如何在Spring MVC错误中仅更改状态代码与Boot?

huangapple go评论59阅读模式

How do I change only the status code on a Spring MVC error with Boot?


我正在编写一个Web应用程序,该应用程序使用RestTemplate进行下游调用。如果底层服务返回401未经授权状态码,我希望将401状态码返回给调用应用程序;默认行为是返回500状态码。我希望保留由BasicErrorController提供的默认Spring Boot错误响应;我想要的唯一更改是设置状态码。


public void returnsEmptyBody(HttpClientErrorException.Unauthorized ex) {

public void doesNotUseBasicErrorController(HttpClientErrorException.Unauthorized ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException(ex);



I'm writing a Web application that makes downstream calls using RestTemplate. If the underlying service returns a 401 Unauthorized, I want to also return a 401 to the calling application; the default behavior is to return a 500. I want to keep the default Spring Boot error response as provided by BasicErrorController; the only change I want is to set the status code.

In custom exceptions, I'd just annotate the exception class with @ResponseStatus, but I can't do that here because HttpClientErrorException.Unauthorized is provided by Spring. I tried two approaches with @ControllerAdvice:

public void returnsEmptyBody(HttpClientErrorException.Unauthorized ex) {

public void doesNotUseBasicErrorController(HttpClientErrorException.Unauthorized ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException(ex);

How can I configure MVC to continue to use all of the built-in Boot error handling except for explicitly overriding the status code?


得分: 2

下面的代码对我有效——在一个包含@RestController的应用程序中,其一个方法包括throw new HttpClientException(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED),在嵌入式Tomcat上运行。如果你在非嵌入式Tomcat上运行(或者我怀疑,在嵌入式非Tomcat上运行),你可能必须做一些至少有些不同的事情,但我希望这个答案至少有些帮助。

public class Advisor {
  public String handleUnauthorizedFromApi(HttpClientException ex, HttpServletRequest req) {
    if (/* ex instanceof HttpClientException.Unauthorized or whatever */) {
      req.setAttribute(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_STATUS_CODE, 401);
    return "forward:/error";

解释:当我们在处理请求X(在嵌入式servlet中)时抛出HttpClientException,通常发生的是它会一直冒泡到某个org.apache类。 (我可能会再次启动调试器,弄清楚是哪一个类,但这是一个相当高级的解释,所以并不太重要。)然后,该类将请求X发送回应用程序,但这次请求发送到"/error",而不是原来要去的地方。在Spring Boot应用程序中(只要您不将某些自动配置关闭),这意味着请求X最终由BasicErrorController中的某个方法处理。

好的,那么为什么这整个系统在我们不做任何处理时会向客户端发送500?因为上面提到的那个org.apache类在请求X上设置了一些内容,表明“处理出现了问题”。这是正确的做法:毕竟,处理请求X的过程中出现了一个异常,servlet 容器不得不捕获它。就容器而言,应用程序出错了。


编辑:我在写这个过程中有点过于激动,忘记提到我不认为使用这个代码是一个好的做法。它会将您绑定到BasicErrorController的一些实现细节,而且这不是Boot类预期使用的方式。Spring Boot通常假设您希望它完全处理您的错误,或者根本不处理;这也是一个合理的假设,因为零散的错误处理通常不是一个好主意。我对您的建议——即使上面的代码(或类似的代码)最终能够正常工作——是编写一个完全处理错误的@ExceptionHandler,这意味着它同时设置状态和响应主体,不需要forward到其他地方。


The below code works for me -- in an app consisting of a @RestController whose one method consisted of throw new HttpClientException(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED), running on an embedded Tomcat. If you're running on a non-embedded Tomcat (or, I suspect, on an embedded non-Tomcat) odds are you'll have to do something at least somewhat different, but I hope this answer is at least somewhat helpful anyway.

public class Advisor {
  public String handleUnauthorizedFromApi(HttpClientException ex, HttpServletRequest req) {
    if (/* ex instanceof HttpClientException.Unauthorized or whatever */) {
      req.setAttribute(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_STATUS_CODE, 401);
    return "forward:/error";

Explanation: when a HttpClientException is thrown while we're processing request X (in an embedded servlet), what normally happens is that it bubbles all the way up to some org.apache class. (I might fire the debugger up again and work out which one, but this is a pretty high-level explanation so it doesn't matter much.) That class then sends request X back to the application, except this time the request goes to "/error", not to wherever it was originally going. In a Spring Boot app (as long as you don't turn some autoconfiguration off), that means that request X is ultimately processed by some method in BasicErrorController.

OK, so why does this whole system send a 500 to the client unless we do something? Because that org.apache class mentioned above sets something on request X which says "processing this went wrong". It is right to do so: processing request X did, after all, result in an exception which the servlet container had to catch. As far as the container is concerned, the app messed up.

So we want to do a couple of things. First, we want the servlet container to not think we messed up. We achieve this by telling Spring to catch the exception before it reaches the container, ie by writing an @ExceptionHandler method. Second, we want the request to go to "/error" even though we caught the exception. We achieve this by the simple method of sending it there ourselves, via a forward. Third, we want the BasicErrorController to set the correct status and message on the response it sends. It turns out that BasicErrorController (working in tandem with its immediate superclass) looks at an attribute on the request to determine what status code to send to the client. (Figuring this out requires reading the class's source code, but that source code is on github and perfectly readable.) We therefore set that attribute.

EDIT: I got a bit carried away writing this and forgot to mention that I don't think using this code is good practice. It ties you to some implementation details of BasicErrorController, and it's just not the way that the Boot classes are expected to be used. Spring Boot generally assumes that you want it to handle your error completely or not at all; this is a reasonable assumption, too, since piecemeal error handling is generally not a great idea. My recommendation to you -- even if the code above (or something like it) does wind up working -- is to write an @ExceptionHandler that handles the error completely, meaning it sets both status and response body and doesn't forward to anything.


得分: 0



public class RestConfig {
    public RestTemplate restTemplate(){
        // 构建RestTemplate
        RestTemplate res = new RestTemplate();
        res.setErrorHandler(new MyResponseErrorHandler());
        return res;
    private class MyResponseErrorHandler extends DefaultResponseErrorHandler {

        public void handleError(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
            if (HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.equals(response.getStatusCode())) {
                // 在这里抛出你的自定义异常

You can customize the error handler of the RestTemplate to throw your custom exception, and then handle that exception with the @ControllerAdvice as you mentioned.

Something like this:

public class RestConfig {
	public RestTemplate restTemplate(){
		// Build rest template
		RestTemplate res = new RestTemplate();
		res.setErrorHandler(new MyResponseErrorHandler());
		return res;
	private class MyResponseErrorHandler extends DefaultResponseErrorHandler {

		public void handleError(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
			if (HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.equals(response.getStatusCode())) {
				// Throw your custom exception here

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月15日 06:13:13
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63892438.html



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