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Storing data to Room database



假设我们有一个应用程序,在其中我们在运行时添加许多类别(例如:购物,学习,公共等)。由于我们是在运行应用程序时添加它们的,并将它们存储在一个名为 RoomDatabase 的数据库中,该数据库具有一个实体类(Entity class)和一个数据访问对象(Dao)。

-> 现在我的问题出现在这里,在这些类别(例如:购物,学习,公共等)中,我们将存储许多不同的物品,那么如何使用 RoomDatabase 来存储所有这些类别的物品。


是否有可能保存所有这些类别的数据呢? 由于我们正在添加许多类别和它们的子数据,那么如何能够创建那么多的 DAOENTITY CLASS 来保存那么多的子数据。

-> 如果我们使用 SHARED PREFENCES,我们可以将所有类别的子数据存储在唯一的键中(唯一键可以是类别名称)。因此,如果我们添加更多的类别,它将把数据存储到类别的唯一名称中。

但是在 RoomDatabase 中如何实现呢?如果可以的话,应该如何实现呢?


Dao 接口

interface Dao {

    fun insert(studentName: StudentsEntity): Long

    fun stdDetailsInsert(stdDetails: StudentDetailsEntity)

    @Query("Select * from Student")
    fun getAllStudent(): MutableList<WholeDataStudent>

    @Query("Select * from Student")
    fun getStudentName(): MutableList<StudentsEntity>


Entity 类

@Entity(tableName = "Student")
data class StudentsEntity(
    val stdName: String
) {
    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    var stdId: Int = 0

data class StudentDetailsEntity(
    val detailsId: Int,
    val stdAddress: String,
    val phoneNo: String
) {
    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    var id: Int = 0

data class WholeDataStudent(
    @Embedded val std: StudentsEntity,

        parentColumn = "stdId",
        entityColumn = "detailsId",
        entity = StudentDetailsEntity::class

    val stdDetails: List<StudentDetailsEntity>

I have a question that,

Let's consider we have a app in which we are adding many categories (ex: shopping,study,public, etc..) at runtime , there is no limit of adding categories since we adding it at runtime while we use the app and storing in a RoomDatabase having one Entity class and Dao.

-> now my question arises here , In that categories(ex: shopping,study,public, etc..) there are lot of different items we will store , so how can we use Roomdatabase to store all these categories item .

so that when we will open the shopping category so it will show only shopping list and so on for other categories

Is it possible to save all data of these categories? ,since we are adding many categories and there sub data then how it is possible to make that much of DAO and ENTITY CLASS to save that much of sub data.

-> If we will use SHARED PREFENCES . then we can store all categories sub data into a unique keys(unique key can be a categories name). so if we add more and more categories then it will store data to categories unique name.

but how can we do in roomDatabase. Is it possible? if yes then how....?

i hope, i explained my question well

Dao Interface

 interface Dao {

fun insert(studentName: StudentsEntity): Long

fun stdDetailsInsert(stdDetails: StudentDetailsEntity)

@Query(&quot;Select * from Student&quot;)
fun getAllStudent(): MutableList&lt;WholeDataStudent&gt;

@Query(&quot;Select * from Student&quot;)
fun getStudentName(): MutableList&lt;StudentsEntity&gt;


Entity Class

@Entity(tableName = &quot;Student&quot;)
data class StudentsEntity(
val stdName: String
) {
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
var stdId: Int = 0

data class StudentDetailsEntity(

val detailsId: Int,
val stdAddress: String,
val phoneNo: String
) {
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
var id: Int = 0

data class WholeDataStudent(
@Embedded val std: StudentsEntity,

    parentColumn = &quot;stdId&quot;,
    entityColumn = &quot;detailsId&quot;,
    entity = StudentDetailsEntity::class

val stdDetails: List&lt;StudentDetailsEntity&gt;


得分: 3



基于 SQL 的 Room 提供了多种定义数据关系的方式。


  • 一个类别可以有多个项目
  • 每个项目只属于一个类别


Akash Bisht 指出的是:你应该为类别有另一个实体。
在那里,你至少需要存储诸如 ID(主键)和该类别的名称(字符串)等信息。
然后在创建属于此类别的项目时,你只需在“Item”实体中添加对应类别的 ID 引用,例如作为一个名为 categoryId 的变量。



  1. 编写一个 SQL 查询,仅选择特定类别的项目
  2. 或者你查询所有项目的列表,然后按类别对它们进行过滤



For your items in your different categories, can these items use the same Item Entity class template?
I can think of solutions for both scenarios.

Without further information, let me give you an idea for supporting adding categories (and corresponding items) dynamically and a common item class for all items.

Room (based on SQL) offers several ways of to define data relationships.

As far as I understand your problem:

  • one category can have many items
  • but each item belongs only to one category

If that holds true, then you have a one-to-many relationship in your data.

What Akash Bisht was pointing at: you should have another entity for your categories.
There, at minimum you need to store information such as the ID (primary key) and the name (string) of that category.
Then you can create categories dynamically and add them to this table. This can be as many categories as you want.
Then when creating your items inside this category, you just need to add the ID reference of the corresponding category in the Item entity, e.g. as a variable like categoryId

On the other hand you could also just store the category name directly in the Item entity. But this has the disadvantage that when you want to change, for example, your categories name, then you have to update all your items.

To then just get the items for one specific category, as you stated as requirements, you have at least 2 options:

  1. write a SQL query that only selects items of a specific category
  2. or you query a list of all your items and then filter them by a category

If your data for different categories is of types that can be stored in shared preferences (as you have mentioned). You also can handle that with this approach.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月27日 22:25:30
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63618178.html



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