Visual Studio Code设置用于没有主方法的Java WebApp项目。

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Visual Studio Code setup for Java WebApp Project without main method


我正在尝试在我的本地机器上设置这个项目(。我对Java不太熟悉,但我觉得我已经做了足够的事情(MAVEN、Java环境下载和系统变量设置),让我的Windows机器和Visual Studio Code一起运行起来。我能够在Visual Studio Code中顺利运行Spring Boot项目,所以我想我已经拥有了所有所需的组件(。

这个Spring Boot项目有一个主方法,而我正在尝试重新创建的项目没有。当我调试githubsfdeploy项目时,我收到一个错误,说找不到“main”方法。我一直在研究如何在不使用主方法的情况下运行Java项目,但我还没有找到缺失的部分。希望能指导我可能没有考虑到的问题。谢谢!


I am looking to setup this project ( on my local machine. I'm not too familiar with Java but I feel I've been able to do enough (MAVEN, JAVA environment downloads and system variable settings) to get my windows machine up and running along with Visual Studio Code. I was able to get the spring boot project up and running in visual studio code without any issues so I want to believe I have all the required pieces (

The spring-boot project has a main method and the one I'm trying to recreate doesn't. I am receiving the error when debugging the githubsfdeploy project that a "main" method could not be found. I've been researching other ways to run a java project without using the main method but haven't recognized the missing piece yet. Would love some direction on what I may not be taking into account. Thanks!


得分: 2



已安装的VS Code扩展:Java扩展包适用于Java的Tomcat

我已下载:apache-maven-3.6.3-bin.zipTomcat9.0.38 并将它们解压。

  1. 将Maven添加到环境变量中:


  2. 在VS Code中打开项目,在用户settings.json中添加以下代码:

    "maven.executable.path": "---\apache-maven-3.6.3-bin\apache-maven-3.6.3\bin\mvn",

  3. 按照以下图片步骤操作:

    Visual Studio Code设置用于没有主方法的Java WebApp项目。

  4. 添加Tomcat服务器并在Tomcat上运行.war文件,这里有一个GIF教程:与Tomcat一起使用


Visual Studio Code设置用于没有主方法的Java WebApp项目。


Visual Studio Code设置用于没有主方法的Java WebApp项目。


This is a Maven project which based on the concept of a project object model (POM). So first, you should download Maven and Tomcat locally.

My machine: win10, vscode1.49.0, JDK11

VS Code Extension installed: Java Extension Pack, Tomcat for java

and i download: and Tomcat9.0.38 and extract them

  1. Add maven to Environment Variables:


  2. Open the project in VS Code, add the following code in User settings.json:

    "maven.executable.path": "---\apache-maven-3.6.3-bin\apache-maven-3.6.3\bin\mvn",

  3. Follow the picture steps:

Visual Studio Code设置用于没有主方法的Java WebApp项目。

  1. Add the tomcat server and run the .war on tomcat, here is a gif tutorial: work with tomcat

Finally, you will observe this result:
Visual Studio Code设置用于没有主方法的Java WebApp项目。

When you can run it successfully, debugging is achievable: right click the tomcat server and choose debug war packages:

Visual Studio Code设置用于没有主方法的Java WebApp项目。

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月16日 05:24:38
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