
huangapple go评论103阅读模式

How to throw an exception properly when do Flux processing?



  1. private Flux<Integer> testGetFluxTestData() {
  2. return Flux.just(new TestData(1), new TestData(2))
  3. .collectList()
  4. .map(list -> list.stream()
  5. .map(TestData::getId)
  6. .collect(Collectors.toList()))
  7. .flatMapMany(Flux::fromIterable);
  8. }


  1. private Flux<Integer> testGetFluxTestData2() {
  2. return Flux.just(new TestData(1), new TestData(2))
  3. .collectList()
  4. .flatMapMany(list -> {
  5. if (!list.contains(new TestData(1))) {
  6. return Flux.fromIterable(list.stream()
  7. .map(TestData::getId)
  8. .collect(Collectors.toList()));
  9. } else {
  10. return Flux.error(new IllegalTestDataException("illegal test data 1"));
  11. }
  12. });
  13. }


  1. Flux.error(new IllegalTestDataException("illegal test data 1"));



Existing code that I have:

  1. private Flux&lt;Integer&gt; testGetFluxTestData() {
  2. return Flux.just(new TestData(1), new TestData(2))
  3. .collectList()
  4. .map(list -&gt; list.stream()
  5. .map(TestData::getId)
  6. .collect(Collectors.toList()))
  7. .flatMapMany(Flux::fromIterable);
  8. }

I want to enrich existing code and throw an exception when some not allowed data received, I made the following changes:

  1. private Flux&lt;Integer&gt; testGetFluxTestData2() {
  2. return Flux.just(new TestData(1), new TestData(2))
  3. .collectList()
  4. .map(list -&gt; {
  5. return !list.contains(new TestData(1)) ?
  6. list.stream()
  7. .map(TestData::getId)
  8. .collect(Collectors.toList()) :
  9. Flux.error(new IllegalTestDataException(&quot;illegal test data 1&quot;));
  10. })
  11. .flatMapMany(Flux::fromIterable);
  12. }

but my implementation even noncompilable due to the following line:

  1. Flux.error(new IllegalTestDataException(&quot;illegal test data 1&quot;));

Could you please suggest, how to handle exception throwing for my particular scenario?


得分: 1

你正在尝试从 List&lt;TestData&gt; 进行 map 操作,目标要么是 List&lt;Integer&gt;,要么是 Flux&lt;?&gt;(错误),这使得所需的结果类型不明确。在映射函数中返回响应式类型通常是不希望的(你应该在 flatMapping 函数中执行此操作)。

(顺便说一下:即使你在 flatMap 中,也不会起作用,因为在那时,由于 collectList,你已经在 Mono API 中,所以 Mono.flatMap 期望将结果返回给 Mono)。

请注意,map 操作符捕获来自 lambda 的异常并将它们转换为 onError 信号,因此从技术上讲,你可以用 throw 替换 Flux.error

否则,你需要将 map 转换为 flatMap,并将 Flux.error 转换为 Mono.error,原因如上所述。


You are attempting to map from a List&lt;TestData&gt; to either a List&lt;Integer&gt; or a Flux&lt;?&gt; (error), which makes the desired result type ambiguous. Returning a reactive type in a mapping function is generally not desired (you'd want to do that in a flatmapping function).

(side note: even if you were in a flatMap, it wouldn't work either because at that point you're in Mono API due to collectList, so Mono.flatMap expects a Mono result to the Function).

Note that the map operator catches exceptions from the lambda and turn them into an onError signal, so technically you could replace the Flux.error with a throw.

Otherwise, you'd need to turn the map into a flatMap and the Flux.error into a Mono.error, for the reasons stated above.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年10月5日 20:51:41
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/64208989.html



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