
huangapple go评论113阅读模式

Meet in Google Calendar API


  1. Event event = new Event()
  2. .setSummary(title)
  3. .setLocation(location)
  4. .setDescription(description);
  5. DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(date + "T" + startTime + "+06:00"); // "2020-05-05T11:00:00+06:00"
  6. EventDateTime start = new EventDateTime()
  7. .setDateTime(startDateTime)
  8. .setTimeZone("Asia/Dhaka");
  9. event.setStart(start);
  10. DateTime endDateTime = new DateTime(date + "T" + endTime + "+06:00"); // "2020-05-05T12:00:00+06:00"
  11. EventDateTime end = new EventDateTime()
  12. .setDateTime(endDateTime)
  13. .setTimeZone("Asia/Dhaka");
  14. event.setEnd(end);
  15. String[] recurrence = new String[] {"RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=1"};
  16. event.setRecurrence(Arrays.asList(recurrence));
  17. EventAttendee attendees[];
  18. attendees = new EventAttendee[allAttendees.size()];
  19. for(int i=0; i<allAttendees.size(); i++){
  20. // System.out.println(allAttendees.get(i));
  21. attendees[i] = new EventAttendee().setEmail(allAttendees.get(i));
  22. }
  23. event.setAttendees(Arrays.asList(attendees));
  24. EventReminder[] reminderOverrides = new EventReminder[] {
  25. new EventReminder().setMethod("email").setMinutes(24 * 60),
  26. new EventReminder().setMethod("popup").setMinutes(10),
  27. };
  28. Event.Reminders reminders = new Event.Reminders()
  29. .setUseDefault(false)
  30. .setOverrides(Arrays.asList(reminderOverrides));
  31. event.setReminders(reminders);
  32. String calendarId = "primary";
  33. try {
  34. abc = service.events().insert(calendarId, event);
  35. } catch (IOException e) {
  36. e.printStackTrace();
  37. }
  38. try {
  39. event = service.events().insert(calendarId, event).execute();
  40. } catch (IOException e) {
  41. e.printStackTrace();
  42. }
  43. String meetingId = event.getHangoutLink();
  44. System.out.println("What is meeting ID? = " + meetingId);

How can I add google meet in google calendar api in java?
Please help me. I haven't understood the google documentation.
<https://developers.google.com/calendar/create-events>. The source code is given here. Here, I want to create event using users gmail account. I have not any G-suite account

  1. Event event = new Event()
  2. .setSummary(title)
  3. .setLocation(location)
  4. .setDescription(description);
  5. DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime( date +&quot;T&quot;+startTime+&quot;+06:00&quot; );//&quot;2020-05-05T11:00:00+06:00&quot;);
  6. EventDateTime start = new EventDateTime()
  7. .setDateTime(startDateTime)
  8. .setTimeZone(&quot;Asia/Dhaka&quot;);
  9. event.setStart(start);
  10. DateTime endDateTime = new DateTime(date +&quot;T&quot;+endTime+&quot;+06:00&quot;);//&quot;2020-05-05T12:00:00+06:00&quot;);
  11. EventDateTime end = new EventDateTime()
  12. .setDateTime(endDateTime)
  13. .setTimeZone(&quot;Asia/Dhaka&quot;);
  14. event.setEnd(end);
  15. String[] recurrence = new String[] {&quot;RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=1&quot;};
  16. event.setRecurrence(Arrays.asList(recurrence));
  17. EventAttendee attendees[];
  18. attendees = new EventAttendee[allAttendees.size()];
  19. for(int i=0; i&lt;allAttendees.size(); i++){
  20. // System.out.println(allAttendees.get(i));
  21. attendees[i] = new EventAttendee().setEmail(allAttendees.get(i));
  22. }
  23. event.setAttendees(Arrays.asList(attendees));
  24. EventReminder[] reminderOverrides = new EventReminder[] {
  25. new EventReminder().setMethod(&quot;email&quot;).setMinutes(24 * 60),
  26. new EventReminder().setMethod(&quot;popup&quot;).setMinutes(10),
  27. };
  28. Event.Reminders reminders = new Event.Reminders()
  29. .setUseDefault(false)
  30. .setOverrides(Arrays.asList(reminderOverrides));
  31. event.setReminders(reminders);
  32. String calendarId = &quot;primary&quot;;
  33. try {
  34. abc = service.events().insert(calendarId, event);
  35. } catch (IOException e) {
  36. e.printStackTrace();
  37. }
  38. try {
  39. event = service.events().insert(calendarId, event).execute();
  40. } catch (IOException e) {
  41. e.printStackTrace();
  42. }
  43. String meetingId = event.getHangoutLink();
  44. System.out.println(&quot;What is meeting ID? = &quot;+meetingId);


得分: 7


您需要使用JAVA API文档来操作Google日历。



  1. Event event = new Event()
  2. .setSummary(title)
  3. .setLocation(location)
  4. .setDescription(description);
  5. // 之前的代码
  6. /* 所需的代码 - 开始 */
  7. ConferenceSolutionKey conferenceSKey = new ConferenceSolutionKey();
  8. conferenceSKey.setType("eventHangout"); // 非G Suite用户
  9. CreateConferenceRequest createConferenceReq = new CreateConferenceRequest();
  10. createConferenceReq.setRequestId("3whatisup3"); // 您生成的ID
  11. createConferenceReq.setConferenceSolutionKey(conferenceSKey);
  12. ConferenceData conferenceData = new ConferenceData();
  13. conferenceData.setCreateRequest(createConferenceReq);
  14. event.setConferenceData(conferenceData); // 将会议附加到您的事件
  15. /* 所需的代码 - 结束 */
  16. String calendarId = "primary";
  17. // 没有必要两次声明try-catch块
  18. try {
  19. /* 代码更改 - 开始 */
  20. // .setConferenceDataVersion(1) 启用新会议的创建
  21. event = service.events().insert(calendarId, event).setConferenceDataVersion(1).execute();
  22. /* 代码更改 - 结束 */
  23. } catch (IOException e) {
  24. e.printStackTrace();
  25. }
  26. String meetingId = event.getHangoutLink();
  27. System.out.println("会议ID是什么? = " + meetingId);


Google Calendar JAVA API: Event.setConferenceData

Google Calendar JAVA API: ConferenceData.setCreateRequest

Google Calendar JAVA API: CreateConferenceRequest.setRequestId

Google Calendar JAVA API: ConferenceSolutionKey.setType

Google Calendar JAVA API: Calendar.Events.Insert.setConferenceDataVersion 最重要的部分



You will need to use the JAVA API Documentation for Google Calendar

You have to create a new Meet request and then append it to the current event and before that, enable the conferenceDataVersion by setting it to 1. Before using the following code make sure that you have this setup.


  1. Event event = new Event()
  2. .setSummary(title)
  3. .setLocation(location)
  4. .setDescription(description);
  5. // Your previous code
  6. /* The code needed - START */
  7. ConferenceSolutionKey conferenceSKey = new ConferenceSolutionKey();
  8. conferenceSKey.setType(&quot;eventHangout&quot;); // Non-G suite user
  9. CreateConferenceRequest createConferenceReq = new CreateConferenceRequest();
  10. createConferenceReq.setRequestId(&quot;3whatisup3&quot;); // ID generated by you
  11. createConferenceReq.setConferenceSolutionKey(conferenceSKey);
  12. ConferenceData conferenceData = new ConferenceData();
  13. conferenceData.setCreateRequest(createConferenceReq);
  14. event.setConferenceData(conferenceData); // attach the meeting to your event
  15. /* The code needed - END */
  16. String calendarId = &quot;primary&quot;;
  17. // There’s no need to declare the try-catch block twice
  18. try {
  19. /* Code changes - START */
  20. // .setConferenceDataVersion(1) enables the creation of new meetings
  21. event = service.events().insert(calendarId, event).setConferenceDataVersion(1).execute();
  22. /* Code changes - END */
  23. } catch (IOException e) {
  24. e.printStackTrace();
  25. }
  26. String meetingId = event.getHangoutLink();
  27. System.out.println(&quot;What is meeting ID? = &quot;+meetingId);


Google Calendar JAVA API: Event.setConferenceData

Google Calendar JAVA API: ConferenceData.setCreateRequest

Google Calendar JAVA API: CreateConferenceRequest.setRequestId

Google Calendar JAVA API: ConferenceSolutionKey.setType

Google Calendar JAVA API: Calendar.Events.Insert.setConferenceDataVersion The most important


得分: 3


  1. 最终适用于我的代码如下
  2. Event event = new Event()
  3. .setSummary(title)
  4. .setLocation(location)
  5. .setDescription(description);
  6. DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(date + "T" + startTime + "+06:00"); // "2020-05-05T11:00:00+06:00");
  7. EventDateTime start = new EventDateTime()
  8. .setDateTime(startDateTime)
  9. .setTimeZone("Asia/Dhaka");
  10. event.setStart(start);
  11. DateTime endDateTime = new DateTime(date + "T" + endTime + "+06:00"); // "2020-05-05T12:00:00+06:00");
  12. EventDateTime end = new EventDateTime()
  13. .setDateTime(endDateTime)
  14. .setTimeZone("Asia/Dhaka");
  15. event.setEnd(end);
  16. String[] recurrence = new String[] {"RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=1"};
  17. event.setRecurrence(Arrays.asList(recurrence));
  18. EventAttendee attendees[];
  19. attendees = new EventAttendee[allAttendees.size()];
  20. for(int i=0; i<allAttendees.size(); i++){
  21. attendees[i] = new EventAttendee().setEmail(allAttendees.get(i));
  22. }
  23. event.setAttendees(Arrays.asList(attendees));
  24. EventReminder[] reminderOverrides = new EventReminder[] {
  25. new EventReminder().setMethod("email").setMinutes(24 * 60),
  26. new EventReminder().setMethod("popup").setMinutes(10),
  27. };
  28. Event.Reminders reminders = new Event.Reminders()
  29. .setUseDefault(false)
  30. .setOverrides(Arrays.asList(reminderOverrides));
  31. event.setReminders(reminders);
  32. ConferenceSolutionKey conferenceSKey = new ConferenceSolutionKey();
  33. conferenceSKey.setType("hangoutsMeet"); // 非 G Suite 用户
  34. CreateConferenceRequest createConferenceReq = new CreateConferenceRequest();
  35. createConferenceReq.setRequestId("3whatisup3"); // 由您生成的 ID
  36. createConferenceReq.setConferenceSolutionKey(conferenceSKey);
  37. ConferenceData conferenceData = new ConferenceData();
  38. conferenceData.setCreateRequest(createConferenceReq);
  39. event.setConferenceData(conferenceData);
  40. String calendarId = "primary";
  41. try {
  42. event = service.events().insert(calendarId, event).setConferenceDataVersion(1).execute();
  43. } catch (IOException e) {
  44. e.printStackTrace();
  45. }
  46. System.out.printf("已创建事件:%s\n", event.getHtmlLink());
  47. System.out.printf("Hangout 链接:%s\n", event.getHangoutLink());



The final workable code for me is given below.

  1. Event event = new Event()
  2. .setSummary(title)
  3. .setLocation(location)
  4. .setDescription(description);
  5. DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime( date +&quot;T&quot;+startTime+&quot;+06:00&quot; );//&quot;2020-05-05T11:00:00+06:00&quot;);
  6. EventDateTime start = new EventDateTime()
  7. .setDateTime(startDateTime)
  8. .setTimeZone(&quot;Asia/Dhaka&quot;);
  9. event.setStart(start);
  10. DateTime endDateTime = new DateTime(date +&quot;T&quot;+endTime+&quot;+06:00&quot;);//&quot;2020-05-05T12:00:00+06:00&quot;);
  11. EventDateTime end = new EventDateTime()
  12. .setDateTime(endDateTime)
  13. .setTimeZone(&quot;Asia/Dhaka&quot;);
  14. event.setEnd(end);
  15. String[] recurrence = new String[] {&quot;RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=1&quot;};
  16. event.setRecurrence(Arrays.asList(recurrence));
  17. /* s1 = &quot;abc@gmail.com&quot;;
  18. s2 = &quot;xyz@gmail.com&quot;;
  19. EventAttendee[] attendees = new EventAttendee[] {
  20. new EventAttendee().setEmail(s1),
  21. new EventAttendee().setEmail(s2),
  22. };*/
  23. EventAttendee attendees[];
  24. attendees = new EventAttendee[allAttendees.size()];
  25. for(int i=0; i&lt;allAttendees.size(); i++){
  26. // System.out.println(allAttendees.get(i));
  27. attendees[i] = new EventAttendee().setEmail(allAttendees.get(i));
  28. }
  29. event.setAttendees(Arrays.asList(attendees));
  30. EventReminder[] reminderOverrides = new EventReminder[] {
  31. new EventReminder().setMethod(&quot;email&quot;).setMinutes(24 * 60),
  32. new EventReminder().setMethod(&quot;popup&quot;).setMinutes(10),
  33. };
  34. Event.Reminders reminders = new Event.Reminders()
  35. .setUseDefault(false)
  36. .setOverrides(Arrays.asList(reminderOverrides));
  37. event.setReminders(reminders);
  38. ConferenceSolutionKey conferenceSKey = new ConferenceSolutionKey();
  39. conferenceSKey.setType(&quot;hangoutsMeet&quot;); // Non-G suite user
  40. CreateConferenceRequest createConferenceReq = new CreateConferenceRequest();
  41. createConferenceReq.setRequestId(&quot;3whatisup3&quot;); // ID generated by you
  42. createConferenceReq.setConferenceSolutionKey(conferenceSKey);
  43. ConferenceData conferenceData = new ConferenceData();
  44. conferenceData.setCreateRequest(createConferenceReq);
  45. event.setConferenceData(conferenceData);
  46. String calendarId = &quot;primary&quot;;
  47. try {
  48. event = service.events().insert(calendarId, event).setConferenceDataVersion(1).execute();
  49. } catch (IOException e) {
  50. e.printStackTrace();
  51. }
  52. System.out.printf(&quot;Event created: %s\n&quot;, event.getHtmlLink());
  53. System.out.printf(&quot;Hangout Link %s\n&quot;, event.getHangoutLink());


得分: 0

@Jose Vasquez的回答是正确的,除了一点。

  1. conferenceSKey.setType(&quot;eventHangout&quot;);


  1. conferenceSKey.setType(&quot;hangoutsMeet&quot;);



@Jose Vasquez's answer is right except for one thing.
I changed this line

  1. conferenceSKey.setType(&quot;eventHangout&quot;);

to this

  1. conferenceSKey.setType(&quot;hangoutsMeet&quot;);

and then everything works fine.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月9日 06:03:15
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63802113.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
