Java – 数组大小不更新

huangapple go评论63阅读模式

Java - array size not updating


public class Occurrence
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // variables
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        int numInputs = 1, temp;
        int[] numbers = new int[31];
        int[] count = new int[31];
        boolean success = false;

        // start of program
        System.out.println("How many input values [max:30]?");

        // while no valid input
        while (!success)
                numInputs = keyboard.nextInt(); // get a number
                numInputChecker(numInputs);     // is it valid?
                success = true;                 // ok

            catch (Exception e)                 // else get a new number
                System.out.println("Whole numbers 1 through 30 only, please.");

        // reset the loop checker
        success = false;

        // read numbers to fill that array
        System.out.println("Enter " + numInputs + " numbers.");

        for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)     // from 0 to max number
            while (!success)                   // while no valid number
                    numbers[i] = keyboard.nextInt();    // fill the current cell with a number
                    numberChecker(numbers[i]);          // is it valid?
                    success = true;                     // ok
                catch (Exception e)                     // else get a new number
                    System.out.println("Whole numbers 0 through 9 only, please.");

       // take the input and count each use of element
        for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++)     // for 0 to max number
            temp = numbers[i];  // get the current value of the cell
            count[temp]++;      // add the use of that value to a new array's cell

        for (int i = 0; i < count.length; i++)   // from 0 to 9 (expected)

            if (count[i] > 0 && count[i] == 1)  // if cell not empty
                System.out.println(i + " " + count[i]);  // print the current cell and how many times it was used


    static void numInputChecker(int integer) throws Exception
        if ((integer < 1) || (integer > 30))    // if 0 or negative, or if 31+
            throw new Exception();              // say no

    static void numberChecker(int integer) throws Exception
        if ((integer < 0) || (integer > 9)) // if negative or 10+
            throw new Exception();          // say no


Read whole numbers from a user, then display the list of numbers input and the frequency of each value. The number of inputs should vary from 1-30, and the values accept 0-9.

My issue is that the array always defaults to 1 even if I change it to int[] numbers = new int[numInputs];. It appears that numInputs gets written over to 1 during the first for loop but even changing the value of numInputs it still caps out at 1. I'm sure my logic is wrong but I'm not sure where.

public class Occurrence
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        int numInputs = 1, temp;
        int[] numbers = new int[31];
        int[] count = new int[31];
        boolean success = false;

        //start of program
        System.out.println(&quot;How many input values [max:30]?&quot;);

        //while no valid input
        while (!success)
                numInputs = keyboard.nextInt(); //get a number
                numInputChecker(numInputs);     //is it valid?
                success = true;                 //ok

            catch (Exception e)                 //else get a new number
                System.out.println(&quot;Whole numbers 1 through 30 only, please.&quot;);

        //reset the loop checker
        success = false;

        //read numbers to fill that array
        System.out.println(&quot;Enter &quot; + numInputs + &quot; numbers.&quot;);

        for(int i = 0; i &lt; numInputs; i++)     //from 0 to max number
            while (!success)                   //while no valid number
                    numbers[i] = keyboard.nextInt();    //fill the current cell with a number
                    numberChecker(numbers[i]);          //is it valid?
                    success = true;                     //ok
                catch (Exception e)                     //else get a new number
                    System.out.println(&quot;Whole numbers 0 through 9 only, please.&quot;);

       //take the input and count each use of element
        for (int i = 0; i&lt; numbers.length; i++)     //for 0 to max number
            temp = numbers[i];  //get the current value of the cell
            count[temp]++;      //add the use of that value to a new array&#39;s cell

        for(int i = 0; i &lt; count.length; i++)   //from 0 to 9 (expected)

            if (count[i] &gt; 0 &amp;&amp; count[i] == 1)  //if cell not empty
                System.out.println(i + &quot; &quot; + count[i]);  //print the current cell and how many times it was used


    static void numInputChecker(int integer) throws Exception
        if ((integer &lt; 1) || (integer &gt; 30))    //if 0 or negative, or if 31+
            throw new Exception();              //say no

    static void numberChecker(int integer) throws Exception
        if ((integer &lt; 0) || (integer &gt; 9)) //if negative or 10+
            throw new Exception();          //say no



# 答案1
**得分**: 3

代码中第二个循环在填充数组时出现了逻辑错误,因为 success 变量在后续的 while 循环中没有被重置。修复方法如下:

for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)     //从 0 到最大数
    while (!success)                   //当无有效数字时
        try {
            numbers[i] = keyboard.nextInt();    //将当前单元格填充为数字
            numberChecker(numbers[i]);          //是否有效?
            success = true;                     //有效
        } catch (Exception e)                     //否则获取一个新数字
            System.out.println("仅限 0 到 9 的整数,请重新输入。");
    success = false; // [amsilf]: 这是循环重置



The logic is broken at the second cycle where you do feel up an array, because success variable isn't reset for a subsequent while loops. It's quite easy to fix it as such:

        for (int i = 0; i &lt; numInputs; i++)     //from 0 to max number
        while (!success)                   //while no valid number
            try {
                numbers[i] = keyboard.nextInt();    //fill the current cell with a number
                numberChecker(numbers[i]);          //is it valid?
                success = true;                     //ok
            } catch (Exception e)                     //else get a new number
                System.out.println(&quot;Whole numbers 0 through 9 only, please.&quot;);
        success = false; // [amsilf]: That&#39;s the cycle reset


得分: 1




try {
   keyboard.hasNextInt(); // 在这里!
   numInputs = keyboard.nextInt(); // 获取一个数字
   numInputChecker(numInputs);     // 验证它是否有效?
   success = true;                 // 行

Probably, java.util.NoSuchElementException occurs and catches the error handling the block.

Use keyboard.hasNextInt() before keyboard.nextInt().

Like this!

try {
   keyboard.hasNext(); // here!
   numInputs = keyboard.nextInt(); //get a number
   numInputChecker(numInputs);     //is it valid?
   success = true;                 //ok


得分: 0

在最后的 for 循环中应该是这样的:

for (int i = 0; i < count.length; i++)   //从 0 到 31(预期)

    if (count[i] > 0)  //如果单元格不为空
        System.out.println(i + " " + count[i]);  //打印当前单元格及其使用次数

In the last for loop should be that

    for(int i = 0; i &lt; count.length; i++)   //from 0 to 31(expected)

        if (count[i] &gt; 0)  //if cell not empty
            System.out.println(i + &quot; &quot; + count[i]);  //print the current cell and how many times it was used

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月10日 09:27:47
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