
huangapple go评论93阅读模式

Masking the centre part of the email ID



  1. 输入 | 输出
  2. qwerty@gmail.com : qw**ty@gmail.com
  3. helloworld@gmail.com : he******ld@gmail.com
  4. stackoverflow@gmail.com : st*********ow@gmail.com
  5. abcde@gmail.com : ab*de@gmail.com
  6. abcd@gmail.com : a**d@gmail.com
  7. abc@gmail.com : a*c@gmail.com
  8. ab@gmail.com : a*@gmail.com
  1. 如果两端都有最多2个字符,最少显示每端的1个字符,或者仅掩码最后一个字符。

  2. 字符串长度至少为2个字符(ab@gmail.com)。





I want to mask the email id as follows :

  1. Input | Output
  2. qwerty@gmail.com : qw**ty@gmail.com
  3. helloworld@gmail.com : he******ld@gmail.com
  4. stackoverflow@gmail.com : st*********ow@gmail.com
  5. abcde@gmail.com : ab*de@gmail.com
  6. abcd@gmail.com : a**d@gmail.com
  7. abc@gmail.com : a*c@gmail.com
  8. ab@gmail.com : a*@gmail.com
  1. Max 2 characters at both the extremes if available, minimum 1 character at each end are to be displayed or just mask the last character.

  2. The string has to be atleast 2 characters in length (ab@gmail.com).

I referred some of the solutions provided, but was not able to achieve the second and third scenario using those. Is there a possibility to find a fix ? I'm not well versed with regex, so I'm not sure which way to go ahead.

references :



得分: 1

有关电子邮件地址中可以包含什么内容以及不能包含什么内容的有趣阅读材料,可以参考这个 Stack Overflow 帖子这个 Stack Overflow 帖子,特别是如果您想要使用正则表达式


  1. public static String maskEMailAddress(String emailAddy) {
  2. String id = emailAddy.substring(0, emailAddy.lastIndexOf("@"));
  3. String domain = emailAddy.substring(emailAddy.lastIndexOf("@"));
  4. if (id.length() <= 1) {
  5. return emailAddy;
  6. }
  7. switch (id.length()) {
  8. case 2:
  9. id = id.substring(0,1) + "*";
  10. break;
  11. case 3:
  12. id = id.substring(0,1) + "*" + id.substring(2);
  13. break;
  14. case 4:
  15. id = id.substring(0,1) + "**" + id.substring(3);
  16. break;
  17. default:
  18. String masks = String.join("", java.util.Collections.nCopies(id.length() - 4, "*"));
  19. id = id.substring(0,2) + masks + id.substring(id.length() - 2);
  20. break;
  21. }
  22. String address = id + domain;
  23. return address;
  24. }

Interesting reads regarding what can, and what can not be in an E-Mail Address would be this SO Post and this SO Post especially if you want to utilize Regular Expressions.

Here is another method to accomplish the task at hand:

  1. public static String maskEMailAddress(String emailAddy) {
  2. String id = emailAddy.substring(0, emailAddy.lastIndexOf(&quot;@&quot;));
  3. String domain = emailAddy.substring(emailAddy.lastIndexOf(&quot;@&quot;));
  4. if (id.length() &lt;= 1) {
  5. return emailAddy;
  6. }
  7. switch (id.length()) {
  8. case 2:
  9. id = id.substring(0,1) + &quot;*&quot;;
  10. break;
  11. case 3:
  12. id = id.substring(0,1) + &quot;*&quot; + id.substring(2);
  13. break;
  14. case 4:
  15. id = id.substring(0,1) + &quot;**&quot; + id.substring(3);
  16. break;
  17. default:
  18. String masks = String.join(&quot;&quot;, java.util.Collections.nCopies(id.length() - 4, &quot;*&quot;));
  19. id = id.substring(0,2) + masks + id.substring(id.length() - 2);
  20. break;
  21. }
  22. String address = id + domain;
  23. return address;
  24. }


得分: 0



  1. String replace(String regex, String replacement, String input) {
  2. String result = "N/A";
  3. Matcher m = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(input);
  4. if (m.find()) {
  5. int groupToReplace = 1;
  6. result = new StringBuilder(input).replace(m.start(groupToReplace),
  7. m.end(groupToReplace),
  8. replacement).toString();
  9. } else {
  10. throw new IllegalStateException("internal error");
  11. }
  12. return result;
  13. }

然后,不同的情况可以隔离到客户端代码中。在这里,我们假设“电子邮件 ID”已从电子邮件地址中剥离出来。(例如,qwertyinput,而不是 qwerty@gmail.com)。代码片段:

  1. // TODO: the regex strings can be compiled into proper Pattern objects
  2. if (numChars == 2) {
  3. regex = ".(.)";
  4. replacement = ASTERISK;
  5. } else if (numChars == 3) {
  6. regex = ".(.)";
  7. replacement = ASTERISK;
  8. } else if (numChars == 4) {
  9. regex = ".(..).";
  10. replacement = ASTERISK + ASTERISK;
  11. } else {
  12. regex = "..(.*)..";
  13. int numAsterisks = numChars - 4;
  14. // requires JDK 11+
  15. replacement = ASTERISK.repeat(numAsterisks);
  16. }
  17. String result = replace(regex, replacement, input);

请注意,上述代码中的String.repeat是在JDK 11中引入的。




Working code is located here

Consider a method that replaces a regex within an input string (credit to this answer):

  1. String replace(String regex, String replacement, String input) {
  2. String result = &quot;N/A&quot;;
  3. Matcher m = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(input);
  4. if (m.find()) {
  5. int groupToReplace = 1;
  6. result = new StringBuilder(input).replace(m.start(groupToReplace),
  7. m.end(groupToReplace),
  8. replacement).toString();
  9. } else {
  10. throw new IllegalStateException(&quot;internal error&quot;);
  11. }
  12. return result;
  13. }

then the various cases can be isolated into client code. Here, we assume that the "email id" has been stripped from the email address. (e.g. qwerty is input and not qwerty@gmail.com). Code snippet:

  1. // TODO: the regex strings can be compiled into proper Pattern objects
  2. if (numChars == 2) {
  3. regex = &quot;.(.)&quot;;
  4. replacement = ASTERISK;
  5. } else if (numChars == 3) {
  6. regex = &quot;.(.).&quot;;
  7. replacement = ASTERISK;
  8. } else if (numChars == 4) {
  9. regex = &quot;.(..).&quot;;
  10. replacement = ASTERISK + ASTERISK;
  11. } else {
  12. regex = &quot;..(.*)..&quot;;
  13. int numAsterisks = numChars - 4;
  14. // requires JDK 11+
  15. replacement = ASTERISK.repeat(numAsterisks);
  16. }
  17. String result = replace(regex, replacement, input);

Above, note that String.repeat was introduced in JDK 11.

This is neither efficient nor elegant but is somewhat readable (esp. if unit-tested thoroughly). It has a simplistic treatment of what constitutes an email address.

Another solution, which doesn't use regular expressions, is included here.


得分: 0

  1. public static void main(String[] args) {
  2. String str = "qwerty@gmail.com\n"
  3. + "helloworld@gmail.com\n"
  4. + "stackoverflow@gmail.com\n"
  5. + "abcde@gmail.com\n"
  6. + "abcd@gmail.com\n"
  7. + "abc@gmail.com\n"
  8. + "ab@gmail.com";
  9. // 9 matcher group in total
  10. Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(?:(\\w{2})(\\w+)(\\w{2}@.*)|(\\w)(\\w{1,2})(\\w@.*)|(\\w)(\\w)(@.*))");
  11. List<Integer> groupIndex = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
  12. for (String email : str.split("\n")) {
  13. Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(email);
  14. if(matcher.find()) {
  15. List<Integer> activeGroupIndex = groupIndex.stream()
  16. .filter(i -> matcher.group(i) != null)
  17. .collect(Collectors.toList());
  18. String prefix = matcher.group(activeGroupIndex.get(0));
  19. String middle = matcher.group(activeGroupIndex.get(1));
  20. String suffix = matcher.group(activeGroupIndex.get(2));
  21. System.out.printf("%s%s%s%n", prefix, "*".repeat(middle.length()), suffix);
  22. }
  23. }
  24. }


  1. qw**ty@gmail.com
  2. he******ld@gmail.com
  3. st*********ow@gmail.com
  4. ab*de@gmail.com
  5. a**d@gmail.com
  6. a*c@gmail.com
  7. a*@gmail.com

Note: "String repeat​(int count)" only works from Java 11 and up.


Alternative regex:

  1. &quot;(?:(\\w{2})(\\w+)(\\w{2}@.*)|(\\w)(\\w{1,2})(\\w@.*)|(\\w)(\\w)(@.*))&quot;

Regex in context:

  1. public static void main(String[] args) {
  2. String str = &quot;qwerty@gmail.com\n&quot;
  3. + &quot;helloworld@gmail.com\n&quot;
  4. + &quot;stackoverflow@gmail.com\n&quot;
  5. + &quot;abcde@gmail.com\n&quot;
  6. + &quot;abcd@gmail.com\n&quot;
  7. + &quot;abc@gmail.com\n&quot;
  8. + &quot;ab@gmail.com&quot;;
  9. // 9 matcher group in total
  10. Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(&quot;(?:(\\w{2})(\\w+)(\\w{2}@.*)|(\\w)(\\w{1,2})(\\w@.*)|(\\w)(\\w)(@.*))&quot;);
  11. List&lt;Integer&gt; groupIndex = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
  12. for (String email : str.split(&quot;\n&quot;)) {
  13. Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(email);
  14. if(matcher.find()) {
  15. List&lt;Integer&gt; activeGroupIndex = groupIndex.stream()
  16. .filter(i -&gt; matcher.group(i) != null)
  17. .collect(Collectors.toList());
  18. String prefix = matcher.group(activeGroupIndex.get(0));
  19. String middle = matcher.group(activeGroupIndex.get(1));
  20. String suffix = matcher.group(activeGroupIndex.get(2));
  21. System.out.printf(&quot;%s%s%s%n&quot;, prefix, &quot;*&quot;.repeat(middle.length()), suffix);
  22. }
  23. }
  24. }


  1. qw**ty@gmail.com
  2. he******ld@gmail.com
  3. st*********ow@gmail.com
  4. ab*de@gmail.com
  5. a**d@gmail.com
  6. a*c@gmail.com
  7. a*@gmail.com

Note: "String repeat​(int count)" only works from Java 11 and up.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月21日 23:18:25
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63995240.html



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