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Error caused on runtime of java class file



我得到了一个由他人编写的Java文件文件夹,我正在尝试编译和运行这些Java文件,我可以通过运行 javac *.java 来编译这些文件,但是如果我尝试通过调用 java MainClass 来运行主类,我会得到一个错误,像这样:错误:找不到或加载主类 MainClass,原因:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: SomePackageName/MainClass(名称错误:MainClass)

我不知道 SomePackageName 是什么,它是由开发者定义的,我无法控制。



How do I compile and run java files if you don't know the specific package used by the developer...

I got a folder of java files written by someone else, and I'm trying to compile and run the java files, I can compile the files by running javac *.java, but if I try to run the main class by calling java MainClass, I get an error like so: Error could not find or load main class MainClass, Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: SomePackageName/MainClass (wrong name: MainClass)

I have no idea whats the SomePackageName its defined by the developer and I have no control over that.

so the question is how do I compile and run the java files if all I know is which is the main class?


得分: 2

  1. 完全限定类名的格式为:com.foo.Bar,其中 com.foo 是包名(例如,定义 Bar 类的文件以 package com.foo; 开头),而 Bar 是类名(例如,文件包含行 public class Bar {)。
  2. 在运行 java 并指定类路径+类名时,传递的是类名,而不是文件名。因此,要运行此文件,您会写成 java -cp /path/to/base com.foo.Bar
  3. 完全限定名称在运行时(类文件)和编译时(Java 文件)都必须与目录结构匹配。因此,在这里,您应该有类似 /Users/Foghunt/projects/myproj/src/com/foo/Bar.java 的路径,并且编译后应该有类似 /Users/Foghunt/projects/myproj/build/com/foo/Bar.class 的路径。
  4. “基本目录” 是包含第一个包目录的目录。因此,源文件的基本目录是 /Users/Foghunt/projects/myproj/src,编译结果的基本目录是 /Users/Foghunt/projects/myproj/build
  5. 基本目录需要在类路径中。类路径条目是文件路径。因此,要运行这个东西,您会写成 java -cp /Users/Foghunt/projects/myproj/build com.foo.Bar
  6. javac 不介意您是否费心正确地定义事物(例如,在 /Users/Foghunt/projects/myproj/src/com/foo 中运行 javac *.java 是可行的),但如果涉及多个包,情况会很复杂。
  7. 通常情况下,您应该使用构建系统。如果您继承了这个项目,请在项目根目录中检查是否有名为 build.xmlpom.xmlbuild.gradle 的文件。如果存在这些文件之一,请使用网络搜索引擎(build.xml -> 搜索 java antpom.xml -> 搜索 java mavenbuild.gradle -> 搜索 java gradle),并使用它来构建项目,不要自行运行 javac

有了这些知识,您现在可以分析、构建和运行任何 Java 项目了。

  1. Fully qualified class names are of the form: com.foo.Bar, where com.foo is the package (e.g. the file defining the Bar class starts with the line package com.foo;), and Bar is the name (e.g. the file contains the line public class Bar {).
  2. When running java and specifying classpath+classname, you pass a class name. Not a file name. So to run this file you'd write java -cp /path/to/base com.foo.Bar.
  3. fully qualified names must match directory structure both at runtime (class files) and compile time (java files). So, here you should have say /Users/Foghunt/projects/myproj/src/com/foo/Bar.java and after compilation you should have e.g. /Users/Foghunt/projects/myproj/build/com/foo/Bar.class
  4. The 'base dir' is the one that contains the first package directory. So, the base dir for the source file is /Users/Foghunt/projects/myproj/src and for the compiled result is /Users/Foghunt/projects/myproj/build.
  5. The base dir needs to be in the classpath. Classpath entries are file paths. So, to run this thing you'd write java -cp /Users/Foghunt/projects/myproj/build com.foo.Bar.
  6. javac doesn't mind if you don't go through the trouble of properly defining things (e.g. running javac *.java in /Users/Foghunt/projects/myproj/src/com/foo does work), but it gets complicated quickly if you have multiple packages.
  7. In general you should be using build systems. If you've inherited this project, check for a file named build.xml or pom.xml or build.gradle in the root of the project. If it is there, use a web search engine (build.xml -> search for java ant, pom.xml -> java maven, build.gradle -> java gradle), and use that to build the project, don't run javac yourself.

There you go. Armed with that knowledge you can now analyse, build, and run any java project.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月27日 23:40:48
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63619568.html



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