你可以使用 Google Drive API v3 来获取 Google 电子表格文件的文件ID。

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How can I get Google spreadsheets file Id by using Google drive API v3?


I upload a ContactList.csv file to my google drive. When I click to open the CSV file, it will create and open a "ContactList" google spreadsheets file. After I do some edit to it, I need to search this google spreadsheets file to download it as CSV.

What's the mimeTpye should I put in? I tried to use 'text/csv', but it will find the original CSV file, not the google spreadsheets one. Thus I don't know how to get the google spreadsheets file id.
Can anyone tell me how to do?

     FileList result= null;
            try {
                result= driveService.files().list()
                        .setQ(" name contains 'ContactList' and mimeType = 'text/csv' ")

                        .setOrderBy("modifiedTime desc")

                System.out.println("searchFile ID:"+result.getFiles().get(0).getId());

            }catch (Exception e){

你可以使用 Google Drive API v3 来获取 Google 电子表格文件的文件ID。


I upload a ContactList.csv file to my google drive. When I click to open the CSV file, it will create and open a "ContactList" google spreadsheets file. After I do some edit to it, I need to search this google spreadsheets file to download it as CSV.

What's the mimeTpye should I put in? I tried to use 'text/csv', but it will find the original CSV file, not the google spreadsheets one. Thus I don't know how to get the google spreadsheets file id.
Can anyone tell me how to do?

 FileList result= null;
        try {
            result= driveService.files().list()
                    .setQ(" name contains 'ContactList' and mimeType = 'text/csv' ")

                    .setOrderBy("modifiedTime desc")

            System.out.println("searchFile ID:"+result.getFiles().get(0).getId());

        }catch (Exception e){

你可以使用 Google Drive API v3 来获取 Google 电子表格文件的文件ID。


得分: 1

根据文档,查找 Google 电子表格应该使用 MimeType 为 application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet。所有 Google MimeTypes 的参考在此处


      FileList result = driveService.files().list()
          .setQ("name contains 'ContactList' and mimeType='application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet'")
          .setOrderBy("modifiedTime desc")

According to the documentation, for looking for Google Spreadsheets your MimeType should be application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet. Reference to all Google MimeTypes here.

Sample code of how to make this request (documentation here):

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  FileList result = driveService.files().list()
      .setQ(&quot;name contains &#39;ContactList&#39; and mimeType=&#39;application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet&#39;&quot;)
      .setOrderBy(&quot;modifiedTime desc&quot;)

<!-- end snippet -->

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月17日 18:43:44
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63936355.html



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