Gradle + AspectJ日志跟踪在“instrumentation”期间尝试重新编译项目,但失败了。

huangapple go评论70阅读模式

Gradle + AspectJ log tracing is trying to recompile the project during “instrumentation” and failing




似乎编译和进行 AspectJ instrumentation 也是可以的?

但是,在 instrumentation 过程中我得到了警告:

[ant:iajc] [warning] build config error: skipping missing, empty or
 corrupt aspectpath entry: 

有人可以帮助我解决这个 的问题吗?

我的 Ant 目标如下所示,我已将其转换为下一个 代码块 中所示的 Gradle 构建脚本:

<target name="weave-aspects" depends="compile, jar-common" unless="weave.suppressed"
          description="weaves the AspectJ's aspects into classes compiled by compile target">

Gradle 转换如下:

plugins {
        id "" version "5.1.1"

... 如下所示。这个类是 aspectpath jar 的一部分:

         <fileset dir="${pqr.bundle.image}" includes="pqr-bundle-common*.jar" />


但是,在 instrumentation 过程中它在随机的编译错误中失败了。

(注意:在没有 AspectJ 的情况下,我的编译、jar 创建都可以正常进行。)

通常,AspectJ 应该进行日志追踪织入,但它似乎正在尝试重新编译,从而导致失败。你知道我在这里漏掉了什么吗?

引发错误的 Java 代码如下所示:

private static void runRule(boolean before) {
    String str = (before) ? "before" : "after" ;


[error] Syntax error, insert "|| Expression" to complete Expression
[ant:iajc] String str = (before) ? "before" : "after" ;




I've pushed dummy source code here

It seems to be compiling as well as doing AspectJ instrumentation as well?

But, I'm getting warning during instrumentation as

[ant:iajc] [warning] build config error: skipping missing, empty or
 corrupt aspectpath entry: 

Can someone help me with getting this issues fixed?

My ant target look like as below.. which I've converted into Gradle build script as shown in next code block

<target name="weave-aspects" depends="compile, jar-common" unless="weave.suppressed"
          description="weaves the AspectJ's aspects into classes compiled by compile target">
    <taskdef resource="org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/">
        <pathelement location="${abcd.proj.base}/lib/aspectj-1.9.4/aspectjtools-1.9.4.jar" />

    <echo message="Weaving the AspectJ's aspects into class files ..." />

    <iajc inpath="${classes}" destdir="${classes}"
          debug="true" fork="true"
    <!-- path of jar containing TracingAspect -->
         <fileset dir="${pqr.bundle.image}" includes="pqr-bundle-common*.jar" />
       <pathelement path="${deps}" />
       <pathelement path="${abcd.proj.base}/lib/aspectj-1.9.4/aspectjrt-1.9.4.jar" />

Gradle conversion is as

plugins {
        id "" version "5.1.1"
        //id "aspectj.gradle" version "0.1.6"
        //id "aspectj.AspectjGradlePlugin" version "0.0.3"

configurations {
    compile {
        extendsFrom aspects

ext {
    aspectjVersion = '1.9.2'

dependencies {
    implementation gradleApi() // for custom gradle task/pugin development

    compile project('my-project')
    compile project('my-project1')
    compile project('my-project2')
    // ...

    ajc "org.aspectj:aspectjtools:$aspectjVersion"
    compile "org.aspectj:aspectjrt:$aspectjVersion"
    compile "org.aspectj:aspectjweaver:$aspectjVersion"
    aspects project('my-project1')
    // ...

compileJava {
    dependsOn configurations.ajc.getTaskDependencyFromProjectDependency(true, "compileJava")

        System.out.println("Java Version: " + JavaVersion.current());
        ant.taskdef( resource:"org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/", classpath: configurations.ajc.asPath)

                maxmem: "1024m", fork: "true", Xlint: "ignore",
                destDir: sourceSets.main.output.classesDirs.asPath,
                //my-common.jar consist of my own AspectTracing.class
                aspectPath: "$projectDir/image/pqr-bundle-common*.jar",
                //aspectPath: configurations.aspects.asPath,
                sourceRootCopyFilter: "**/*.java",
                classpath: configurations.compile.asPath,
                source: project.sourceCompatibility,
                target: project.targetCompatibility
                    //ignoring root project and adding only sub-modules
                    if(!it.absolutePath.contains("/src/main/java")) {
                        pathelement(location: it.absolutePath)

The look like this. This class is a part of aspectpath jar

         <fileset dir="${pqr.bundle.image}" includes="pqr-bundle-common*.jar" />
 * The pertypewithin causes all classes that don't have the Untraced annotation
 * to be woven. The pointcuts further limit the use of the tracing loggers to
 * avoid infinite recursion, etc...
@Aspect("pertypewithin(!is(InterfaceType) && !is(EnumType) && (!@my.common.logging.Untraced "
        + "(my-somepackaje..* || my-anotherpackage..*)))")
public class TracingAspect {

    private MyLogger myLogger;
    private static final String ENTERING_PREFIX = "Entering {0}";
    private static final String EXITING_PREFIX = "Exiting {0}";
    private static final String ARGUMENTS = ": Arguments =>";
    private static final String ARGUMENTS_NOT_AVAILABLE = ARGUMENTS + " N/A";
    private static final String RETURN = ", Returns =>";
    private static final String RETURN_NOT_AVAILABLE = RETURN + " N/A";
    private static final String THROWING = "Throwing {0}";

    public void staticInit() {

     * This is run in a static initializer block for every woven class, and is
     * used to initialize the trace logger for the class.
    public void initLogger(JoinPoint.StaticPart jps) {
        myLogger = MyLogger.getLogger(jps.getSignature().getDeclaringTypeName());

    // Pointcuts

    void tracedConstructors() {

    // The !execution(String toString()) avoids infinite recursion by not
    // tracing toString() methods.
    // Also, don't trace the compile-time inserted 'access$nnn' methods. That
    // might (in very specific cases) lead to recursion but more generally just
    // confusing.
    @Pointcut("execution(* *(..)) && !execution(String toString()) && !execution(* access$*(..)) "
            + "&& !@annotation(my.common.logging.Untraced)")
    void tracedMethods() {

    // Advice starts below.

    public void traceConstructorEntry(JoinPoint thisJoinPoint) {
        if (null != myLogger)
            myLogger.trace(() -> entering(thisJoinPoint.getSignature().getName(), thisJoinPoint.getArgs()));

    public void traceConstructorExit(JoinPoint thisJoinPoint) {
        if (null != myLogger)
            myLogger.trace(() -> exiting(thisJoinPoint.getSignature().getName(), thisJoinPoint.getArgs(), null));

    @AfterThrowing(pointcut = "tracedConstructors()", throwing = "t")
    public void traceConstructorThrow(JoinPoint thisJoinPoint, Throwable t) {
        if (null != myLogger)
            myLogger.trace(() -> MessageFormat.format(THROWING, thisJoinPoint.getSignature().getName()) + " - "
                    + t.toString());

    public void traceMethodEntry(JoinPoint thisJoinPoint) {
        if (null != myLogger)
            myLogger.trace(() -> entering(thisJoinPoint.getSignature().getName(), thisJoinPoint.getArgs()));

    @AfterReturning(pointcut = "tracedMethods()", returning = "r")
    public void traceMethodExit(JoinPoint thisJoinPoint, Object r) {
        // Add sensitive return value to log context
        if (((MethodSignature) thisJoinPoint.getSignature()).getMethod()
                .getAnnotation(SensitiveTraceReturn.class) != null) {
        if (null != myLogger){
            myLogger.trace(() -> exiting(thisJoinPoint.getSignature().getName(), thisJoinPoint.getArgs(), r));

    @AfterThrowing(pointcut = "tracedMethods()", throwing = "t")
    public void traceMethodThrow(JoinPoint thisJoinPoint, Throwable t) {
        if (null != myLogger)
            myLogger.trace(() -> MessageFormat.format(THROWING, thisJoinPoint.getSignature().getName()) + " - "
                    + t.toString());

    // End of Advice

     * Creates entering message trace statement
     * @param method
     *            method name of the log entry
     * @param args
     *            {@code Object} array representing the message parameters
    private String entering(String method, Object[] args) {
        StringBuffer msgBuffer = new StringBuffer(ENTERING_PREFIX);
        Object[] temp = { method };

        if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
            int index = 1;
            for (Object arg : args) {
                if (index > 1) {
                msgBuffer.append(" {").append(index).append("}");
            temp = ArrayUtils.addAll(temp, args);
        } else {

        return MessageFormat.format(msgBuffer.toString(), temp);

     * Creates exiting message trace statement
     * @param method
     *            method name of the log entry
     * @param args
     *            {@code Object} array representing the message parameters
     * @param returnValue
     *            return value from the method, if any
    private String exiting(String method, Object[] args, Object returnValue) {
        StringBuffer msgBuffer = new StringBuffer(EXITING_PREFIX);
        Object[] temp = { method };

        int index = 1;
        if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
            for (Object arg : args) {
                if (index > 1) {
                msgBuffer.append(" {").append(index).append("}");
            temp = ArrayUtils.addAll(temp, args);
        } else {

        if (null != returnValue) {
            msgBuffer.append(RETURN).append(" {").append(index).append("}");
            temp = ArrayUtils.addAll(temp, new Object[] { returnValue });
        } else {
        temp = ArrayUtils.addAll(temp, args);

        return MessageFormat.format(msgBuffer.toString(), temp);

Where the interface :- my.common.logging.Untraced is just empty (for now)

public @interface Untraced {

But, it is failing during instrumentation for with random compilation error.

(Note: without aspectJ my compilation, jar creation happens properly.)

Usually, AspectJ should do log tracing weaving but it is trying to compile it again and hence failing. Any clue what am I missing here?

The Java code for which it is failing is something like below:

private static void runRule(boolean before) {
    String str = (before) ? "before" : "after" ;

Error is:

[error] Syntax error, insert "|| Expression" to complete Expression
[ant:iajc] String str = (before) ? "before" : "after" ;


得分: -1



private static void runRule(boolean before) {
    String str = (before) ? "before" : "after" ;

基本上,AspectJ不喜欢boolean before周围的那些圆括号,我修改了我的代码,AspectJ开始正常工作。

private static void runRule(boolean before) {
    String str = before ? "before" : "after" ;

I've pushed working example demo code here

I also able to fix my business project issue during instrumentation, the problem was with below pice of code.

private static void runRule(boolean before) {
    String str = (before) ? "before" : "after" ;

Basically AspectJ doesn't like those circular brackets around boolean before, I changed my code and AspectJ started working fine.

private static void runRule(boolean before) {
    String str = before ? "before" : "after" ;

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月9日 11:03:17
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
