`Optional.ifPresentOrElse()` 当为空时返回一个字符串吗?

huangapple go评论89阅读模式

Optional<Integer> return a string from Optional.ifPresentOrElse() when empty?


尝试从一个Optional中获取一个值来创建一个字符串,但如果该值为空,使用一个常量字符串("not supplied")。是否有办法使用ifPresentOrElse()来返回一个字符串常量?或者完全不同的调用?

  1. final Optional<Integer> optAppId = Optional.ofNullable(appApiBean.getAppId());
  2. ...
  3. // 有效,但冗长和笨拙
  4. String appIdStr = optAppId.isPresent() ? optAppId.get().toString() : NA_OPTION;
  5. // 第二部分失败,因为它不是void
  6. String appIdStr = optAppId.ifPresentOrElse(s -> s.toString(), () -> NA_OPTION);




I'm trying to get a value from an Optional<Integer> to create a string, but use a constant string ("not supplied") if the value is empty. Is there a way to use ifPresentOrElse() to return a string constant? Or maybe a different call altogether?

  1. final Optional&lt;Integer&gt; optAppId = Optional.ofNullable(appApiBean.getAppId());
  2. ...
  3. // works, but long, clumsy,
  4. String appIdStr = optAppId.isPresent() ? optAppId.get().toString() : NA_OPTION;
  5. // Second part fails, because it&#39;s not void
  6. String appIdStr = optAppId.ifPresentOrElse(s -&gt; s.toString(), () -&gt; NA_OPTION);

I like the idea of using the Optional capabilities directly, reducing the occurrences of the variable name, more readable code, etc., and I'd hate to introduce flag values for the Integer like '-1' so I can use ifPresent()



得分: 4

ifPresentOrElse 根据 Optional 是否为空来执行操作,而不是求得一个值。

你可以使用 orElse 来指定 Optional 为空时的默认值。如果 Optional 不为空,orElse 将返回 Optional 包裹的值,因此你应该首先使用 map 将 Optional 映射到你想要的值:

  1. String appIdStr = optAppId.map(Integer::toString).orElse(NA_OPTION);

你还可以使用 orElseGet,它接受一个 Supplier,如果你希望默认值进行延迟求值,可以这样使用:

  1. String appIdStr = optAppId.map(Integer::toString).orElseGet(() -> someExpensiveOperation());

ifPresentOrElse performs an action depending on whether the optional is empty or not, rather than evaluating to a value.

You can use orElse to specify the default value you want when the optional is empty. orElse will return the optional's wrapped value if it is not value, so you should first map the optional to the value you want:

  1. String appIdStr = optAppId.map(Integer::toString).orElse(NA_OPTION);

You can also use orElseGet, which takes a Supplier, if you want lazy-evaluation of the default value:

  1. String appIdStr = optAppId.map(Integer::toString).orElseGet(() -&gt; someExpensiveOperation());

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月21日 07:56:02
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63984706.html



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