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Should classes define getters for their dependencies?


假设我有一个名为 car 的类,其中包含一个 motor。

Motor 类的定义如下:

class Motor {
    private String code;
    public String getCode() {
        return code;

假设我们需要从任何能够访问 car 的地方访问 motor 的 code,那么应该如何定义 car 类呢?


class Car {
    private Motor motor;

    public Motor getMotor() {
        return motor;


Car car = ...
Motor motor = car.getMotor();
String code = motor.getCode();


class Car {
    private Motor motor;

    public String getMotorCode() {
        return motor.getCode();


Car car = ...
String code = car.getMotorCode();

我假设第二种选项更好,因为它遵循了德米特法则,而第一种选项则没有。另一方面,外部类是否应该为内部类的每个 getter 方法都进行定义呢?motor 是否应该通过 getMotor() 来暴露出来呢?


Let's say I have a class car which has a motor.

The class motor is defined like this:

class Motor {
    private String code;
    public String getCode() {
        return code;

How should the class car be defined, assuming we need to access the motor's code from whoever has access to the car?

class Car {
    private Motor motor;

    public Motor getMotor() {
        return motor;

Which allows for this:

Car car = ...
Motor motor = car.getMotor();
String code = motor.getCode();


class Car {
    private Motor motor;

    public String getMotorCode() {
        return motor.getCode();

Which allows for this:

Car car = ...
String code = car.getMotorCode();

I assume the second option is best since it follows the Law of Demeter, which the first one doesn't. On the other hand, should the outer class define every single getter from the inner class(es)? Should the motor ever be exposed with a getMotor()?


得分: 1

是的,由于Motor将单独使用,如果它需要拥有自己的类,那么可以这样做。如果不需要,那么Car类可以在自身中存储String motorCode。这前提是Car是一个组合模型,没有重要逻辑,就像示例中的情况一样。





Yes, since Motor is going to be used by itself without its enclosing Car if it warrants its own class. If it doesn't, then the Car class can store String motorCode in itself. This assumes that Car is a composite model without significant logic, as it seems to be in the example.

It's the anorectic class design of the example that makes it unclear, but in a real world application the Motor class has dozens of fields and composite classes of its own. The Car class can't have methods for all of them.

The Car class may then have methods that aggregate data from different composite fields, or make some often used data easier to access without long car.getMotor().getSomething().getData() chains.

Having this same vehicle-motor-etc. hierarchy in our product (although much fuller), I know that in real world applications Motor will be handled separately. As well as potentially things like Transmission, Tyres and so on. So the end result is a hybrid approach where you provide access to the internal composite elements, since sometimes you need it. The object graph is too big and not interesting enough to warrant a lot of design, so it's a trade-off between encapsulation and development speed.


得分: 1

car.getMotor().getCode() 胜出。


  • 代码更少;你不需要实现 getMotorCode()
  • getMotorCode() 违反了迪米特法则 - 一辆车会知道并与其引擎拥有耦合关系,了解其字段。如果有一天出现了一个没有编码的引擎怎么办?
  • getMotorCode() 是一个几乎没有增加价值的便利方法
  • getMotorCode() 不是一个程序员会期望找到车辆引擎代码的地方,但 car.getMotor().getCode()
  • getMotorCode() 不是行业标准 - 我随意想不起来曾经见过类似的方法 getMotorCode()(而我见过很多代码)


> 对象 a 可以请求对象实例 b 的服务(调用方法),但对象 a 不应“穿透”对象 b 来访问另一个对象 c 并请求其服务。这样做意味着对象 a 隐含地需要更多了解对象 b 的内部结构。

这恰好描述了 getMotorCode() 的行为。


car.getMotor().getCode() wins.


  • It’s less code; you don’t have to implement getMotorCode()
  • getMotorCode() breaks Demeter's Law – a car would know about, and be coupled to, what fields a motor has. What if one day there’s a motor that doesn’t have a code?
  • getMotorCode() is a convenience method that adds little value
  • getMotorCode() is not where a coder would expect to find a car’s motor’s code, but car.getMotor().getCode() is
  • getMotorCode() is not industry standard - off hand I cannot recall seeing such a method as getMotorCode() (and I’ve seen a lot of code)

Regarding breaking the Law of Demeter, quoting Wikipedia:

> An object a can request a service (call a method) of an object instance b, but object a should not "reach through" object b to access yet another object, c, to request its services. Doing so would mean that object a implicitly requires greater knowledge of object b's internal structure.

This precisely describes what getMotorCode() does.


得分: 0

我认为这很简单:Motor 是可变的还是拥有一些应该隐藏的信息(即:不向客户/调用者公开的信息)?如果任何一个答案是肯定的 - 只需通过允许的信息来间接地暴露 Motor


  • 允许调用者更改 Motor 的内部(这可能不是你想要的)

  • 暴露过多的信息(比如 VIN 或许不应该对所有人可见)


I see this as rather simple: is Motor mutable or is Motor having some information that should be hidden (i.e. : not exposed to clients/callers)? If any of the answer is yes - simply don't expose Motor directly, but only via the information that is allowed.

Otherwise you risk:

  • for callers to change the internals of Motor (which you might not want)

  • exposing too much (like may be VIN should not be visible for everyone)


得分: 0


public String getCode() {
    return "Code: " + code;

如果你改变了返回代码的方式,比如return "C: " + code;,你会需要改变每个类似你已实现的getMotorCode()的方法吗?不会



@Bohemian♦ got this right.
Getter and Setters in Java are used to provide standard ways to return data.
Implement Motor this way :

public String getCode() {
    return "Code: " + code;

Does your Car class needs to know how to return a code ? No
Let's imagine you implement getMotorCode() in Car, will you duplicate how to return a code ? No
You change the way to return a code like return "C: " + code;, will you change every method like getMotorCode() you've implemented ? No

car.getMotor().getCode() is the standard because each part manages its job.


得分: 0





I think most answers so far didn't mention the most important aspect: your classes should always strive to provide services, not objects.

Whenever you have a getter that returns objects, you make the first step towards breaking "tell, don't ask".

Tell your client code to do something (by invoking services of other objects) instead of forcing the client to retrieve other objects, to then make decisions based on the state of such objects!

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月17日 21:34:54
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63939258.html



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