Sure, here’s the translation: Azure Cosmos 的 MongoDB 驱动程序 – 读取和速率限制

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Mongo Driver for Azure Cosmos - Reads and Rate Limiting




服务器版本:Azure Cosmos DB的Mongo API版本为3.2(我知道这是古老的版本)

我们运行了一些相当高的读/写负载,可能会因为Cosmos API for Mongo的速率限制而受到影响。在这种情况下,我预期会发生异常。我们执行了相当基本的查询,代码片段看起来类似于

public DatabaseQueryResult find(String collectionName, Map<String, Object> queryData) {

    Document toFind = new Document(queryData);
    MongoCollection<Document> collection = this.mongoDatabase.getCollection(collectionName);

    FindIterable<Document> findResults = collection.find(toFind);

    if (findResults != null) {
        Document dataFound = findResults.first();
        return new DatabaseQueryResult(dataFound.toJson(this.settings));      

    // 其他内容...


   "$err":"Message: {\"Errors\":[\"Request rate is large. More Request Units may be needed, so no changes were made. Please retry this request later. Learn more:\"]}\r\n s",
   "errmsg":"Message: {\"Errors\":[\"Request rate is large. More Request Units may be needed, so no changes were made. Please retry this request later. Learn more:\"]}\r\n",

我预期在这里会抛出一个异常 - 但是似乎在较新的驱动程序中并非如此。正在发生的是,

  • collection.find返回一个带有上述JSON错误结果的FindIterable,作为第一个文档
  • 我们最终返回一个带有JSON错误的DatabaseQueryResult作为查询有效载荷

我不希望这种情况发生 - 我更希望mongo驱动程序在查询操作返回OKMongoResponse且"ok"为0时抛出MongoCommandException/MongoQueryException异常。对于使用CommandProtocol对象的写入操作,这似乎没问题,并且响应会按预期进行验证 - 似乎只有读取操作发生了变化。

比较这两个驱动程序版本,这似乎是读取行为的变化 - 可能是由于在版本3.11中引入的可重试读取。现在响应验证似乎在此部分

问题: 有没有一种方法可以配置我的Mongo客户端,使得驱动程序在读取操作时验证服务器响应,并且如果接收到ok为0的OKMongoResponse,则抛出异常?



Having an issue with the following configuration,

Driver version : 3.12.1, mongodb-driver for Java

Server Version: 3.2 of Mongo API for Azure Cosmos DB (Ancient, I know)

We run some fairly high read/write loads and may hit rate limiting from the Cosmos API for Mongo. In this case, I expect an exception to occur. We're doing pretty vanilla queries, code snippet looks similar to

public DatabaseQueryResult find(String collectionName, Map&lt;String, Object&gt; queryData) {

	Document toFind = new Document(queryData);
	MongoCollection&lt;Document&gt; collection = this.mongoDatabase.getCollection(collectionName);

	FindIterable&lt;Document&gt; findResults = collection.find(toFind);

	if (findResults != null) {
		Document dataFound = findResults.first();
		return new DatabaseQueryResult(dataFound.toJson(this.settings))		

	// other stuff...

When rate limited by Azure, you'll receive a response like so

   &quot;$err&quot;:&quot;Message: {\&quot;Errors\&quot;:[\&quot;Request rate is large. More Request Units may be needed, so no changes were made. Please retry this request later. Learn more:\&quot;]}\r\n s&quot;,
   &quot;errmsg&quot;:&quot;Message: {\&quot;Errors\&quot;:[\&quot;Request rate is large. More Request Units may be needed, so no changes were made. Please retry this request later. Learn more:\&quot;]}\r\n&quot;,

I expect an exception to be thrown here - but that doesn't seem to be the case with the later driver. What's happening is,

  • collection.find is returning a FindIterable with the JSON error result as above as the first document
  • We're eventually returning a DatabaseQueryResult with JSON error as the query payload

I don't want this to happen - I'd much prefer the mongo driver to throw a MongoCommandException/MongoQueryException if a query operation returns an OKMongoResponse where "ok" 0. This seems fine on writes,
which will use a CommandProtocol object and the response is validated as I'd expect - it's just reads that seems to have changed.

Comparing the 2 driver versions, this seems to be a change in read behaviour - perhaps due to retryable reads that were introduced in version 3.11? Response validation now seems to be around <a href="
">this section.</a>

Q: Is there a way to configure my Mongo client so that the driver will validate server responses on read operations and throw an exception if it receives a OKMongoResponse, and ok == 0?

I can of course validate the results myself, but I'd prefer not to and let the driver do this if possible


得分: 1


这更多地反映了Mongo在虚拟机或Atlas(也在虚拟机上运行)上运行时的行为,而不是像Cosmos DB这样的多租户服务。


I'm not sure why Mongo changed this driver. There is something on the Cosmos side which may help. You can raise a support ticket and ask them to turn on server-side retries. This will change the behavior of Cosmos such that requests will queue up rather than throw 429's when there are too many.

This more reflects how Mongo behaves when running on a VM or in Atlas (which also runs on VM's) rather than a multi-tenant service like Cosmos DB.


得分: 0







With 3.2-3.4 servers the drivers use find command described here, not OP_QUERY.

The driver surely is not "returning OKMongoResponse" since it isn't written for cosmosdb.

If you think there is a driver issue, update the question with exact wire protocol response received and the exact result you receive from the driver.

Retryable writes require sessions (which cosmosdb advertises but does not support, see and normally use the OP_MSG protocol which come with 3.6+ servers. I don't know what drivers would do if a 3.2 server advertises session support, this isn't a combination that is possible with MongoDB.

Note that MongoDB does not support cosmosdb (and consequently MongoDB drivers don't, officially, either).

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月28日 17:10:51
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