我们的项目是否在使用Java EE / Java SE?

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Is our project using Java EE / Java SE?



工具:Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers(即Java EE IDE)
 - JRE 系统库:zulu7.29.0.5-ca_jdk7.0.222-linux_x64(JavaSE-1.7)
 - 其他(例如 Hibernate3、JbossAS、Struts-Portal 等):JbossIDE

我们的项目是使用 Java EE 还是 Java SE?我需要介绍我们项目所应用的 Java 版本,但我不知道如何查找和解释。如果我们使用的是 Java EE,我们正在应用哪个 Java EE 版本?


Here is the information of our web development project.

Tool: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (i.e. Java EE IDE)
 - JRE System Library: zulu7.29.0.5-ca_jdk7.0.222-linux_x64 (JavaSE-1.7)
 - Other (e.g. Hibernate3, JbossAS, Struts-Portal, etc): JbossIDE

Is our project using Java EE or Java SE? I need to introduce what Java version that we are applying for our project but I have no idea how to find and explain. What Java EE version that we are applying for our project if we are using Java EE?


得分: 2

"Java EE"(JEE)是一组由规范管理的Java技术。JEE包括诸如Enterprise JavaBeans、Java servlets和JSP等技术。如果您使用了其中任何一项技术,某种程度上可以说您在某种意义上在使用"JEE"。

然而,"使用JEE"并不是一个特别明确定义的术语。如果我的应用程序使用了servlets并且在Tomcat上运行,那么在某种程度上我可能是在使用符合JEE servlets规范的技术。但是许多人使用"使用JEE"一词时实际上是指"在符合JEE标准的应用服务器上运行"。

我在原帖中看到了"JBossAS"。我猜那可能是指JBoss企业应用平台(现在称为这个名字)。JBoss EAP是一个符合JEE标准的应用服务器。如果您的应用程序托管在EAP上,从某种意义上来说它可能是一个"JEE应用程序"。不同版本的EAP支持各种适用的JEE规范的不同版本 - 您需要查阅您版本的产品文档,以了解在您的情况下哪个版本是适当的。


"Java EE" (JEE) is a bunch of Java technologies regulated by specifications. JEE includes technologies like Enterprise JavaBeans, Java servlets, and JSP. If you're using any of these, you a probably "using JEE" in some sense.

However, "using JEE" isn't a particularly well-defined term. If my application uses servlets and runs on Tomcat than I'm probably "using JEE" to the extent that there is a JEE specification for servlets. But many people will use the term "using JEE" to mean, essentially, "running on a JEE-compliant application server".

I see "JBossAS" in the OP. I'm guessing that refers to JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (as it is now called). JBoss EAP is a JEE-compliant application server. If your application is hosted on EAP, it is probably a "JEE Application" in some sense. Different versions of EAP support different versions of the various applicable JEE specifications -- you'd have to look at the product documentation of your version to know which is appropriate in your case.


得分: 0

关于您项目的Java SE / EE版本要求,我们唯一确定的是它正在构建以在Java SE 7平台上运行。

您正在使用的IDE并没有告诉我们任何信息。(如果您愿意,您可以使用“Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers”来开发纯粹的Java SE代码...)

其他技术与Java EE相关... 但很难确定最低的Java EE版本要求。也许在Java EE 5之后的任何版本都足以支持Hibernate 3。然而,您可能应该检查您使用的所有与EE相关的库的具体版本,以了解它们对Java EE平台的要求。


The only thing we can say for sure about your project's Java SE / EE version requirements is that it is being built to run on a Java SE 7 platform.

The IDE you are using doesn't tell us anything. (You can can use "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers" to develop plain Java SE code ... if you want.)

The other technologies are Java EE relevant ... bit it is hard to discern a minimum Java EE version requirement. Probably anything after Java EE 5 would be sufficient for Hibernate 3. However, you probably should check the specific versions of all of the EE relevant libraries that you use for their Java EE platform requirements.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月22日 10:43:10
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/64002348.html



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