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Expression evaluation in C vs Java



在C语言中执行时,变量 `z` 的值计算结果为20,但在Java中执行相同的表达式时,变量 `z` 的值为12。

int y=3;
int z=(--y) + (y=10);

when executed in C language the value of z evaluates to 20
but when the same expression in java, when executed gives the z value as 12.

Can anyone explain why this is happening and what is the difference?


得分: 6

> 在C语言中执行时,变量z的值计算为20

不,不是的。这是未定义的行为,所以 z 的值可能是任何值,包括20。程序理论上也可能执行任何操作,因为标准没有规定在遇到未定义行为时程序应该做什么。在这里阅读更多信息:https://stackoverflow.com/q/2397984/6699433



在C语言中,当涉及算术运算符(如 +/)时,操作数的计算顺序没有在标准中指定,因此如果这些运算的计算具有副作用,你的程序将变得不可预测。这里有一个示例:

int foo(void)
    return 0;

int bar(void)
    return 0;

int main(void)
    int x = foo() + bar();


一些其他变量具有指定的计算顺序(从左到右),比如 ||&&,这个特性用于短路求值。例如,如果我们使用上面的示例函数并使用 foo() && bar(),只有 foo() 函数会被执行。



> when executed in C language the value of z evaluates to 20

No it does not. This is undefined behavior, so z could get any value. Including 20. The program could also theoretically do anything, since the standard does not say what the program should do when encountering undefined behavior. Read more here: https://stackoverflow.com/q/2397984/6699433

As a rule of thumb, never modify a variable twice in the same expression.

It's not a good duplicate, but this will explain things a bit deeper. The reason for undefined behavior here is sequence points. https://stackoverflow.com/q/949433/6699433

In C, when it comes to arithmetic operators, like + and /, the order of evaluation of the operands is not specified in the standard, so if the evaluation of those has side effects, your program becomes unpredictable. Here is an example:

int foo(void)
    return 0;

int bar(void)
    return 0;

int main(void)
    int x = foo() + bar();

What will this program print? Well, we don't know. I'm not entirely sure if this snippet invokes undefined behavior or not, but regardless, the output is not predictable. I made a question, https://stackoverflow.com/q/63656184/6699433 , about that, so I'll update this answer later.

Some other variables have specified order (left to right) of evaluation, like || and && and this feature is used for short circuiting. For instance, if we use the above example functions and use foo() && bar(), only the foo() function will be executed.

I'm not very proficient in Java, but for completeness, I want to mention that Java basically does not have undefined or unspecified behavior except for very special situations. Almost everything in Java is well defined. For more details, read rzwitserloot's answer


得分: 3



  1. 在C中是如何工作的(未指定的行为)
  2. 在Java中是如何工作的(规范明确了如何评估)
  3. 为什么会有差异。

关于第一点,你应该阅读 @klutt 出色的回答。



不同于C,Java的语言规范更加明确。例如,C甚至没有告诉你数据类型 int 应该有多少位,而Java语言规范明确规定为32位,即使在64位处理器和64位Java实现上也是如此。

Java规范明确指出 x+y 应该从左到右进行评估(与C的“任意顺序,编译器随意”不同),因此首先评估 --y,其明确为2(具有将y变为2的副作用),然后评估 y=10,其明确为10(具有将y变为10的副作用),然后评估 2+10,其明确为12。







在Java中,你有第二个步骤,那就是Java进行优化的地方:运行时。java.exe 将其应用于类文件;javac.exe 相当“愚蠢”,几乎不进行任何优化。这是有意为之的;在运行时,你可以做得更好(例如,你可以使用一些簿记来跟踪两个分支中哪个更常被执行,从而比C应用更好地预测分支) - 这也意味着成本/效益分析现在的结果是:语言规范应该清晰如白天。



class X { int a, b; }
X instance = new X();

new Thread() { public void run() {
    int a = instance.a;
    int b = instance.b;
    instance.a = 5;
    instance.b = 6;

new Thread() { public void run() {
    int a = instance.a;
    int b = instance.b;
    instance.a = 1;
    instance.b = 2;

在Java中是未定义的。它可能会打印出 005600120010000256000600 等许多可能性。像 5000 这样的输出(虽然合法)很难想象:如何能够正确读取 a 但随后读取 b 却失败了呢?



在规范中完全硬编码这段代码的行为将会付出很大的代价:你将削弱大部分优化的余地。因此,Java付出了代价,现在拥有了一个在不同线程中修改/读取相同字段时会产生歧义的语言规范,除非使用类似 synchronized 的“先于”卫士来建立关联。


There are 3 parts to this answer:

  1. How this works in C (unspecified behaviour)
  2. How this works in Java (the spec is clear on how this should be evaluated)
  3. Why is there a difference.

For #1, you should read @klutt's fantastic answer.

For #2 and #3, you should read this answer.

How does it work in java?

Unlike in C, java's language specification is far more clearly specified. For example, C doesn't even tell you how many bits the data type int is supposed to have, whereas the java lang spec does: 32 bits. Even on 64-bit processors and a 64-bit java implementation.

The java spec clearly says that x+y is to be evaluated left-to-right (vs. C's 'in any order you please, compiler'), thus, first --y is evaluated which is clearly 2 (with the side-effect of making y 2), and then y=10 is evaluated which is clearly 10 (with the side effect of making y 10), and then 2+10 is evaluated which is clearly 12.

Obviously, a language like java is just better; after all, undefined behaviour is pretty much a bug by definition, whatever was wrong with the C lang spec writers to introduce this crazy stuff?

The answer is: performance.

In C, your source code is turned into machine code by the compiler, and the machine code is then interpreted by the CPU. A 2-step model.

In java, your source code is turned into bytecode by the compiler, the bytecode is then turned into machine code by the runtime, and the machine code is then interpreted by the CPU. A 3-step model.

If you want to introduce optimizations, you don't control what the CPU does, so for C there is only 1 step where it can be done: Compilation.

So C (the language) is designed to give lots of freedom to C compilers to attempt to produce optimized machine code. This is a cost/benefit scenario: At the cost of having a ton of 'undefined behaviour' in the lang spec, you get the benefit of better optimizing compilers.

In java, you get a second step, and that's where java does its optimizations: At runtime. java.exe does it to class files; javac.exe is quite 'stupid' and optimizes almost nothing. This is on purpose; at runtime you can do a better job (for example, you can use some bookkeeping to track which of two branches is more commonly taken and thus branch predict better than a C app ever could) - it also means that cost/benefit analysis now results in: The lang spec should be clear as day.

So java code is never undefined behaviour?

Not so. Java has a memory model which includes a ton of undefined behaviour:

class X { int a, b; }
X instance = new X();

new Thread() { public void run() {
    int a = instance.a;
    int b = instance.b;
    instance.a = 5;
    instance.b = 6;

new Thread() { public void run() {
    int a = instance.a;
    int b = instance.b;
    instance.a = 1;
    instance.b = 2;

is undefined in java. It may print 0056, 0012, 0010, 0002, 5600, 0600, and many many more possibilities. Something like 5000 (which it could legally print) is hard to imagine: How can the read of a 'work' but the read of b then fail?

For the exact same reason your C code produces arbitrary answers:


The cost/benefit of 'hardcoding' in the spec exactly how this code would behave would have a large cost to it: You'd take away most of the room for optimization. So java paid the cost and now has a langspec that is ambigous whenever you modify/read the same fields from different threads without establish so-called 'comes-before' guards using e.g. synchronized.


得分: 2

> 在C语言中执行时,变量z的值计算为20。

这并不是实际情况。您所使用的编译器将其计算为 20。另一个编译器可能会以完全不同的方式进行计算:https://godbolt.org/z/GcPsKh



  1. 在C语言中,除了逻辑表达式外,计算的顺序未指定(这是未指定行为)。
  2. 在这个表达式中,还涉及到序列点的问题(未定义行为)。

> When executed in C language the value of z evaluates to 20

It is not the truth. The compiler you use evaluates it to 20. Another one can evaluate it completely different way: https://godbolt.org/z/GcPsKh

This kind of behaviour is called Undefined Behaviour.

In your expression you have two problems.

  1. Order of eveluation (except the logical expressions) is not specified in C (it is an Unspecified Behaviour)
  2. In this expression there is also problem with the sequence point (Undefined Bahaviour)

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月30日 17:24:14
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63655940.html



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