
huangapple go评论62阅读模式

Android Conditional PendingIntent in Notification?


我的应用目前有两个活动:一个闪屏活动,显示应用程序标志并从远程数据库加载用户数据,然后是包含所有片段的主活动。目前,我在通知方面遇到了一些问题。我正在使用 FCM 传递通知,并且已经正常工作,但是对于通知的挂起意图不太清楚该怎么处理。如果应用程序被关闭,我不希望它启动主活动,因为我在闪屏活动中从数据库加载数据。因此,主活动可能会缺少数据(目前由于空指针异常,它会崩溃)。但是,如果应用程序仍在运行,我也不希望再次启动闪屏界面。是否有一种方式可以在通知中添加条件意图呢?

或者,使用通知从活动中启动操作是否是不良实践?我绝不是 Android 专家,所以可能有更好的方法。然而,我更愿意保持当前的活动流程,其中闪屏界面负责初始数据加载。我希望只需在通知点击时广播一条消息,如果任何活动具有活动侦听器,那么它将只消耗这些数据。


My application currently has two activities: a splash activity which displays the app logo and loads the user’s data from a remote database, and then the main activity that houses all my fragments. I’ve reached a bit of an impasse right now with notifications. I’m using FCM to deliver the notifications and have that working fine, but don’t really know what to do with the pending intents of the notifications. If the app is closed, I don’t want it to launch the main activity since I load the data from the DB in the splash activity. Thus the main activity would have missing data (it currently crashes due to null pointer exceptions everywhere). But if the app is still running, I don’t want the splash screen to be launched again. Is there some type of way to have a conditional intent baked into the notification?

Alternatively, is this just bad practice to do what I’m doing with launching the activities from the notifications? I’m by no means an android expert so there might indeed be a better way. I would prefer to keep my current activity flow however where the splash screen is responsible for the initial loading of data. I was hoping there was some way to just broadcast a message on the click of the notification and if any activities have an active listener then it would just consume that data.


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The solution I have come up with is to have a single activity whose sole purpose is to process notifications and then pass them to the appropriate activity either through a new intent (if app is terminated) or through a broadcast (if app is resumed). Not sure if this is bad practice (would appreciate anyone telling me if this violates any type of software principle).

It's working like a charm so far and is honestly really nice to have all that logic in one activity anyway - all the service has to do is pass in the data from the notification and the action and the activity does the rest.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月30日 11:05:55
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
