将字符串时间转换为Java时间对象,”Text could not be parsed at index 0″。

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convert string Time to Time Object Java "Text could not be parsed at index 0"




DateTimeFormatter parser = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("hh '小时' : mm '分钟' : ss '秒'", Locale.US);
LocalDate odt = LocalDate.parse(k, parser);

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm:ss");
String printDate = formatter.format(odt);

但是它给我一个错误消息:"无法解析文本 '0小时:5分钟:321秒',索引位置为0"。

这个错误发生在这一行:LocalDate odt = LocalDate.parse(k, parser);


I have the following String Format "0 hours : 5 mins : 21 secs".
I need to convert into the format: "hh:mm:ss", So i would be able to calculate the sum of total hours in a list.

I am using the following

        DateTimeFormatter parser = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("hh 'hours' : mm 'mins' : ss 'secs'", Locale.US);
        LocalDate odt = LocalDate.parse(k, parser);

        DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm:ss");
        String printDate = formatter.format(odt);

But It gives me an error : "Text '0 hours : 5 mins : 321 secs' could not be parsed at index 0".

This mistake happens on line: LocalDate odt = LocalDate.parse(k, parser);


得分: 0


int totalHours = 0;

// 演示时间字符串
String[] stringTimes = {"0 hours : 5 mins : 43 secs",
                        "2 hours : 25 mins : 31 secs",
                        "1 hours : 06 mins : 14 secs",
                        "4 hours : 43 mins : 57 secs"};

// 遍历数组中包含的所有演示时间字符串。
for (String strgTime : stringTimes) {
    /* 将当前时间字符串解析为小时、分钟、秒(不区分大小写)。 */
    String[] timeParts = strgTime.trim().split("(?i)\\s+hours\\s+:\\s+|\\s+mins\\s+:\\s+|\\s+secs\\s+");

    /* 验证 timeParts[] 中索引为 0 的分割元素,它应该是小时部分,
       是否确实是整数值的字符串表示。 */
    if (timeParts[0].matches("\\d+")) {
        /* 是的,它是整数值的字符串表示。
           将此字符串值转换为整数类型,并添加到 totalHours 中。 */
        totalHours += Integer.valueOf(timeParts[0]);

// 在控制台中显示总小时数
System.out.println("Total Hours:\t" + totalHours + " Hours");

运行后,您应该在控制台窗口中看到:Total Hours: 7 Hours。如果删除注释和演示时间字符串数组,您会发现实际上代码并不是很多。


If you have a string like that then perhaps it's just easier to create your own parser:

int totalHours = 0;

// Demo time Strings         
String[] stringTimes = {"0 hours : 5 mins : 43 secs",
                        "2 hours : 25 mins : 31 secs",
                        "1 hours : 06 mins : 14 secs",
                        "4 hours : 43 mins : 57 secs"};

// Iterate through all the demo time strings contained in array.    
for (String strgTime : stringTimes) {
    /* Parse the current time string into hour, minutes, seconds 
       (Letter case is ignored).    */
    String[] timeParts = strgTime.trim().split("(?i)\\s+hours\\s+:\\s+|\\s+mins\\s+:\\s+|\\s+secs\\s+");

    /* Validate the fact that the split element at index 0 of
       timeParts[] which is to hold hours is indeed a string 
       representation of a Integer value.           */
    if (timeParts[0].matches("\\d+")) {
       /* Yes, It is a string representation of a Integer value.
          Convert this String value to Integer type and add it 
          to totalHours.  */
        totalHours += Integer.valueOf(timeParts[0]);

// Display Total Hours in console
System.out.println("Total Hours:\t" + totalHours + " Hours");

After running this you should see in the Console Window: Total Hours: 7 Hours. If you remove the comments and the demo string times array, you can see it really isn't very much code.


得分: 0

## java.time.Duration 代表时间段

我理解 `0 小时 : 5 分钟 : 312 秒` 是一个时间段相当于 10 分钟 12 秒或总共 612 秒)。它不是一天中的特定时间如果是这样正确的类别是 `Duration`。(`LocalTime` 用于表示一天中的某个时间例如 00:10:12 表示午夜过去了 10 分钟 12 秒。)

不幸的是java.time 包中没有包含解析任意时间段字符串的机制。`Duration` 类可以解析 ISO 8601 格式的时间段字符串仅限于此格式幸运的是对于大多数格式你可以通过使用正则表达式将你所拥有的时间段字符串转换为 ISO 8601 格式对于你的情况也是如此

ISO 8601 格式的时间段表示方式在你适应之前可能会有些特殊它的格式为 `PT0H5M312S`,可以理解为 *一个持续时间持续了 0 小时 5 分钟 312 秒*

String amountOfTimeAsString = "0 小时 : 5 分钟 : 312 秒";
String iso8601String = "PT" + amountOfTimeAsString.replaceAll(
Duration dur = Duration.parse(iso8601String);

输出也是 ISO 8601 格式:

> PT10M12S

表示持续时间为 10 分钟 12 秒。

Duration 类提供了 plus 方法,用于将不同的时间段相加。这听起来符合你需要将时间段相加的需求。要从总和中获取小时数,可以使用 toHours 方法。


## java.time.Duration for an amount of time

I take it that `0 hours : 5 mins : 312 secs` is an amount of time (equal to 10 minutes 12 seconds or a total of 612 seconds). It’s not a time of day. If so, the correct class to use is `Duration`. (`LocalTime` is for at time of day such as 00:10:12 when this signifies 10 minutes 12 seconds past midnight.)

Unfortunately java.time doesn’t include any mechanism for parsing arbitrary duration strings. The `Duration` class can parse duration strings in ISO 8601 format, and that’s it. Fortunately, for most formats it’s manageable to convert the duration string that you’ve got into ISO 8601 using a regular expression. This is so in your case too.

ISO 8601 format for durations is a bit peculiar until you get used to it. It goes like `PT0H5M312S`. Think of it as *a period of time of 0 hours 5 minutes 312 seconds*.

		String amountOfTimeAsString = &quot;0 hours : 5 mins : 312 secs&quot;;
		String iso8601String = &quot;PT&quot; +  amountOfTimeAsString.replaceAll(
		Duration dur = Duration.parse(iso8601String);

Output is in ISO 8601 format too:

&gt; PT10M12S

A period of time of 10 minutes 12 seconds.

A `Duration` has a `plus` method for adding durations together. It sounds like what you need for summing them up. For getting the hours out of the sum use the `toHours` method.


# 答案3
**得分**: -1

你需要使用 `LocalTime` 而不是 `LocalDate`,且你的输入格式有错误。



以下是我使用的可运行示例代码。感谢 @DevilsHnd 提供的输入 `String` 数组。

import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.Locale;

public class DurationConversion {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] stringTimes = { "0 hours : 5 mins : 43 secs",
                "2 hours : 25 mins : 31 secs",
                "1 hours : 06 mins : 14 secs",
                "4 hours : 43 mins : 57 secs" };

        DateTimeFormatter parser = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(
                "H 'hours :' m 'mins :' s 'secs'", Locale.US);

        for (String k : stringTimes) {
            LocalTime odt = LocalTime.parse(k, parser);

            DateTimeFormatter formatter = 
            String printDate = formatter.format(odt);


You needed to use a LocalTime instead of a LocalDate, and your input format had errors.

Here are my test results.


Here's the runnable example code I used. Thanks to @DevilsHnd for the input String array.

import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.Locale;

public class DurationConve3rsion {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String[] stringTimes = { &quot;0 hours : 5 mins : 43 secs&quot;, 
				&quot;2 hours : 25 mins : 31 secs&quot;,
				&quot;1 hours : 06 mins : 14 secs&quot;, 
				&quot;4 hours : 43 mins : 57 secs&quot; };

		DateTimeFormatter parser = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(
				&quot;H &#39;hours :&#39; m &#39;mins :&#39; s &#39;secs&#39;&quot;, Locale.US);

		for (String k : stringTimes) {
			LocalTime odt = LocalTime.parse(k, parser);

			DateTimeFormatter formatter = 
			String printDate = formatter.format(odt);


  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月22日 06:51:05
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/64000895.html



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