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Aggregate values and convert into single type within the same Java stream


// Seed::hadExposure yields Optional<Pair<Boolean, String>> where Pair have key/value or left/right
public Optional<Signal> withExposure() {
  // Check if any Seed had exposure
  boolean anyExposure = seeds.stream()

  // Collect alarms and filter out null values
  Set<String> alarms = seeds.stream()

  // Create and return Optional<Signal>
  return anyExposure ? Optional.of(new Signal(true, alarms)) : Optional.empty();



I have a class with a collection of Seed elements. One of the method's return type of Seed is Optional&lt;Pair&lt;Boolean, String&gt;&gt;.

I'm trying to loop over all seeds, find if any boolean value is true and at the same time, create a set with all the String values. For instance, my input is in the form Optional&lt;Pair&lt;Boolean, String&gt;&gt;, the output should be Optional&lt;Signal&gt; where Signal is like:

class Signal {
   public boolean exposure;

   public Set&lt;String&gt; alarms;

   // constructor and getters (can add anything to this class, it&#39;s just a bag)

This is what I currently have that works:

// Seed::hadExposure yields Optional&lt;Pair&lt;Boolean, String&gt;&gt; where Pair have key/value or left/right
public Optional&lt;Signal&gt; withExposure() {
  if (seeds.stream().map(Seed::hadExposure).flatMap(Optional::stream).findAny().isEmpty()) {
    return Optional.empty();
  final var exposure = seeds.stream()
  final var alarms = seeds.stream()
  return Optional.of(new Signal(exposure, alarms));

Now I have time to make it better because Seed::hadExposure could become and expensive call, so I was trying to see if I could make all of this with only one pass. I've tried (some suggestions from previous questions) with reduce, using collectors (Collectors.collectingAndThen, Collectors.partitioningBy, etc.), but nothing so far.


得分: 1


Signal signal = exposures.stream()
    .map(exposure ->
        new Signal(
            exposure.getRight() == null
                ? Collections.emptySet()
                : Collections.singleton(exposure.getRight())))
        new Signal(false, new HashSet<>()),
        (leftSig, rightSig) -> {
            HashSet<String> alarms = new HashSet<>();
            return new Signal(
                leftSig.exposure || rightSig.exposure, alarms);



filteredSeeds.foldLeft((false, Set[String]())) { (result, exposure) => 
  (result._1 || exposure.getLeft, result._2 + exposure.getRight)


你可以为结果创建一个单独的Set,并在流的reduce表达式中对其进行变异,但有些人认为这是不良风格,因为你会将函数式范 paradigm(在流上进行映射/规约)与过程范 paradigm(变异集合)混合在一起。



List<Pair<Boolean, String>> exposures = 



It's possible to do this in a single stream() expression using map to convert the non-empty exposure to a Signal and then a reduce to combine the signals:

Signal signal = exposures.stream()
    .map(exposure -&gt;
        new Signal(
            exposure.getRight() == null
                ? Collections.emptySet()
                : Collections.singleton(exposure.getRight())))
        new Signal(false, new HashSet&lt;&gt;()),
        (leftSig, rightSig) -&gt; {
            HashSet&lt;String&gt; alarms = new HashSet&lt;&gt;();
            return new Signal(
                leftSig.exposure || rightSig.exposure, alarms);

However, if you have a lot of alarms it would be expensive because it creates a new Set and adds the new alarms to the accumulated alarms for each exposure in the input.

In a language that was designed from the ground-up to support functional programming, like Scala or Haskell, you'd have a Set data type that would let you efficiently create a new set that's identical to an existing set but with an added element, so there'd be no efficiency worries:

filteredSeeds.foldLeft((false, Set[String]())) { (result, exposure) =&gt; 
  (result._1 || exposure.getLeft, result._2 + exposure.getRight)

But Java doesn't come with anything like that out of the box.

You could create just a single Set for the result and mutate it in your stream's reduce expression, but some would regard that as poor style because you'd be mixing a functional paradigm (map/reduce over a stream) with a procedural one (mutating a set).

Personally, in Java, I'd just ditch the functional approach and use a for loop in this case. It'll be less code, more efficient, and IMO clearer.

If you have enough space to store an intermediate result, you could do something like:

List&lt;Pair&lt;Boolean, String&gt;&gt; exposures = 

Then you'd only be calling the expensive Seed::hadExposure method once per item in the input list.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月25日 05:20:19
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/64054577.html



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