如何使用Java Mission Control解释Java垃圾回收分析

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How to interpret Java GC analysis using Java Mission Control


连接图片以获取Full GC的信息。我不清楚的是,Java Mission Control这个工具还会提供哪些帮助,可以帮助我理解它发生的位置和原因?比如,在这个时候它试图执行的功能。


如何使用Java Mission Control解释Java垃圾回收分析


Attaching the image for the Full GC. What I am unclear is what else this tool Java Mission control will provide that will help me to understand where it has occurred and why? Like the functions that it was trying to execute at this time.

Any pointers from pundits who perform gc analysis.
如何使用Java Mission Control解释Java垃圾回收分析


得分: 3

Java Mission Control(JMC)是一组帮助分析JVM中发生情况的工具。它由三个部分组成:

  1. JMX控制台 - 实时监视JVM活动,并允许在无需重新启动JVM的情况下更改某些JVM属性。此外,它还可以用作警报系统,以在某些指标达到阈值时发送通知(例如,CPU使用率达到90%)。

  2. Java Flight Recorder(JFR)- JFR随时间收集数据。它可以与JMC分开使用,但通常两者一起使用。请注意,JFR只能用于评估目的,可免费使用。在生产服务器中使用时,需要商业许可证。

  3. 外部插件 - 与JVisualVM类似,JMC还可以通过附加插件扩展其功能。


Java Mission Control (JMC) is a set of tools helping to analyze what happens in the JVM. It's composed of 3 parts:

  1. JMX console - monitors JVM activity in real-time and allows to
    change some of JVM's properties without restarting it. Moreover, it
    can be used as alerting system to send notifications when the
    threshold of some metrics is reached (e.g. CPU use is equal to 90%)

  2. Java Flight Recorder (JFR) - JFR collects data over time. It can be used separately from JMC but the most often both are used together. Please note that the JFR can be freely used only for evaluation purposes. Used in production servers it requires a commercial licence.

  3. external plugins - as in the case of JVisualVM, JMC also makes possible to extend its features with additional plugins

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月29日 21:36:08
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