Sure, here’s the translation: Java中JLabel在JFrame中的定位问题

huangapple go评论98阅读模式

Java Positioning Problem of JLabel in JFrame


  1. // 创建框架
  2. this.setSize((size+2)*imageSize+16, (size+2)*imageSize+39);
  3. this.addKeyListener(this);
  4. this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
  5. this.getContentPane().setBackground(;
  6. this.setVisible(true);
  7. // 创建地图JLabels
  8. for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) {
  9. for (int y = 0; y < size; y++) {
  10. mapJLabels[x][y] = new JLabel();
  11. this.add(mapJLabels[x][y]);
  12. mapJLabels[x][y].setSize(imageSize, imageSize);
  13. mapJLabels[x][y].setLocation((x+1)*imageSize, (y+1)*imageSize);
  14. mapJLabels[x][y].setVisible(true);
  15. }
  16. }

I´m creating a TileMap out of JLabels and my Problem is that the last Tile is not placed right.
For some reason the last JLablel is on a wrong position. I think this Image:

Sure, here’s the translation:

and the Code explains what my problem is.

Btw. I am using BlueJ (maybe there is a bug in it, that I dont know)

Thanks for help!!!

  1. //create Frame
  2. this.setSize((size+2)*imageSize+16,(size+2)*imageSize+39);
  3. this.addKeyListener(this);
  4. this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
  5. this.getContentPane().setBackground(;
  6. this.setVisible(true);
  7. //create MapJLabels
  8. for(int x = 0;x&lt;size;x++){
  9. for(int y = 0;y&lt;size;y++){
  10. mapJLabels[x][y] = new JLabel();
  11. this.add(mapJLabels[x][y]);
  12. mapJLabels[x][y].setSize(imageSize,imageSize);
  13. mapJLabels[x][y].setLocation((x+1)*imageSize,(y+1)*imageSize);
  14. mapJLabels[x][y].setVisible(true);
  15. }
  16. }


得分: 3

  1. 代码正在尝试设置组件的大小/位置。这意味着您正在使用空布局。不要这样做。Swing 设计时考虑了布局管理器。您应该使用 GridLayout。阅读 Swing 教程中关于布局管理器的部分获取更多信息。

  2. 您创建了一个空的 JLabel。默认情况下,JLabel 是透明的。我现在不确定您发布的图片是否是从您发布的代码创建的。我看不出网格是如何用图像填充的等等。

  3. Swing 组件默认是可见的,因此不需要调用 setVisible(true)。

  4. 您的代码尝试设置框架的大小。同样,不要这样做。使用布局管理器时,只需对框架调用 pack(),大小将自动计算。

  5. 您的代码尝试在框架和标签之间留出空白空间。不要这样做。如果您想要额外的空间,可以在面板上添加 EmptyBorder。阅读 Swing 教程中关于如何使用边框的部分。

  6. 您的代码正在使用 KeyListener。不要这样做。Swing 设计时考虑了键绑定

  7. 组件应该在框架可见之前添加到框架中。



  1. The code is attempting to set the size/location of the component. This implies you are using a null layout. Don't. Swing was designed to be used with layout managers. You should use the GridLayout. Read the section from the Swing tutorial on Layout Managers for more information.

  2. You create an empty JLabel. By default a JLabel is transparent. I'm not sure now the picture you posted is created from the code you posted. I don't see how the grid is populated with images etc.

  3. Swing components are visible by default so there is no need for the setVisible(true)

  4. Your code attempts to set the size of the frame. Again, don't. When using layout managers you just pack() the frame and the size will be calculated automatically.

  5. Your code attempts to leave space between the frame and labels. Don't. If you want extra space you can add an EmptyBorder to the panel. Read the section from the Swing tutorial on How to Use Borders

  6. You code is using a KeyListener. Don't. Swing was designed to be used with Key Bindings

  7. Components should be added to the frame BEFORE the frame is made visible.

The posted code looks reasonable, but since we can't see where you change the background of the labels or where you add icons to the labels, we don't know what the rest of your logic is doing. The problem could be there.

If you need more help after fixing the above problems then post a proper minimal, reproducible example that demonstrates your new problem.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月29日 17:26:41
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
