
huangapple go评论69阅读模式

Add object to list based on the object type


Requested state:

public class ItemsInMemoryDao {

    static List<MyCompany> companies = new ArrayList<>();
    static List<Financial> financials = new ArrayList<>();
    static List<Stock> stocks = new ArrayList<>();

    static void save(Object object) {
        if (object instanceof MyCompany) {
            companies.add((MyCompany) object);
        } else if (object instanceof Financial) {
            financials.add((Financial) object);
        } else if (object instanceof Stock) {
            stocks.add((Stock) object);


I have a class that stores objects in lists. I have 3 different types of lists and I want to save the object in their respective list. As you can see, I have to repeat the method 3 times, once for each type, although in each case, the method does exactly the same thing.


Is there a way to write the same functionality with just one method using for example generics or interface?

Original code:

public class ItemsInMemoryDao {
    static List&lt;MyCompany&gt; companies = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
    static List&lt;Financial&gt; financials = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
    static List&lt;Stock&gt; stocks = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();;

    // TODO: Rewrite using generics or interface?
    static void saveCompany(MyCompany company) {

    static void saveFinancial(Financial financial) {

    static void saveStock(Stock stock) {


Requested state:

public class ItemsInMemoryDao {

    static List&lt;MyCompany&gt; companies = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
    static List&lt;Financial&gt; financials = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
    static List&lt;Stock&gt; stocks = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();;

    static void save(Object object) {
        // implementation here 



得分: 2


static void save(Object object) {
    if (object instanceof MyCompany) {
        companies.add((MyCompany) object);
    } else if (object instanceof Financial) {
        financials.add((Financial) object);
    } else if (object instanceof Stock) {
        stocks.add((Stock) object);
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();



Any reason you couldn't just use instanceof? Here's one possible implementation:

static void save(Object object) {
    if (object instanceof MyCompany) {
        companies.add((MyCompany) object);
    } else if (object instanceof Financial) {
        financials.add((Financial) object);
    } else if (object instanceof Stock) {
        stocks.add((Stock) object);
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();

That said, I can't say I really like this implementation. The chained else/ifs just look unnecessarily messy to me. Is there any reason you need to consolidate everything into one method? If it was me, and there was no reason to do otherwise, I would just leave it the way you had it.


得分: 1




public abstract class InMemoryRepo<T> {
    // 注意:这里通常不需要 'static'。
    // @Repository 表示您的DAO将被创建并管理为单例bean,对吗?
    private List<T> items = new ArrayList<>();

    public void save(T item){

public class CompanyInMemoryDao extends InMemoryRepo<MyCompany>{


public class FinancialInMemoryDao extends InMemoryRepo<Financial>{


public class StockInMemoryDao extends InMemoryRepo<Stock>{




Don't repeat yourself is often a good idea. But, although this one method is the same for all items, I suggest to create a seperate DAO class for each item type. When future methods are added, such mixed classes will likely become bloated.

However, to not repeat yourself in the save method, you could use an abstract super class and generics as you suggested already:

public abstract class InMemoryRepo&lt;T&gt; {
    // note: &#39;static&#39; is typically not needed here.
    // @Repository indicates that your DAO will be created and managed as a signelton bean right?
    private List&lt;T&gt; items = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();

    public void save(T item){

public class CompanyInMemoryDao extends InMemoryRepo&lt;MyCompany&gt;{


public class FinancialInMemoryDao extends InMemoryRepo&lt;Financial&gt;{


public class StockInMemoryDao extends InMemoryRepo&lt;Stock&gt;{



得分: 1

> 有没有办法使用泛型或接口之类的方法来编写相同功能,仅使用一个方法?


可以使用名为 save 的“一个”方法来实现吗?

static void save(MyCompany company) {

static void save(Financial financial) {

static void save(Stock stock) {

是的,可以在实现中使用 instanceof
这是强烈不推荐的,因为这会导致失去 Java 的类型安全性。

static void save(Object object) {
    if (object instanceof MyCompany)
        companies.add((MyCompany) company);
    else if (object instanceof Financial)
        financials.add((Financial) company);
    else if (object instanceof Stock)
        stocks.add((Stock) company);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("参数具有未知类型:" + object.getClass().getName());

例如,如果调用者尝试调用 save("Foo"),第一种解决方案将无法编译,因此您立即知道出现了问题,而第二种解决方案将编译通过,只有在尝试运行相关代码时才会意识到问题。


> Is there a way to write the same functionality with just one method using for example generics or interface?

Yes, and no but yes but don't do it.

Can it be done with "one" method called save?
Yes, using method overloading.
This is the recommended approach.

static void save(MyCompany company) {

static void save(Financial financial) {

static void save(Stock stock) {

Can it be done with truly one method?
Yes, using instanceof in the implementation.
This is highly discouraged, since you will lose the type-safety of Java.

static void save(Object object) {
    if (object instanceof MyCompany)
        companies.add((MyCompany) company);
    else if (object instanceof Financial)
        financials.add((Financial) company);
    else if (object instanceof Stock)
        stocks.add((Stock) company);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(&quot;Argument is of unknown type: &quot; + object.getClass().getName());

E.g. if a caller tries to call save(&quot;Foo&quot;), the first solution will fail to compile, so you instantly knows something it wrong, while the second solution will compile just fine, and you don't know something is wrong until you try running the code in question.


得分: 0



public interface Saveable {

    long getId( );

    void setId( long id );


public abstract class AbstractSaveable implements Saveable {

    protected long id;

    public long getId( ){ return this.id; }

    public void setId( long id ){ this.id = id; }


public class MyCompany extends AbstractSaveable {  }

public class Financial extends AbstractSaveable {  }

public class Stock extends AbstractSaveable {  }


public class ItemsInMemoryDao { 

    static private List< Saveable > db = new ArrayList<>( );    

    public void save( Saveable ntt ) {
        db.add( ntt ); 

    public Optional< Saveable > findById( final long id ) { 
        return db.stream( ).filter( ntt -> ntt.getId( ) == id ).findFirst( );


ItemsInMemoryDao dao = new ItemsInMemoryDao( );

dao.save( new MyCompany( 1 ) );

dao.save( new Financial( 2 ) );

dao.save( new Stock( 3 ) );


public class OverEngineeredDao< NTT extends Saveable > { 

    private List< NTT > db = new ArrayList<>( );   

    public void save( NTT ntt ){

        db.add( ntt );

    public Optional< NTT > findById( final long id ) { 
        return db.stream( ).filter( ntt -> ntt.getId( ) == id ).findFirst( );


OverEngineeredDao< Saveable > oeDao = new OverEngineeredDao<>( );

oeDao.save( new MyCompany( 1 ) );

oeDao.save( new Financial( 2 ) );

oeDao.save( new Stock( 3 ) );


Optional[MyCompany [ id: 1 ]]
Optional[Financial [ id: 2 ]]
Optional[Stock [ id: 3 ]]
Optional[MyCompany [ id: 1 ]]
Optional[Financial [ id: 2 ]]
Optional[Stock [ id: 3 ]]



> „…Is there a way to write the same functionality with just one method using for example generics or interface?…

The simplest way to do what you require is the latter…

public interface Saveable { 

    long getId( );

    void setId( long id );

Then to further reduce duplication of code…

public abstract class AbstractSaveable implements Saveable {
    protected long id;
    public long getId( ){ return this.id; }
    public void setId( long id ){ this.id = id; }

Your entities would extend that…

public class MyCompany extends AbstractSaveable { … }

public class Financial extends AbstractSaveable { … }

public class Stock extends AbstractSaveable { … }

So the only generics you really, truly need in such a simple use-case are the built-in ones…

public class ItemsInMemoryDao { 

    static private List&lt; Saveable &gt; db = new ArrayList&lt; &gt;( );    
    public void save( Saveable ntt ) {
        db.add( ntt ); 

    public Optional&lt; Saveable &gt; findById( final long id ) { 
        return db.stream( ).filter( ntt -&gt; ntt.getId( ) == id ).findFirst( );

I've confirmed that this works in this experiment

ItemsInMemoryDao dao = new ItemsInMemoryDao( );
dao.save( new MyCompany( 1 ) );

dao.save( new Financial( 2 ) );

dao.save( new Stock( 3 ) );

Of course, you could always <strike>over-engineer it</strike> use generics…

public class OverEngineeredDao&lt; NTT extends Saveable &gt; { 
    private List&lt; NTT &gt; db = new ArrayList&lt; &gt;( );   
    public void save( NTT ntt ){
        db.add( ntt );

    public Optional&lt; NTT &gt; findById( final long id ) { 
        return db.stream( ).filter( ntt -&gt; ntt.getId( ) == id ).findFirst( );

…To get the same result…

OverEngineeredDao&lt; Saveable &gt; oeDao = new OverEngineeredDao&lt; &gt;( );
oeDao.save( new MyCompany( 1 ) );

oeDao.save( new Financial( 2 ) );

oeDao.save( new Stock( 3 ) );

Which I print out to confirm it works…

                                 Optional[MyCompany [ id: 1 ]]
                                 Optional[Financial [ id: 2 ]]
                                     Optional[Stock [ id: 3 ]]
                                 Optional[MyCompany [ id: 1 ]]
                                 Optional[Financial [ id: 2 ]]
                                     Optional[Stock [ id: 3 ]]
                                         EXPERIMENT SUCCESSFUL

You can see both approaches successfully running here.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月22日 05:25:02
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/64000186.html



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