implements GenericDataContainer&lt;T&gt; {

    //if this lives somewhere else, make sure it&#39;s accessible from here
    Map&lt;String, T&gt; mapper = new HashMap&lt;&gt;();

    public void put(String added_by, T obj) {
        this.mapper.put(added_by, obj);

> Let's say I also want to be able to allow certain users to access the
> object, not just the owner; could I just add an array of Strings to
> such wrapper object to keep track of users who were granted access?

You could implement the interface again in a version that does exactly that.


得分: 0

如果用户只能向您的集合中添加单个对象,那么Map<String, T>就足够了。

myMap.put(ownerString, dataOfTypeT)

如果您希望单个用户能够向您的集合中添加多个数据,则需要创建一个Map<String, List<T>>


class MyContainer<T> {
   private Map<String, List<T>> backingMap = new HashMap<>();

   public void put(String userName, T data) {
     if (!backingMap.containsKey(userName)) {
        backingMap.put(userName, new ArrayList<>());

   public List<T> getAllData(String userName) {
      if (!backingMap.containsKey(userName)) {
         // 在我看来,返回空列表比返回 null 更合理
         return List.of(); 
      // 复制列表是一个好主意,这样调用者就不能修改我们的列表。
      return List.copyOf(backingMap.get(userName));



If a user can only ever add a single object to your collection, then a Map&lt;String, T&gt; would suffice.

Then your put method is literally just the built in Map put.
myMap.put(ownerString, dataOfTypeT)

If you want a single user to be able to add multiple data to your collection, then you want to create a Map&lt;String,List&lt;T&gt;&gt;.

Then your put method needs to create the list first if it doesn't already exist, otherwise it's the same.

class MyContainer&lt;T&gt; {
   private Map&lt;String, List&lt;T&gt;&gt; backingMap = new HashMap&lt;&gt;();

   public void put(String userName, T data) {
     if (!map.containsKey(userName)) {
        map.put(userName, new ArrayList&lt;&gt;());

   public List&lt;T&gt; getAllData(String userName) {
      if (!map.get(userName)) {
         // in my opinion it makes more sense to return empty list than null
         return List.of() 
      // making a copy is a good idea so that the caller can&#39;t modify our list. 
      return List.copyOf(map.get(userName)) 


If you are okay with using a third party library, guava's ListMultimap provides similar behavior.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年10月7日 00:44:26
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