在何时以及如何执行一对零到多个映射的流 mapMulti 覆盖 flatMap。

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When and how to perform one to 0..n mapping Stream mapMulti over flatMap


我一直在浏览新闻和最新的LTE Java 17版本的源代码,遇到了一个名为mapMulti的新Stream方法。早期访问的JavaDoc表示它类似于flatMap

<R> Stream<R> mapMulti(BiConsumer<? super T,? super Consumer<R>> mapper)

  • 如何使用这个方法执行从一个元素到 0 到 n 个元素的映射?
  • 这个新方法是如何工作的,它与flatMap有什么不同?在什么情况下使用每种方法更合适?
  • mapper 可以被调用多少次?

I have been skimming through the news and the source code of the newest LTE Java 17 version and I have encountered with new Stream method called mapMulti. The early-access JavaDoc says it is similar to flatMap.

&lt;R&gt; Stream&lt;R&gt; mapMulti(BiConsumer&lt;? super T,? super Consumer&lt;R&gt;&gt; mapper)
  • How to perform one to 0..n mapping using this method?
  • How does the new method work and how does it differ from flatMap. When is each one preferable?
  • How many times the mapper can be called?


得分: 41


它需要一个将要被处理的元素的BiConsumer<T, Consumer<R>> mapper,后面紧跟着一个Consumer。乍一看,这使得该方法在第一眼看起来很奇怪,因为它与我们在其他中间方法(如mapfilterpeek)中习惯的不同,后者都没有使用*Consumer的变种。



  • 一对多(0..1)映射(类似于filter

    仅使用consumer.accept(R r)对少数选定的项目进行操作可以实现类似于过滤的流水线。在检查元素是否满足谓词条件并且将其映射到不同值的情况下,这可能会变得很有用,否则可能需要使用filtermap的组合来实现。以下示例:

    Stream.of("Java", "Python", "JavaScript", "C#", "Ruby")
          .mapMulti((str, consumer) -> {
              if (str.length() > 4) {
                  consumer.accept(str.length());  // 长度大于4的元素
          .forEach(i -> System.out.print(i + " "));
    // 输出:6 10
  • 一对一映射(类似于map


    Stream.of("Java", "Python", "JavaScript", "C#", "Ruby")
          .mapMulti((str, consumer) -> consumer.accept(str.length()))
          .forEach(i -> System.out.print(i + " "));
    // 输出:4 6 10 2 4
  • 一对多映射(类似于flatMap

    在这种情况下,事情变得有趣,因为可以随意调用consumer.accept(R r)多次。假设我们想要将表示字符串长度的数字自身复制,即2变为224变为44440不变。

    Stream.of("Java", "Python", "JavaScript", "C#", "Ruby", "")
          .mapMulti((str, consumer) -> {
              for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
          .forEach(i -> System.out.print(i + " "));
    // 输出:4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 2 4 4 4 4



  • 当将每个流元素替换为少量(甚至可能是零个)元素时。使用此方法避免了为每组结果元素创建新的流实例的开销,这是flatMap所要求的。
  • 当使用命令式方法生成结果元素比以Stream的形式返回它们更容易时。




int sum = Stream.of(1, 2.0, 3.0, 4F, 5, 6L)
                .mapMultiToInt((number, consumer) -> {
                    if (number instanceof Integer) {
                        consumer.accept((Integer) number);
// 输出:6

如上所示,它的变种,如mapMultiToDoublemapMultiToIntmapMultiToLong已被引入。这些是原始流(primitive Streams)中的mapMulti方法的变种,例如IntStream mapMulti​(IntStream.IntMapMultiConsumer mapper)。另外,还引入了三个新的函数接口。基本上,它们是BiConsumer<T, Consumer<R>>的原始变种,例如:

interface IntMapMultiConsumer {
    void accept(int value, IntConsumer ic);



  • Product

Stream::mapMulti is a new method that is classified as an intermediate operation.

It requires a BiConsumer&lt;T, Consumer&lt;R&gt;&gt; mapper of the element about to be processed a Consumer. The latter makes the method look strange at the first glance because it is different from what we are used to at the other intermediate methods such as map, filter, or peek where none of them use any variation of *Consumer.

The purpose of the Consumer provided right within the lambda expression by the API itself is to accept any number elements to be available in the subsequent pipeline. Therefore, all the elements, regardless of how many, will be propagated.

Explanation using simple snippets

  • One to some (0..1) mapping (similar to filter)

    Using the consumer.accept(R r) for only a few selected items achieves filter-alike pipeline. This might get useful in case of checking the element against a predicate and it's mapping to a different value, which would be otherwise done using a combination of filter and map instead. The following

    Stream.of(&quot;Java&quot;, &quot;Python&quot;, &quot;JavaScript&quot;, &quot;C#&quot;, &quot;Ruby&quot;)
          .mapMulti((str, consumer) -&gt; {
              if (str.length() &gt; 4) {
                  consumer.accept(str.length());  // lengths larger than 4
          .forEach(i -&gt; System.out.print(i + &quot; &quot;));
    // 6 10
  • One to one mapping (similar to map)

    Working with the previous example, when the condition is omitted and every element is mapped into a new one and accepted using the consumer, the method effectively behaves like map:

    Stream.of(&quot;Java&quot;, &quot;Python&quot;, &quot;JavaScript&quot;, &quot;C#&quot;, &quot;Ruby&quot;)
          .mapMulti((str, consumer) -&gt; consumer.accept(str.length()))
          .forEach(i -&gt; System.out.print(i + &quot; &quot;));
    // 4 6 10 2 4
  • One to many mapping (similar to flatMap)

    Here things get interesting because one can call consumer.accept(R r) any number of times. Let's say we want to replicate the number representing the String length by itself, i.e. 2 becomes 2, 2. 4 becomes 4, 4, 4, 4. and 0 becomes nothing.

    Stream.of(&quot;Java&quot;, &quot;Python&quot;, &quot;JavaScript&quot;, &quot;C#&quot;, &quot;Ruby&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
          .mapMulti((str, consumer) -&gt; {
              for (int i = 0; i &lt; str.length(); i++) {
          .forEach(i -&gt; System.out.print(i + &quot; &quot;));
    // 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 2 4 4 4 4 

Comparison with flatMap

The very idea of this mechanism is that is can be called multiple times (including zero) and its usage of SpinedBuffer internally allows to push the elements into a single flattened Stream instance without creating a new one for every group of output elements unlike flatMap. The JavaDoc states two use-cases when using this method is preferable over flatMap:

> - When replacing each stream element with a small (possibly zero) number of elements. Using this method avoids the overhead of creating a new Stream instance for every group of result elements, as required by flatMap.
> - When it is easier to use an imperative approach for generating result elements than it is to return them in the form of a Stream.

Performance-wise, the new method mapMulti is a winner in such cases. Check out the benchmark at the bottom of this answer.

Filter-map scenario

Using this method instead of filter or map separately doesn't make sense due to its verbosity and the fact one intermediate stream is created anyway. The exception might be replacing the .filter(..).map(..) chain called together, which comes handy in the case such as checking the element type and its casting.

int sum = Stream.of(1, 2.0, 3.0, 4F, 5, 6L)
                .mapMultiToInt((number, consumer) -&gt; {
                    if (number instanceof Integer) {
                        consumer.accept((Integer) number);
// 6
int sum = Stream.of(1, 2.0, 3.0, 4F, 5, 6L)
                .filter(number -&gt; number instanceof Integer)
                .mapToInt(number -&gt; (Integer) number)

As seen above, its variations like mapMultiToDouble, mapMultiToInt and mapMultiToLong were introduced. This comes along the mapMulti methods within the primitive Streams such as IntStream mapMulti​(IntStream.IntMapMultiConsumer mapper). Also, three new functional interfaces were introduced. Basically, they are the primitive variations of BiConsumer&lt;T, Consumer&lt;R&gt;&gt;, example:

interface IntMapMultiConsumer {
    void accept(int value, IntConsumer ic);

Combined real use-case scenario

The real power of this method is in its flexibility of usage and creating only one Stream at a time, which is the major advantage over flatMap. The two below snippets represent a flatmapping of Product and its List&lt;Variation&gt; into 0..n offers represented by the Offer class and based on certain conditions (product category and the variation availability).

  • Product with String name, int basePrice, String category and List&lt;Variation&gt; variations.
  • Variation with String name, int price and boolean availability.
List&lt;Product&gt; products = ...
List&lt;Offer&gt; offers = products.stream()
		.mapMulti((product, consumer) -&gt; {
			if (&quot;PRODUCT_CATEGORY&quot;.equals(product.getCategory())) {
				for (Variation v : product.getVariations()) {
					if (v.isAvailable()) {
						Offer offer = new Offer(
							product.getName() + &quot;_&quot; + v.getName(),
							product.getBasePrice() + v.getPrice());
List&lt;Product&gt; products = ...
List&lt;Offer&gt; offers = products.stream()
		.filter(product -&gt; &quot;PRODUCT_CATEGORY&quot;.equals(product.getCategory()))
		.flatMap(product -&gt; product.getVariations().stream()
		    .map(v -&gt; new Offer(
				product.getName() + &quot;_&quot; + v.getName(),
				product.getBasePrice() + v.getPrice()

The use of mapMulti is more imperatively inclined compared to the declarative approach of the previous-versions Stream methods combination seen in the latter snippet using flatMap, map, and filter. From this perspective, it depends on the use-case whether is easier to use an imperative approach. Recursion is a good example described in the JavaDoc.


As promised, I have wrote a bunch of micro-benchmarks from ideas collected from the comments. As long as there is quite a lot of code to publish, I have created a GitHub repository with the implementation details and I am about to share the results only.

Stream::flatMap(Function) vs Stream::mapMulti(BiConsumer) Source

Here we can see the huge difference and a proof the newer method actually works as described and its usage avoid the overhead of creating a new Stream instance with each processed element.

Benchmark                                   Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
MapMulti_FlatMap.flatMap                    avgt   25  73.852 &#177; 3.433  ns/op
MapMulti_FlatMap.mapMulti                   avgt   25  17.495 &#177; 0.476  ns/op

Stream::filter(Predicate).map(Function) vs Stream::mapMulti(BiConsumer) Source

Using chained pipelines (not nested, though) is fine.

Benchmark                                   Mode  Cnt    Score  Error  Units
MapMulti_FilterMap.filterMap                avgt   25   7.973 &#177; 0.378  ns/op
MapMulti_FilterMap.mapMulti                 avgt   25   7.765 &#177; 0.633  ns/op 

Stream::flatMap(Function) with Optional::stream() vs Stream::mapMulti(BiConsumer) Source

This one is very interesting, escpecially in terms of usage (see the source code): we are now able to flatten using mapMulti(Optional::ifPresent) and as expected, the new method is a bit faster in this case.

Benchmark                                   Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
MapMulti_FlatMap_Optional.flatMap           avgt   25  20.186 &#177; 1.305  ns/op
MapMulti_FlatMap_Optional.mapMulti          avgt   25  10.498 &#177; 0.403  ns/op


得分: 11


> 当使用命令式方法生成结果元素比以Stream的形式返回它们更容易时。





    .mapMulti((a,c) -&gt; {
        for(int b = 1; a &gt;=0; b = a + (a = b))
    /* 这里可以添加其他流操作 */



    /* 这里可以添加其他流操作 */
static void hierarchy(Class&lt;?&gt; cl, Consumer&lt;? super Class&lt;?&gt;&gt; co) {
    if(cl != null) {
        hierarchy(cl.getSuperclass(), co);



> &gt; List&lt;A&gt; list = IntStream.range(0, r_i).boxed() &gt; .flatMap(i -&gt; IntStream.range(0, r_j).boxed() &gt; .flatMap(j -&gt; IntStream.range(0, r_k) &gt; .mapToObj(k -&gt; new A(i, j, k)))) &gt; .collect(Collectors.toList()); &gt;


List&lt;A&gt; list = IntStream.range(0, r_i).boxed()
    .&lt;A&gt;mapMulti((i,c) -&gt; {
        for(int j = 0; j &lt; r_j; j++) {
            for(int k = 0; k &lt; r_k; k++) {
                c.accept(new A(i, j, k));



To address the scenario

> When it is easier to use an imperative approach for generating result elements than it is to return them in the form of a Stream.

We can see it as now having a limited variant of the yield statement C#. The limitations are that we always need an initial input from a stream, as this is an intermediate operation, further, there’s no short-circuiting for the elements we’re pushing in one function evaluation.

Still, it opens interesting opportunities.

E.g., implementing a stream of Fibonacci number formerly required a solution using temporary objects capable of holding two values.

Now, we can use something like:

    .mapMulti((a,c) -&gt; {
        for(int b = 1; a &gt;=0; b = a + (a = b))
    /* additional stream operations here */

It stops when the int values overflow, as said, it won’t short-circuit when we use a terminal operation that does not consume all values, however, this loop producing then-ignored values might still be faster than the other approaches.

Another example inspired by this answer, to iterate over a class hierarchy from root to most specific:

    /* additional stream operations here */
static void hierarchy(Class&lt;?&gt; cl, Consumer&lt;? super Class&lt;?&gt;&gt; co) {
    if(cl != null) {
        hierarchy(cl.getSuperclass(), co);

which unlike the old approaches does not require additional heap storage and will likely run faster (assuming reasonable class depths that do not make recursion backfire).

Also monsters like this

&gt; List&lt;A&gt; list = IntStream.range(0, r_i).boxed()
&gt; .flatMap(i -&gt; IntStream.range(0, r_j).boxed()
&gt; .flatMap(j -&gt; IntStream.range(0, r_k)
&gt; .mapToObj(k -&gt; new A(i, j, k))))
&gt; .collect(Collectors.toList());

can now be written like

List&lt;A&gt; list = IntStream.range(0, r_i).boxed()
    .&lt;A&gt;mapMulti((i,c) -&gt; {
        for(int j = 0; j &lt; r_j; j++) {
            for(int k = 0; k &lt; r_k; k++) {
                c.accept(new A(i, j, k));

Compared to the nested flatMap steps, it loses some parallelism opportunity, which the reference implementation didn’t exploit anyway. For a non-short-circuiting operation like above, the new method likely will benefit from the reduced boxing and less instantiation of capturing lambda expressions. But of course, it should be used judiciously, not to rewrite every construct to an imperative version (after so many people tried to rewrite every imperative code into a functional version)…

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月30日 15:27:02
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