解决方法以导入 Java 库用于 Mingw / iOS / Linux / 其他源集的问题?

huangapple go评论61阅读模式

Workarounds to import java lib for mingw / ios / linus / other source sets?




// commonMain / steamCmdGetter.kt
expect interface SteamCmdGetter {
    fun installClient()
// [OS] / steamCmdGetter.kt
actual interface SteamCmdGetter { /* ... */ }


// commonMain / File.kt
expect interface File


> 我们建议您仅针对具有特定于平台的依赖关系的Kotlin声明使用expectedactual声明。尽可能在共享模块中实现尽可能多的功能,即使这样做需要更多的时间。

然而,尽管有警告,我不希望编写MyFile的实现,以节省为这种常见任务重新发明轮子的工作,但是java.io.File在这个场景中占据主导地位,以至于我在Gradle / Maven上找不到任何Kotlin替代品。

这是否意味着我最终被迫编写MyFile?还是有一种方法可以将Java库导入Kotlin MPP平台的源设置中?


I am aware that it's quite a weird use case to depend on having JVM installed for some OS source sets, allow me to go through my use case.

I'm writing a simple utility to wrap calls for the steamCMD (https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD), which has platform dependent installation procedures. So, naturally I should have

// commonMain / steamCmdGetter.kt
expect interface SteamCmdGetter {
    fun installClient()
// [OS] / steamCmdGetter.kt
actual interface SteamCmdGetter { /* ... */ }

On the other hand, my utility also needs to do work with the file storage (for example, downloading and checking client existence in storage), so I could also use a file class.

// commonMain / File.kt
expect interface File

I am aware that the JB team has an explicit recommendation on its tutorials.

> We recommend that you use expected and actual declarations only for Kotlin declarations that have platform-specific dependencies. It is better to implement as much functionality as possible in the shared module even if doing so takes more time.

Yet, against the warnings I wish not to write a MyFile implementation to save efforts from reinventing the wheel for such a common task, but java.io.File has been so dominant in the scene that I could not find any Kotlin alternatives on Gradle / Maven.

Does this means I am forced to write MyFile in the end? Or is there a workaround for importing Java libraries to Kotlin MPP platform sourceSets?


得分: 4

首先,只能在jvmandroid目标上使用Java库,而不能在Kotlin/Multiplatform提供的其他目标上使用。实际上,这正是一个仅使用Kotlin/JVM的目标子集。Kotlin/JS和Kotlin/Native都不提供与Java的互操作性,它们有自己的互操作能力。详细信息请参见此页面。关于特定的文件操作。很可能答案是肯定的,您将需要针对每个目标实现它。这种工作通常是平台特定的,因为它几乎完全依赖于操作系统的实现。然而,您所寻找的功能的一部分应该明确地在platform.posix.* 平台库中找到,即使它看起来更像是C风格的。



First of all, one can use Java libraries only for jvm and android targets, not the others provided by the Kotlin/Multiplatform. In fact, this is exactly a targets subset that is using Kotlin/JVM. Neither Kotlin/JS nor Kotlin/Native provide interoperability with Java, they has their own interop capabilities. See this page to get some details on the difference.<br> About working with files in particular. Most probably the answer is yes and you'll have to implement it per-target. This kind of work is usually platform-specific, as it hardly rely on the OS implementation. However, part of the functionality you search for should be definitely found in the platform.posix.* platform library, even if it would appear more C-stylish.

P.S. Quick search across the Web led me to this community libraries list, maybe it would help. Also, kotlinlang Slack community(find link here) may have some interesting solutions to share.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年10月1日 13:44:51
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/64149715.html



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