REST API响应.ok(entity).build()不显示文本

huangapple go评论63阅读模式

REST API Response.ok(entity).build() doesn't show text



我正在为一个学校练习创建一个简单的Restful API,但是遇到了一个问题。当我尝试在网页上显示实体列表或者只是单个实体时,页面上没有显示任何文本。它似乎能够找到正确的实体(当我进行筛选时,它会显示正确数量的实体),只是没有显示文本。也许它没有运行ToString方法?但我在我的ToString方法中没有发现任何错误。



@GET //GET请求位于http://localhost:XXXX/users/1
public Response getUserPath(@PathParam("id") int Id) {
    User user = fakeDatabase.getUser(Id);
    if (user == null) {
        return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("请提供有效的用户ID。").build();
    } else {
        return Response.ok(user).build();


public User getUser(int userId) {
    for (User user : userList) {
        if (user.GetUserId() == userId) {
            return user;
    return null;


public String toString() {
    String WishlistItems = "";
    for(String item : Wishlist){
        WishlistItems = WishlistItems + item + ", ";

    return "User (" + UserId + ") {" + "\n" +
            "Email Address = " + EmailAddress + "\n" +
            "UserName = " + UserName + "\n" +
            Platform.toString() + " ID = " + PlatformID + "\n" +
            "Wishlist :" + WishlistItems + "\n" +
            "}" + "\n";


REST API响应.ok(entity).build()不显示文本



public class User {
    private int UserId;
    private String UserName;
    private String EmailAddress;
    private int PasswordHash;
    private Platform Platform;
    private String PlatformID;
    private ArrayList<String> Wishlist = new ArrayList<String>();

    public User(int userId, String Password, String emailAddress, String userName, Platform platform, String platformID){
        UserId = userId;
        EmailAddress = emailAddress;
        UserName = userName;
        Platform = platform;
        PlatformID = platformID;

    public User(){


    public int GetUserId(){
        return UserId;

    public String GetUserName(){
        return UserName;

    public void SetUserName(String UserName){
        this.UserName = UserName;

    public String GetEmailAddress(){
        return EmailAddress;

    public void SetEmailAddress(String EmailAddress){
        this.EmailAddress = EmailAddress;

    public Platform GetPlatform(){
        return Platform;

    public void SetPlatform(Platform Platform){
        this.Platform = Platform;

    public String GetPlatformID(){
        return PlatformID;

    public void SetPlatformID(String PlatformID){
        this.PlatformID = PlatformID;

    public void AddToWishlist(String item){

    public ArrayList<String> GetWishlist(){
        return Wishlist;

    public void SetWishlist(ArrayList<String> Wishlist){
        this.Wishlist = Wishlist;

    public void hashPassword(String Password) {
        PasswordHash = Objects.hash(Password);

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
        User user = (User) o;
        return UserId == user.GetUserId();

    public String toString() {
        String WishlistItems = "";
        for(String item : Wishlist){
            WishlistItems = WishlistItems + item + ", ";

        return "User (" + UserId + ") {" + "\n" +
                "Email Address = " + EmailAddress + "\n" +
                "UserName = " + UserName + "\n" +
                Platform.toString() + " ID = " + PlatformID + "\n" +
                "Wishlist :" + WishlistItems + "\n" +
                "}" + "\n";

I am creating a simple Restful API for a school exercise but I&#39;m running into a problem. When I try to show a list of entities, or just a single entity on the webpage it doesn&#39;t show any text. It does seem to find the right entities (when I filter, it shows the correct number of entities), it just doesn&#39;t show the text. Maybe it doesn&#39;t run the ToString? But I don&#39;t see anything wrong in my ToString method.
Here&#39;s an example: 
Function to return a user in my UserResources:

@GET //GET at http://localhost:XXXX/users/1
public Response getUserPath(@PathParam("id") int Id) {
User user = fakeDatabase.getUser(Id);
if (user == null) {
return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("Please provide a valid user ID.").build();
} else {
return Response.ok(user).build();

getUser in FakeDatabase:

public User getUser(int userId) {
for (User user : userList) {
if (user.GetUserId() == userId) {
return user;
return null;

User ToString:

public String toString() {
String WishlistItems = "";
for(String item : Wishlist){
WishlistItems = WishlistItems + item + ", ";

    return &quot;User (&quot; + UserId + &quot;) {&quot; + &quot;\n&quot; +
&quot;Email Address = &quot; + EmailAddress + &quot;\n&quot; +
&quot;UserName = &quot; + UserName + &quot;\n&quot; +
Platform.toString() + &quot; ID = &quot; + PlatformID + &quot;\n&quot; +
&quot;Wishlist :&quot; + WishlistItems + &quot;\n&quot; +
&quot;}&quot; + &quot;\n&quot;;

The result I get on the website: 
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
Anyone know a solution to this problem?
EDIT: The full user class (also I updated the toString method):

public class User {
private int UserId;
private String UserName;
private String EmailAddress;
private int PasswordHash;
private Platform Platform;
private String PlatformID;
private ArrayList<String> Wishlist = new ArrayList<String>();

public User(int userId, String Password, String emailAddress, String userName, Platform platform, String platformID){
UserId = userId;
EmailAddress = emailAddress;
UserName = userName;
Platform = platform;
PlatformID = platformID;
public User(){
public int GetUserId(){
return UserId;
public String GetUserName(){
return UserName;
public void SetUserName(String UserName){
this.UserName = UserName;
public String GetEmailAddress(){
return EmailAddress;
public void SetEmailAddress(String EmailAddress){
this.EmailAddress = EmailAddress;
public Platform GetPlatform(){
return Platform;
public void SetPlatform(Platform Platform){
this.Platform = Platform;
public String GetPlatformID(){
return PlatformID;
public void SetPlatformID(String PlatformID){
this.PlatformID = PlatformID;
public void AddToWishlist(String item){
public ArrayList&lt;String&gt; GetWishlist(){
return Wishlist;
public void SetWishlist(ArrayList&lt;String&gt; Wishlist){
this.Wishlist = Wishlist;
public void hashPassword(String Password) {
PasswordHash = Objects.hash(Password);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
User user = (User) o;
return UserId == user.GetUserId();
public String toString() {
String WishlistItems = &quot;&quot;;
for(String item : Wishlist){
WishlistItems = WishlistItems + item + &quot;, &quot;;
return &quot;User (&quot; + UserId + &quot;) {&quot; + &quot;\n&quot; +
&quot;Email Address = &quot; + EmailAddress + &quot;\n&quot; +
&quot;UserName = &quot; + UserName + &quot;\n&quot; +
Platform.toString() + &quot; ID = &quot; + PlatformID + &quot;\n&quot; +
&quot;Wishlist :&quot; + WishlistItems + &quot;\n&quot; +
&quot;}&quot; + &quot;\n&quot;;


# 答案1
**得分**: 0
你在问题中标记了Spring Boot,但是Spring Boot的代码看起来有些不同。试试类似这样的代码:
public ResponseEntity<User> getUserPath(@PathVariable("id") int Id) {
User user = fakeDatabase.getUser(Id);
if (user == null) {
return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body("Please provide a valid user ID.");
} else {
return ResponseEntity.ok(user);

You tagged your question with Spring Boot, but Spring Boot code does look different. Try it with something like that:

public ResponseEntity&lt;User&gt; getUserPath(@PathVariable(&quot;id&quot;) int Id) {
User user = fakeDatabase.getUser(Id);
if (user == null) {
return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body(&quot;Please provide a valid user ID.&quot;);
} else {
return ResponseEntity.ok(user);


得分: 0




The response entity is not serialized via the toString() mehtod. If you want to return a string then you have to set a string entity by calling user.toString() yourself.
If you set an object as entity it will be treated as an POJO. This means you have to define appropriate setXXX/getXXX methods for your attributes. Your User class uses the wrong case.

Have a look at Set a Response Body in JAX-RS for more details (Especially section 3.4. JSON Response Using POJO may be in your interest)


得分: 0



public class UserController {
    @GET // 在 http://localhost:XXXX/users/1 发起 GET 请求
    public Response<User> getUserPath(@PathParam("id") int Id) {
        return fakeDatabase.getUser(Id).ifPresentOrElse(u -> Response.ok(u), return Response.empty());

public class FakeBase {
    public Optional<User> getUser(int userId) {
        return -> u.hasId(userId)).findFirst();

public class User {
    public boolean hasId(int id) {
        return == id; 

User.toString() 是无用的

Here is an purpose :

public class UserController {
@GET //GET at http://localhost:XXXX/users/1
public Response&lt;User&gt; getUserPath(@PathParam(&quot;id&quot;) int Id) {
return fakeDatabase.getUser(Id).ifPresentOrElse(u -&gt; Response.ok(u), return Response.empty());
public class FakeBase {
public Optional&lt;User&gt; getUser(int userId) {
return -&gt; u.hasId(userId)).findFirst();
public class User () {
public boolean hasId(int id) {
return == id; 

User.toString() is useless.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月11日 17:05:13
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