从Oracle Java 8升级到Adopt OpenJDK

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Updating from Oracle Java 8 to Adopt OpenJDK


  1. 从Oracle Java 8升级到AdoptOpenJDK 8是否存在已知问题?
  2. 从Oracle Java 11升级到Adopt OpenJDK 11是否存在已知问题?
  3. 是否可以在Java 11上运行Java 8应用程序?(我可以同时使用Adopt OpenJDK 11来运行这两个应用程序吗?)
  4. 是否有从Oracle升级到Adopt的指南?(还是直接进行升级即可?)



i would like to update from Oracle Java to Adopt OpenJDK.
Therefore i have some question before i start doing the update:

Some information about the application i use:

  1. 2 applications
  2. Application 1 uses Java 8
  3. Application 2 uses Java 11

My Questions:

  1. Are there any known problems updating from oracle Java 8 to AdoptOpenJDK 8?
  2. Are there any known problems updating from oracle Java 11 to Adopt OpenJDK 11?
  3. Is it even possible to run a Java 8 Application on Java 11? (Can i use Adopt OpenJDK 11 for both applications?)
  4. Is there any guideline to update from Oracle to Adopt? (Or just straigt forward?)

best regards


得分: 1

对于给定的Java版本(自Java 8起),各种商业支持的OpenJDK构建几乎可以直接替代Oracle JDK。

如果您正在编写带有GUI的应用程序,您会发现字体和颜色配置有一些差异。Oracle JDK还对Java Flight Recorder有更好的支持(如果有人使用该功能)。在古老的Java Web Start中,OpenJDK几乎没有支持,但有一些替代方案。

根据我的经验(几乎都是在中间件方面),选择JDK(针对给定版本)几乎总是关于支持的决定,很少关于功能。我很少遇到从Oracle JDK迁移到OpenJDK或反之亦然时出现任何技术问题。

我还没有发现在Java 11及更高版本上运行Java 8应用程序存在任何问题。然而,Java 11将一些组件(主要与GUI应用程序相关)解耦为单独的JAR包。



For a given Java version (since Java 8), the various commercially-supported OpenJDK builds are almost drop-in replacements for the Oracle JDK.

If you're writing an application with a GUI, you'll find some differences in the fonts, and in colour profiles. The Oracle JDKs also have better support for Java Flight Recorder (if anybody uses that). There's little support in OpenJDK for the ancient Java Web Start, but there are alternatives.

In my experience (which is nearly all in middleware), choice of JDK (for a given version) is almost always a decision about support, and rarely about features. I've rarely encountered any technical problems moving from Oracle JDK to OpenJDK, or vice versa.

I've also not found any problems running Java 8 applications with Java 11 and later. However, Java 11 decoupled several components -- again most related to GUI applications -- into separate JARs.

But, in the end, this is all a matter of testing, isn't it? If your testing is sufficiently thorough, any problems with compatibility will be flushed out. I certainly wouldn't rely on anybody else's claims of backward compatibility without thorough testing.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月22日 16:32:32
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/64005927.html



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