Java Spring Boot 保存一个 JSON 字段至两个 Java 字段,无需使用 setter 方法。

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Java sprintboot saving one JSON field to two Java fields without setters


public class Source {

    public String ambian1;

    public String raw_ambian1;

    public String xebian1;

    // Other fields...


I am using sprintboot and I have a model like:

public class Source {

    public String ambian1;
	public String raw_ambian1;

    public String xebian1;

    public String raw_xebian1;

    # i have more than 100+ other field use this:

I want to parse this data into a fixed version, but still retain the original raw version.

{"ambian1":"a--1.1-bc.8i", "xebian1":"x--2.1-za.5t", and rest of data}

The ambian1 data can't start with a number.

  • "a--1.1-bc.8i" would be valid
  • "1a--1.1-bc.8i" would be invalid

So I want my java class to get parsed as:

> ambian1 = a--1.1-bc.8i
> raw_ambian1 = 1a--1.1-bc.8i

I tried to use @JsonAlias but it didn't work. I also tried to use @JsonProperty but I got error: Multiple fields representing property.

public class Source {

	# other
    public String ambian1;
	public String raw_ambian1;

	# other
    public String xebian1;

    # i have more than 100+ other field use this:

How can I decode the json value into two fields?


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class Source {

    public String rawData;
    public String fixData;

    public String anotherField;
    public Integer yetAnotherField;
    public Double oneMoreField;

    public void setRawData(String data) {
        this.rawData = data;  
        this.fixData = data.replaceAll("^(\\d+)", ""); 

    public String getFixData() {
        return this.fixData; 


String[] jsons = {
        "{\"data\":\"2abc\", \"another\":\"an\", \"yet\":100500, \"onemore\":3.14}",
        "{\"data\":\"3abc\", \"anotherField\":\"2VALS\"}"

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
for (String json: jsons) {
    Source set = mapper.readValue(json, Source.class);
    System.out.printf("Setter raw: '%s', input: '%s'%n", set.rawData, set.fixData);

    String serialized = mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(set);
    System.out.println("set: " + serialized);


Setter raw: '1abc', input: 'abc'
set: {
  "data" : "abc"
Setter raw: '2abc', input: 'abc'
set: {
  "anotherField" : "an",
  "yetAnotherField" : 100500,
  "oneMoreField" : 3.14,
  "data" : "abc"
Setter raw: '3abc', input: 'abc'
set: {
  "anotherField" : "2VALS",
  "data" : "abc"



The issue is not in the setters.

If you have all public fields in your model you should not be worried about multiple getters/setters at all as Jackson will handle them automatically when serializing/deserializing.

However, if you want to assign the same/similar value from a single JSON property `&quot;data&quot;` to two fields `&quot;fixData&quot;` and `&quot;rawData&quot;` it would be ok to implement just _**one setter**_ for these two fields and mark it as `@JsonProperty`.  

Possibly, a getter should be implemented as well to get specific property `&quot;data&quot;`.

If null fields must be hidden, `@JsonInclude` should be used to include non-null values.

class Source {

    public String rawData;
    public String fixData;

    public String anotherField;
    public Integer yetAnotherField;
    public Double oneMoreField;

    public void setRawData(String data) {
        this.rawData = data;  // setting into raw
        this.fixData = data.replaceAll(&quot;^(\\d+)&quot;, &quot;&quot;); // removing digits at the start

    public String getFixData() {
        return this.fixData; // getting fixed valid value

Then the following JSONs could be read successfully:

String[] jsons = {
        &quot;{\&quot;data\&quot;:\&quot;2abc\&quot;, \&quot;another\&quot;:\&quot;an\&quot;, \&quot;yet\&quot;:100500, \&quot;onemore\&quot;:3.14}&quot;,
        &quot;{\&quot;data\&quot;:\&quot;3abc\&quot;, \&quot;anotherField\&quot;:\&quot;2VALS\&quot;}&quot;

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
for (String json: jsons) {
    Source set = mapper.readValue(json, Source.class);
    System.out.printf(&quot;Setter raw: &#39;%s&#39;, input: &#39;%s&#39;%n&quot;, set.rawData, set.fixData);

    String serialized = mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(set);
    System.out.println(&quot;set: &quot; + serialized);


Setter raw: &#39;1abc&#39;, input: &#39;abc&#39;
set: {
  &quot;data&quot; : &quot;abc&quot;
Setter raw: &#39;2abc&#39;, input: &#39;abc&#39;
set: {
  &quot;anotherField&quot; : &quot;an&quot;,
  &quot;yetAnotherField&quot; : 100500,
  &quot;oneMoreField&quot; : 3.14,
  &quot;data&quot; : &quot;abc&quot;
Setter raw: &#39;3abc&#39;, input: &#39;abc&#39;
set: {
  &quot;anotherField&quot; : &quot;2VALS&quot;,
  &quot;data&quot; : &quot;abc&quot;

&quot;rawData&quot; or &quot;fixData&quot; will not be parsed in JSON.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年10月3日 02:12:35
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