
huangapple go评论58阅读模式

Can someone help deconstruct this terse Java function into plain English?



public E poll() {
  final Object[] es;
  final E result;

  if ((result = (E) ((es = queue)[0])) != null) {
    final int n;
    final E x = (E) es[(n = --size)];
    es[n] = null;
    if (n > 0) {
      final Comparator<? super E> cmp;
      if ((cmp = comparator) == null)
        siftDownComparable(0, x, es, n);
        siftDownUsingComparator(0, x, es, n, cmp);
    return result;

变量 queue 是一个定义在类中的 Object[] 数组。


if ((result = (E) ((es = queue)[0])) != null)

这是否意味着“将数组 queue 赋值给变量 es,访问元素 0,如果它不是空,则执行以下操作?” result = (E) 表达式的含义是什么?我知道 E 是一种泛型类型。

final E x = (E) es[(n = --size)]; 这行代码的操作顺序是什么?这是否意味着减小 size,将该值赋值给 n,然后在 es 数组中访问该索引?如果是这样的话,这个表达式之前的 x = (E) 是什么意思?我猜它是将元素转换为类型 E


final Comparator<? super E> cmp;
if ((cmp = comparator) == null)

comparator 是一个类变量(持有一个 Comparator)。为什么要将它赋值给局部变量 cmp,第一行的问号代表什么意思?


I'm trying to port the PriorityQueue class from the OpenJDK implementation to another language (Xojo) that doesn't have a similar data structure. I'm really struggling to break down the following method into pseudocode so I can translate it to Xojo:

public E poll() {
  final Object[] es;
  final E result;

  if ((result = (E) ((es = queue)[0])) != null) {
    final int n;
    final E x = (E) es[(n = --size)];
    es[n] = null;
    if (n &gt; 0) {
      final Comparator&lt;? super E&gt; cmp;
      if ((cmp = comparator) == null)
        siftDownComparable(0, x, es, n);
        siftDownUsingComparator(0, x, es, n, cmp);
    return result;

The variable queue is an Object[] array defined on the class.

There are a couple of lines that are confusing me. Firstly:

if ((result = (E) ((es = queue)[0])) != null)

Does this mean "assign the array queue to the variable es and access element 0 and do the following if it's not null?" What does the result = (E) expression mean? I know E is a generic type.

What is the order of operation of final E x = (E) es[(n = --size)];? Does this mean decrement size, assign that value to n and then access this index within the es array? If so, what does x = (E) before this expression mean? I'm guessing it means to cast the element to type E?

Lastly, these lines:

final Comparator&lt;? super E&gt; cmp;
if ((cmp = comparator) == null)

comparator is a class variable (holding a Comparator). Why assign it to a local variable cmp and what does the question mark mean on the first line?


得分: 3

> 这是不是意味着“将数组队列分配给变量es”?


> 并且访问元素0,如果不为空,执行以下操作?


> result = (E) 表达式是什么意思?

与上面的两个表达式同时进行,它还将 queue[0] 赋值给 result(E) 是一个类型转换。所以基本上就是:

result = queue[0]


> final E x = (E) es[(n = --size)]; 这是什么意思?是不是先将 size 减小,将该值赋值给 n,然后在 es 数组中访问这个索引?


> 如果是这样,那么在这个表达式之前的 x = (E) 是什么意思?我猜想这意味着将元素转换为类型 E


> comparator 是一个类变量

严格来说,comparator 可能是实例变量,而不是类变量。请检查其定义。

> 为什么将其赋值给局部变量 cmp


> 第一行的问号代表什么意思?

问号表示 Comparator 的类型是未知的,只要它是 E 的超类即可。例如,如果 Integer 没有 Comparator,但 Number 有,那么这是可以的,因为 NumberInteger 的超类,这就足够了。


> Does this mean "assign the array queue to the variable es"


> and access element 0 and do the following if it's not null?


> What does the result = (E) expression mean?

At the same time as the two expressions above, it also assigns queue[0] to result. The (E) is a cast to a type. So it's basically just:

result = queue[0]

With some extra stuff thrown in.

> final E x = (E) es[(n = --size)];? Does this mean decrement size, assign that value to n and then access this index within the es array?


> If so, what does x = (E) before this expression mean? I'm guessing it means to cast the element to type E?

Yes, again just a cast like before.

> comparator is a class variable

Just to be pedantic, comparator is likely an instance variable, not a class variable. Check its definition.

> Why assign it to a local variable cmp

I suppose to make a local variable copy. I don't see a good reason to do that in the code, so it might be a mistake or something that was left in after some previous code got changed.

> and what does the question mark mean on the first line?

The question mark means the type of the Comparator is unknown, and can be anything as long as it's a super class of E. For example, if Integer doesn't have a Comparator but Number does, then that's OK, Number is a super class of Integer and that's good enough.


得分: 2

1- if ((result = (E) ((es = queue)[0])) != null)

2- final E x = (E) es[(n = --size)];


1- if ((result = (E) ((es = queue)[0])) != null)<br>
First it assigns the array queue to the variable esand gets element 0 from it the casts it t E generic type and assigns it to result then checks if result is not null.

2- final E x = (E) es[(n = --size)];<br>
First java evaluates --size then assigns to int type n then gets nth from es array, casts it to E, and then assigns it to variable x.

I think the next two lines you asked are clear now!


得分: 2


if ((result = (E) ((es = queue)[0])) != null)


final E x = (E) es[(n = --size)];


final Comparator<? super E> cmp;

问号是一个通配符。<? super E>表示“某种类型,它是E的祖先”。至于为什么将comparator分配给局部变量cmp,我不太确定,但我记得最近在另一个问题中有类似的问题。我会看看是否能找到并编辑那个答案。我希望这至少能在一定程度上帮助你。如果我说的任何内容不清楚,只需提问,我会尝试重新表述解释。



Let's see if I can help:

if ((result = (E) ((es = queue)[0])) != null)

The above means "assign queue to es, access index 0 of it, cast it to type E, assign it to result and do the following if it's not null".

final E x = (E) es[(n = --size)];

This means "substract one from size and assign the new value to n, use it as an index of es and cast that element to type E, then assign it to the final variable x of type E.

final Comparator&lt;? super E&gt; cmp;

The question mark is a wildcard. &lt;? super E&gt; means "some type which is an ancestor of E". As for why comparator is assigned to the local variable cmp, I'm not quite sure but I remember something similar being asked recently in another question. I'll see if I can find it and edit this answer. I hope that helps you at least a bit. If any of what I said is not clear just ask and I'll try to reword the explanation.

Edit: This is the question I mentioned in the previous paragraph. The answers suggest performance benefits, but again I'm not sure if that's the reason in this case, as the specifics differ slightly.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月16日 03:46:11
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