在Java 15的封闭类特性中,final类和非封闭类有什么区别?

huangapple go评论73阅读模式

What is the difference between a final and a non-sealed class in Java 15's sealed-classes feature?


我有以下的密封接口(Java 15):

public sealed interface Animal permits Cat, Duck {

    String makeSound();


public final class Cat implements Animal {

    public String makeSound() {
        return "miau";

public non-sealed class Duck implements Animal {

    public String makeSound() {
        return "quack";

有人可以告诉我 finalnon-sealed 之间的区别吗? final 阻止我创建其他子类,但是 non-sealedDuck 有什么行为应用?


I have the following sealed interface (Java 15):

public sealed interface Animal permits Cat, Duck {

    String makeSound();

This interface is implemented by 2 classes:

public final class Cat implements Animal {

    public String makeSound() {
        return "miau";

public non-sealed class Duck implements Animal {

    public String makeSound() {
        return "quack";

Can someone tell me the difference between final and non-sealed? final stops me from creating other sub-classes but what behavior does non-sealed apply to Duck?


得分: 18

  • 由于您将Cat标记为final,其他任何类都无法扩展Cat
  • 由于您将Duck标记为non-sealed,任何类都可以扩展Duck


  • 将一个扩展了sealed类的类标记为sealed,对它产生相同的影响:只有在permits子句之后指定的类才可以扩展它。

  • non-sealed只是“打破了封印”,因此不必将效果传递到层次结构下面。扩展的类对于未知子类再次开放,可以被其自身扩展。

  • final在效果上与在permits子句之后未指定任何类的sealed相同。请注意,不能在permits之后不指定任何内容,因此sealed无法取代final

  • As you've marked Cat as final, no other class can extend Cat.
  • As you've marked Duck as non-sealed, any class can extend Duck.

When marking a class as sealed, all directly extending classes (the ones after the permits clause) have to be marked either as final, sealed or non-sealed:

  • Marking a class that extends a sealed class as sealed, applies the same effect on it: Only classes specified after the permits clause are allowed to extend it.

  • non-sealed just "breaks the seal", so the effect doesn't have to be carried on down the hierarchy. The extending class is open (again) for being extended by unknown subclasses itself.

  • final is effectively the same as sealed without any class specified after the permits clause. Notice that specifying nothing after permits is not possible, so sealed cannot replace final.


得分: 2


final类: 你不能继承这个类。我的意思是你不能将这个类扩展到其他类上。

non-sealed类: 你可以从其他类继承这个类。


public sealed interface Animal permits Cat, Duck {
    String makeSound();


public final class Cat implements Animal {

    public String makeSound() {
        return "miau";

public class Duck implements Animal {

    public String makeSound() {
        return "quack";


// 得到错误
public class MyCat extends Cat {


// 错误不会显示。Duck类是可扩展的
public class MyDuck extends Duck {


Final and non-sealed class has some differences.

final class: you can't inherit this class. I mean that you can't extend this class to other class
on the other hand.

non-sealed class: you can inherit this class from others.

For example:<br>
This sealed interface which interface only permitted for Cat & Duck class.Note that Cat & Duck must be final , non-sealed or sealed class

public sealed interface Animal permits Cat, Duck {

    String makeSound();

Now, I am creating Cat & Duck class. Here Cat is the final class and another one is non-sealed class.

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-java -->

public final class Cat implements Animal {

    public String makeSound() {
        return &quot;miau&quot;;

public non-sealed class Duck implements Animal {

    public String makeSound() {
        return &quot;quack&quot;;

<!-- end snippet -->

So if you can try to inherit the Cat class, you can't, got compilation error because Cat class is final.On another hand Duck class is extendable because it's non-sealed class

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-java -->

//Got Error
public class MyCat extends Cat {


//Error not show.Duck class is extendable
public class MyDuck extends Duck {


<!-- end snippet -->


得分: 0


当你将一个类标记为密封的时候,只有被许可的子类才能扩展它,并且只能具有这些修饰符 final、sealed 或 non-sealed:

public sealed class NumberSystem
    // 许可的子类条款已被省略
    // 因为所有的子类都存在于同一个文件中。
{ }
non-sealed class Decimal extends NumberSystem { .. }
final class NonRecurringDecimal extends Decimal {..}
final class RecurringDecimal extends Decimal {..}

尽管 NumberSystem 根层次的层次结构对于一组已知的类是封闭的,但你可以通过使用 non-sealed 关键字来允许子层次结构是开放的。


在下面的图表中,我们将密封类别 NumberSystem 的根层次结构限制为一组已知的子类。然而,非密封类别 Decimal 允许任何未知的子类,比如 RecurringDecimal,来扩展它。


A final class has zero subclasses, meaning no other class can extend it.
Any class can extend the non-sealed class.

When you mark a class as sealed, only the permitted subclasses can extend it and can have only these modifiers final, sealed, or non-sealed:

public sealed class NumberSystem
    // The permits clause has been omitted
    // as all the subclasses exists in the same file.
{ }
non-sealed class Decimal extends NumberSystem { .. }
final class NonRecurringDecimal extends Decimal {..}
final class RecurringDecimal extends Decimal {..}

Though, the NumberSystem root level hierarchy is closed to set of known classes, you can allow the sub hierarchies to be open by using the non-sealed keyword.

The sealed and non-sealed combination allows you to restrict parts of your hierarchy but not all.

In the below diagram, we restricted the root hierarchy of the sealed class NumberSystem to a known set of subclasses. However, the non-sealed Decimal class allows any unknown subclass such as RecurringDecimal to extend it.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月20日 02:34:08
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63972130.html



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