Google FooBar代码在IDE中运行正常,但在所有测试案例中失败。

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Google FooBar Code Running in IDE but failing all test cases





我尝试返回1,因为那是第二个测试用例的答案,并且能够通过三个测试用例。然而,当我运行我的代码但在第一行放置了return 1;(使我的所有代码无效),我仍然未能通过所有测试用例。这意味着,由于某种原因,即使它没有执行到我的代码,我仍然未能通过所有测试用例。然而,Google没有告诉我任何关于编译错误的信息 - 它只是说我未能通过测试用例。


public class Solution {
    public static int solution(String n, int b) {
        int tick = 0;
        int[] arr = new int[1000000000];
        int ans = 0;
        while (true) {
            if (arr[Integer.parseInt(n)] == 0) {
                arr[Integer.parseInt(n)] = tick;
            } else {
                ans = tick - arr[Integer.parseInt(n)];
                return ans;
            char[] ar;
            ar = n.toCharArray();
            String i = String.valueOf(ar);
            String j = "";
            for (int a = (ar.length - 1); a >= 0; a--) {
                j += String.valueOf(ar[a]);
            //System.out.println(i + " " + j);

            int x = Integer.valueOf(j);
            int y = Integer.valueOf(i);

            String a1 = Integer.toString(x);
            String b1 = Integer.toString(y);
            int p = 1;
            int xx = 0;
            int yy = 0;

            p = 0;
            for (int ii = a1.length() - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
                xx += Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(a1.charAt(ii))) * Math.pow(b, p);

            p = 0;
            for (int ii = b1.length() - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
                yy += Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(b1.charAt(ii))) * Math.pow(b, p);

            String zz = String.valueOf(xx - yy);

            String newn = Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(zz), b);

            for (int ii = 0; ii < n.length() - newn.length(); ii++)
                newn = "0" + newn;
            n = newn;
            //f = true;


The problem I'm trying to solve is ‘Hey! I already did that.’
The problem statement is here but that isn't really my problem, as I've already created a solution that works for me on my IDE.

When I create a sample main to run the file in my IDE, I'm able to return the correct values for both test cases. However, when I verify it in foobar, I fail all test cases, including the two known cases.

I tried returning just 1, since that's the answer to the second test case, and that's able to past three of the test cases. However, when I run my code but put return 1; in the first line (rendering all of my code useless), I still fail all test cases. That means, for some reason, even when it doesn't get to my code, I'm failing all the test cases. However, Google isn't telling me anything about a compile error - it just says I'm failing the test cases.

Here's the code:

public class Solution {
public static int solution(String n, int b) {
int tick = 0;
int[] arr = new int[1000000000];
int ans = 0;
while (true) {
if (arr[Integer.parseInt(n)] == 0) {
arr[Integer.parseInt(n)] = tick;
} else {
ans = tick - arr[Integer.parseInt(n)];
return ans;
char[] ar;
ar = n.toCharArray();
String i = String.valueOf(ar);
String j = &quot;&quot;;
for (int a = (ar.length - 1); a &gt;= 0; a--) {
j += String.valueOf(ar[a]);
//System.out.println(i + &quot; &quot; + j);
int x = Integer.valueOf(j);
int y = Integer.valueOf(i);
String a1 = Integer.toString(x);
String b1 = Integer.toString(y);
int p = 1;
int xx = 0;
int yy = 0;
p = 0;
for (int ii = a1.length() - 1; ii &gt;= 0; ii--) {
xx += Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(a1.charAt(ii))) * Math.pow(b, p);
p = 0;
for (int ii = b1.length() - 1; ii &gt;= 0; ii--) {
yy += Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(b1.charAt(ii))) * Math.pow(b, p);
String zz = String.valueOf(xx - yy);
String newn = Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(zz), b);
for (int ii = 0; ii &lt; n.length() - newn.length(); ii++)
newn = &quot;0&quot; + newn;
n = newn;
//f = true;


得分: 1

我找到了答案,有两个方面 - 首先,我之所以得到这个错误是因为,尽管 foobar 不支持通配符导入,但他们需要具体的导入(在这种情况下是 java.util.Arrays)。然而,即使我这样做了,效率仍然不高,所以我将其改为了一个简单的 HashMap 解决方案,通过这种方式我能够通过所有的测试案例。


I found the answer, which was twofold - firstly, I was getting the error because, although foobar doesn't want wildcard imports, they do want specific imports (in this case, java.util.Arrays). However, when I did do that, it was still inefficient, so I changed it to a simple HashMap solution and I'm able to pass all test cases that way.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月30日 09:25:12
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