What is the proper way to indicate which data source to inject into my DAOs in a multi-module multi-datasource project?

huangapple go评论69阅读模式

What is the proper way to indicate which data source to inject into my DAOs in a multi-module multi-datasource project?


我有一个项目分成3个模块(目前为止)- 核心(模型1),用户管理(模型2)和Web(视图和控制器)。我项目的结构(为了简化起见,只列出与问题相关的类)如下:

|-- 核心
|  |-- src.main.java.com.romco.example
|  |  |-- config.CoreDataSourceConfiguration
|  |  |-- persistence.daoimpl.SomeCoreDaoImpl
|-- 用户管理
|  |-- src.main.kotlin.com.romco.example
|  |  |-- config.UserManagementConfiguration
|  |  |-- persistence.daoimpl.SomeUserManagementDaoImpl
|-- Web
| // 现在不重要


  • CoreDataSourceConfiguration:

    public class CoreDataSourceConfiguration {
        public DataSourceProperties coreDataSourceProperties() {
            return new DataSourceProperties();
        //TODO values should be retrieved from application.properties
        @Bean(name = "coreDataSource")
        public DataSource coreDataSource() {
            DataSourceBuilder dataSourceBuilder = DataSourceBuilder.create();
            return dataSourceBuilder.build();
        @Bean(name = "coreTransactionManager")
        DataSourceTransactionManager coreTransactionManager(@Qualifier("coreDataSource") DataSource dataSource) {
            return new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource);

  • SomeCoreDaoImpl:

    public class SomeCoreDaoImpl implements SomeCoreDao {
        // 这里有一些常量
        private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate;
        public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {
            namedParameterJdbcTemplate = NamedParameterJdbcTemplateHolder.get(dataSource);
        // 数据库代码在这里 - 创建、更新等等

  • UserManagementConfiguration:

    open class UserManagementDataSourceConfiguration {
        open fun userManagementDataSourceProperties(): DataSourceProperties {
            return DataSourceProperties()
        @Bean(name = ["userManagementDataSource"])
        open fun userManagementDataSource(): DataSource {
            val dataSourceBuilder = DataSourceBuilder.create()
            return dataSourceBuilder.build()
        @Bean(name = ["userManagementTransactionManager"])
        open fun userManagementTransactionManager(@Qualifier("userManagementDataSource") dataSource: DataSource): DataSourceTransactionManager {
            return DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource)

  • SomeUserManagementDaoImpl:

    open class SomeUserManagementDaoImpl: SomeUserManagementDao{
        // 这里有一些常量
        private lateinit var namedParameterJdbcTemplate: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
        fun setDataSource(@Qualifier("userManagementDataSource") dataSource: DataSource) {
            namedParameterJdbcTemplate = NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource)
        // 数据库代码在这里

正如你所看到的,我让它工作的方式是在SomeUserManagementDaoImpl类内部的autowired setDataSource方法中指定要使用的bean。


现在(显然)- 数据源是特定于模块的,最初,我甚至认为Spring会在幕后以某种方式找出它,并且不会使用@Primary数据源,而是会使用在给定模块中定义的数据源(除非该模块没有数据源,在这种情况下,我认为它会回退到@Primary数据源)。




I have a project split into 3 modules (so far) - core (Model 1), user-management (model 2) and web (View and Controller). My project structure (simplified to only relevant classes for the sake of getting to the point) is as follows:

|-- core  
|  |-- src.main.java.com.romco.example  
|  |  |-- config.CoreDataSourceConfiguration  
|  |  |-- persistence.daoimpl.SomeCoreDaoImpl  
|-- user-management  
|  |-- src.main.kotlin.com.romco.example  
|  |  |-- config.UserManagementConfiguration  
|  |  |-- persistence.daoimpl.SomeUserManagementDaoImpl  
|-- web  
| // not important right now

My classes are as follows (while debugging my previous issue, I had to move some value initialization directly to code instead of using application.properties, as noted by the TODO, so please ignore it for the sake of the problem at hand)

  • CoreDataSourceConfiguration:

    public class CoreDataSourceConfiguration {
        public DataSourceProperties coreDataSourceProperties() {
            return new DataSourceProperties();
        //TODO values should be retrieved from application.properties
        @Bean(name = "coreDataSource")
        public DataSource coreDataSource() {
            DataSourceBuilder dataSourceBuilder = DataSourceBuilder.create();
            return dataSourceBuilder.build();
        @Bean(name = "coreTransactionManager")
        DataSourceTransactionManager coreTransactionManager(@Qualifier("coreDataSource") DataSource dataSource) {
            return new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource);

  • SomeCoreDaoImpl:

    public class SomeCoreDaoImpl implements SomeCoreDao {
        // some constants here
        private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate;
        public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {
            namedParameterJdbcTemplate = NamedParameterJdbcTemplateHolder.get(dataSource);
        // DB code here - create, update, etc.

  • UserManagementConfiguration:

    open class UserManagementDataSourceConfiguration {
        open fun userManagementDataSourceProperties(): DataSourceProperties {
            return DataSourceProperties()
        @Bean(name = ["userManagementDataSource"])
        open fun userManagementDataSource(): DataSource {
            val dataSourceBuilder = DataSourceBuilder.create()
            return dataSourceBuilder.build()
        @Bean(name = ["userManagementTransactionManager"])
        open fun userManagementTransactionManager(@Qualifier("userManagementDataSource") dataSource: DataSource): DataSourceTransactionManager {
            return DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource)

  • SomeUserManagementDaoImpl:

    open class SomeUserManagementDaoImpl: SomeUserManagementDao{
        // constants are here
        private lateinit var namedParameterJdbcTemplate: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
        fun setDataSource(@Qualifier("userManagementDataSource") dataSource: DataSource) {
            namedParameterJdbcTemplate = NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource)
        // DB code here

As you can see, the way I made it work is by specifying which bean to use in the autowired setDataSource method inside my SomeUserManagementDaoImpl class.

I would obviously prefer to avoid having to do this in every daoImpl class, and while I can think of extracting this to a single class, it doesn't seem like that's the "spring" intended solution.

Now (again, obviously) - The data sources are module-specific, and initially, I even assumed spring would somehow figure it out under the hood and, instead of using the @Primary datasource, would use the one defined in a given module (unless that module had none, in which case I assumed it would fall back to the @Primary one).
However, that was not the case, and I'm left wondering if there is some way to tell spring to use a given data source configuration across that entire module...

I've been looking at many similiar threads and guides that deal with multi-datasource projects, but I actually never found the answer. In fact, the guides which I consulted when I was implementing my multi-datasource solution never mentioned this at all (unless I missed it), eg.

It is also entirely possible that I'm doing something else terribly wrong, and that is the root cause, in which case, please, also help me out.


得分: 0


在用户管理模块(不使用 @Primary 数据源的模块)中,我创建了以下抽象类,将数据源注入(使用限定符指定数据源)提取到一个地方:

    abstract class WithDataSource {
        protected lateinit var namedParameterJdbcTemplate: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
        fun setDataSource(@Qualifier(USER_MANAGEMENT_DATA_SOURCE_BEAN_NAME) dataSource: DataSource) {
            namedParameterJdbcTemplate = NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource)

然后,我的每个用户管理 DaoImpl 类都继承了这个类,因此隐式地实现了 GenericDao 接口的 setDataSource() 方法。

为了完整起见,现在用户管理模块的结构如下(我包含了一些以前省略的接口,但仍然保留了 "example" 的命名,并省略了一些特定的实用程序代码):

    |-- core  
    |  |-- src.main.java.com.romco.example  
    |  |  |-- config.CoreDataSourceConfiguration  
    |  |  |-- persistence.daoimpl.SomeCoreDaoImpl  
    |-- user-management  
    |  |-- src.main.kotlin.com.romco.example  
    |  |  |-- config.UserManagementConfiguration  
    |  |  |-- persistence.dao.GenericDao  
    |  |  |-- persistence.daoimpl.SomeUserManagementDaoImpl  
    |  |  |-- persistence.util.DaoUtil.kt  
    |-- web  
    | // 暂不重要

  • UserManagementConfiguration(将 bean 名称添加为常量 USER_MANAGEMENT_DATA_SOURCE_BEAN_NAME):
    open class UserManagementDataSourceConfiguration {

        companion object {
            const val USER_MANAGEMENT_DATA_SOURCE_BEAN_NAME = "userManagementDataSource"

        open fun userManagementDataSourceProperties(): DataSourceProperties {
            return DataSourceProperties()
        @Bean(name = ["userManagementDataSource"])
        open fun userManagementDataSource(): DataSource {
            val dataSourceBuilder = DataSourceBuilder.create()
            return dataSourceBuilder.build()
        @Bean(name = ["userManagementTransactionManager"])
        open fun userManagementTransactionManager(@Qualifier("userManagementDataSource") dataSource: DataSource): DataSourceTransactionManager {
            return DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource)

  • GenericDao(在原始问题中没有提到,因为它与解决方案的完整性不太相关):
    interface GenericDao<T> {
        fun setDataSource(dataSource: DataSource)
        // 检索所有记录
        fun retrieveAll(): Collection<T>
        // 创建记录并返回新创建记录的 ID。如果失败,返回 -1。
        fun create(t: T): Long
        // 根据 ID 更新记录,成功则返回 true。
        fun update(t: T): Boolean
        // 根据 ID 删除记录,成功则返回 true。
        fun delete(t: T): Boolean
        // 执行清理操作,例如可能删除所有测试记录(id < 0)
        fun cleanup()

  • SomeUserManagementDao(在原始问题中没有提到,因为它与解决方案的完整性不太相关):
    interface SomeUserManagementDao : GenericDao<SomeUserManagementClass> {
        fun retrieveBySpecificValue(specificValue: String): SomeUserManagementClass?
  • SomeUserManagementDaoImpl(根据注释中的提及进行了更新):
    open class SomeUserManagementDaoImpl : SomeUserManagementDao, WithDataSource() {
        // 常量在此
        // namedParameterJdbcTemplate 和 setDataSource() 现在从父类 WithDataSource 中继承
        // 数据库代码在此
  • DaoUtil.kt(包含最初提到的抽象类以及其他一些被省略的实用程序):
    abstract class WithDataSource {
        protected lateinit var namedParameterJdbcTemplate: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
        fun setDataSource(@Qualifier(USER_MANAGEMENT_DATA_SOURCE_BEAN_NAME) dataSource: DataSource) {
            namedParameterJdbcTemplate = NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource)

So, in case anyone stumbles upon the same problem, here's how I solved it so far. I might come up with a more elegant solution in the future, or more likely, find an issue with this one, but for now it seems to be working (haven't done much testing yet though):

In the user-management module (the one NOT using the @Primary datasource), I created the following abstract class, extracting the dataSource injection (with the qualifier specifying the datasource) to one place:

    abstract class WithDataSource {
        protected lateinit var namedParameterJdbcTemplate: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
        fun setDataSource(@Qualifier(USER_MANAGEMENT_DATA_SOURCE_BEAN_NAME) dataSource: DataSource) {
            namedParameterJdbcTemplate = NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource)

Each of my user-management DaoImpl classes then extends this class, and therefore implicitly implements the setDataSource() method of my GenericDao interface.

For completeness, the user-management module now looks like this (I included some previously omitted interfaces, but still left the "example" naming and omitted some specific utility code):

    |-- core  
    |  |-- src.main.java.com.romco.example  
    |  |  |-- config.CoreDataSourceConfiguration  
    |  |  |-- persistence.daoimpl.SomeCoreDaoImpl  
    |-- user-management  
    |  |-- src.main.kotlin.com.romco.example  
    |  |  |-- config.UserManagementConfiguration  
    |  |  |-- persistence.dao.GenericDao  
    |  |  |-- persistence.daoimpl.SomeUserManagementDaoImpl  
    |  |  |-- persistence.util.DaoUtil.kt  
    |-- web  
    | // not important right now

  • UserManagementConfiguration (added bean name as constant USER_MANAGEMENT_DATA_SOURCE_BEAN_NAME):

    open class UserManagementDataSourceConfiguration {

        companion object {
            const val USER_MANAGEMENT_DATA_SOURCE_BEAN_NAME = &quot;userManagementDataSource&quot;

        open fun userManagementDataSourceProperties(): DataSourceProperties {
            return DataSourceProperties()
        @Bean(name = [&quot;userManagementDataSource&quot;])
        open fun userManagementDataSource(): DataSource {
            val dataSourceBuilder = DataSourceBuilder.create()
            return dataSourceBuilder.build()
        @Bean(name = [&quot;userManagementTransactionManager&quot;])
        open fun userManagementTransactionManager(@Qualifier(&quot;userManagementDataSource&quot;) dataSource: DataSource): DataSourceTransactionManager {
            return DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource)

  • GenericDao (wasn't mentioned in original quesiton, as it was not too relevant, including for completeness of solution):
    interface GenericDao&lt;T&gt; {
        fun setDataSource(dataSource: DataSource)
        // retrieves all
        fun retrieveAll(): Collection&lt;T&gt;
        // creates and returns id of the newly created record. In case of failure, returns -1.
        fun create(t: T): Long
        // updates by id, returns true if success.
        fun update(t: T): Boolean
        // deletes by id, returns true if success.
        fun delete(t: T): Boolean
        // performs cleanup, for example, might delete all test records (id &lt; 0)
        fun cleanup()

  • SomeUserManagementDao (wasn't mentioned in original quesiton, as it was not too relevant, including for completeness of solution):
    interface SomeUserManagementDao: GenericDao&lt;SomeUserManagementClass&gt; {
        fun retrieveBySpecificValue(specificValue: String): SomeUserManagementClass?
  • SomeUserManagementDaoImpl (updated as mentioned in comment):

    open class SomeUserManagementDaoImpl: SomeUserManagementDao, WithDataSource() {
        // constants are here
        // namedParameterJdbcTemplate and setDataSource() are now inherited from the parent class - WithDataSource
        // DB code here

  • DaoUtil.kt (contains the originally mentioned abstract class along with some other, in this case omitted, utilities):
    abstract class WithDataSource {
        protected lateinit var namedParameterJdbcTemplate: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
        fun setDataSource(@Qualifier(USER_MANAGEMENT_DATA_SOURCE_BEAN_NAME) dataSource: DataSource) {
            namedParameterJdbcTemplate = NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource)

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年10月5日 06:36:39
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/64200538.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
