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Non-blocking streaming of data between two Quarkus services (Vert.x with Mutiny in Java)




Background info:

我正在将一个基于Spring WebFlux的服务移植到Quarkus平台下。该服务在多个大数据集上运行长时间搜索,并在Flux(text/event-stream)中返回部分结果,这些结果在可用时逐步生成。


目前,我正试图在Quarkus下使用Mutiny Multi与Vert.x,但无法弄清楚消费者服务如何在不阻塞的情况下接收此流。



  1. 如何使用Mutiny风格的Vert.x WebClient接收text/event-stream?
  2. 如果问题是WebClient无法接收连续的流:在两个Quarkus服务之间流式传输数据的标准方法是什么?

Here is a simplified example

Test entity

  1. public class SearchResult implements Serializable {
  2. private String content;
  3. public SearchResult(String content) {
  4. this.content = content;
  5. }
  6. //.. toString, getters and setters
  7. }

Producer 1. 简单的无限流 -> 阻塞

  1. @GET
  2. @Path("/search")
  3. @Produces(MediaType.SERVER_SENT_EVENTS)
  4. @SseElementType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
  5. public Multi<SearchResult> getResults() {
  6. return Multi.createFrom().ticks().every(Duration.ofSeconds(2))
  7. .onItem().transform(n -> new SearchResult(n.toString()));
  8. }

Producer 2. 带有Vertx Paths的无限流 -> 阻塞

  1. @Route(path = "/routed", methods = HttpMethod.GET)
  2. public Multi<SearchResult> getSrStreamRouted(RoutingContext context) {
  3. log.info("routed run");
  4. return ReactiveRoutes.asEventStream(Multi.createFrom().ticks().every(Duration.ofSeconds(2))
  5. .onItem().transform(n -> new SearchResult(n.toString())));
  6. }

Producer 3. 简单的有限流 -> 阻塞直到完成

  1. @GET
  2. @Path("/search")
  3. @Produces(MediaType.SERVER_SENT_EVENTS)
  4. @SseElementType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
  5. public Multi<SearchResult> getResults() {
  6. return Multi.createFrom().ticks().every(Duration.ofSeconds(2))
  7. .transform().byTakingFirstItems(5)
  8. .onItem().transform(n -> new SearchResult(n.toString()));
  9. }



  1. WebClientOptions webClientOptions = new WebClientOptions().setDefaultHost("localhost").setDefaultPort(8182);
  2. WebClient client = WebClient.create(vertx, webClientOptions);
  3. client.get("/string")
  4. .send()
  5. .onFailure().invoke(resp -> log.error("error: " + resp))
  6. .onItem().invoke(resp -> log.info("result: " + resp.statusCode()))
  7. .toMulti()
  8. .subscribe().with(r -> log.info(String.format("Subscribe: code:%d body:%s",r.statusCode(), r.bodyAsString())));


I have fixed minor bugs in the sample code after solving some of the problems that were irrelevant to the main question which is still about non-blocking streaming between services.

Background info:

I'm porting a Spring WebFlux service under Quarkus. The service runs long searches on multiple huge data sets and returns the partial results in a Flux (text/event-stream) as they become available.


Right now I'm trying to use Mutiny Multi with Vert.x under Quarkus but cannot figure out how the consumer service could receive this stream without blocking.

In all examples the consumer is either a JS front end page or the producer's content type is application/json that seems to bluck until the Multi completes before sending it over in one JSON object (which makes no sense in my application).


  1. How to receive text/event-stream with the Mutiny-flavoured Vert.x WebClient?
  2. If the problem would be that the WebClient is not able to receive continuous steams: What is the standard way to stream data between two Quarkus services?

Here is a simplified example

Test entity

  1. public class SearchResult implements Serializable {
  2. private String content;
  3. public SearchResult(String content) {
  4. this.content = content;
  5. }
  6. //.. toString, getters and setters
  7. }

Producer 1. simple infinite stream -> hangs

  1. @GET
  2. @Path(&quot;/search&quot;)
  3. @Produces(MediaType.SERVER_SENT_EVENTS)
  4. @SseElementType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
  5. public Multi&lt;SearchResult&gt; getResults() {
  6. return Multi.createFrom().ticks().every(Duration.ofSeconds(2) .onItem().transform(n -&gt; new SearchResult(n.toString()));
  7. }

Producer 2. with Vertx Paths infinite stream -> hangs

  1. @Route(path = &quot;/routed&quot;, methods = HttpMethod.GET)
  2. public Multi&lt;SearchResult&gt; getSrStreamRouted(RoutingContext context) {
  3. log.info(&quot;routed run&quot;);
  4. return ReactiveRoutes.asEventStream(Multi.createFrom().ticks().every(Duration.ofSeconds(2))
  5. .onItem().transform(n -&gt; new SearchResult(n.toString()));
  6. }

Producer 3. simple finite stream -> blocks until completion

  1. @GET
  2. @Path(&quot;/search&quot;)
  3. @Produces(MediaType.SERVER_SENT_EVENTS)
  4. @SseElementType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
  5. public Multi&lt;SearchResult&gt; getResults() {
  6. return Multi.createFrom().ticks().every(Duration.ofSeconds(2))
  7. .transform().byTakingFirstItems(5)
  8. .onItem().transform(n -&gt; new SearchResult(n.toString()));
  9. }


Tried multiple different solutions on both producer and consumer sides, but in every case the the stream blocks until it is complete or hangs indefinitely without transferring data for infinite streams. I get the same results with httpie. Here is the latest iteration:

  1. WebClientOptions webClientOptions = new WebClientOptions().setDefaultHost(&quot;localhost&quot;).setDefaultPort(8182);
  2. WebClient client = WebClient.create(vertx, webClientOptions);
  3. client.get(&quot;/string&quot;)
  4. .send()
  5. .onFailure().invoke(resp -&gt; log.error(&quot;error: &quot; + resp))
  6. .onItem().invoke(resp -&gt; log.info(&quot;result: &quot; + resp.statusCode()))
  7. .toMulti()
  8. .subscribe().with(r -&gt; log.info(String.format(&quot;Subscribe: code:%d body:%s&quot;,r.statusCode(), r.bodyAsString())));


得分: 4

Vert.x Web客户端在不进行配置的情况下无法与SSE(服务器发送事件)一起使用。


> 响应完全缓冲,使用BodyCodec.pipe将响应导管到写入流

它会等待响应完成。您可以使用原始的Vert.x HTTP客户端,或者使用pipe编解码器。示例可在https://vertx.io/docs/vertx-web-client/java/#_decoding_responses中找到。



The Vert.x Web Client does not work with SSE (Without configuration).
From https://vertx.io/docs/vertx-web-client/java/:

> Responses are fully buffered, use BodyCodec.pipe to pipe the response to a write stream

It waits until the response completes. You can either use the raw Vert.x HTTP Client or use the pipe codec. Examples are given on https://vertx.io/docs/vertx-web-client/java/#_decoding_responses.

Alternatively, you can use an SSE client such as in:

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月30日 00:20:35
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63649235.html



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