春季依赖注入 – 私有字段 – 反模式?为什么它甚至能够运行?

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Spring Dependency Injection - Private fields - Anti Pattern? Why does it even work?










I am generally a c# developer but working on Java now and then I see a lot of dependency injection using Spring on private properties, with no public way of setting the value. I was surprised this actually works, but I guess it’s possible via reflection?

Surely this is terrible practice?! I can't see how anyone unit testing or inspecting the class would possibly know that a private member needs to be set from some external framework.

How would you even set the property when you are unit testing? Or just using the class stand alone?

I guess you have to use spring in your unit tests which seems really overkill. Surely you should be able to unit test without your IOC container? The class becomes completely dependent on spring...

Have I missed anything here?

Should dependency injection not always involve a public setter of some kind, and preferably use the constructor if possible? Or is there something about Java I am missing...?



得分: 2

你可以始终模拟注入的Bean,即使你有私有字段。你应该查看Spring文档中的 @MockBean。基本上,你可以这样做:

class MyServiceTest{

    private RepositoryInterface repository;

    private MyService service;


假设 RepositoryInterface 是一个接口(而不是具体类),它被注入到 MyService 中。发生的情况是,如果你从Spring Initialzr创建了你的pom.xml,那么JUnit5的SpringExtension 应该已经在你的依赖中,它将使用另一个称为Mockito的框架为该接口构建一个模拟。然后,Spring IoC 将在服务中注入创建的模拟对象。这适用于字段注入:

public class MyService{

    private RepositoryInterface repositoryInterface


public class MyService{

    private RepositoryInterface repositoryInterface

    public void setRepository(RepositoryInterface repositoryInterface){
        this.repositoryInterface = repositoryInterface;


public class MyService{

    private RepositoryInterface repositoryInterface

    public MyService(RepositoryInterface repositoryInterface){
        this.repositoryInterface = repositoryInterface;


class MyServiceTest{

    private RepositoryInterface repository;

    private MyService service;

    void setup(){
        service = new MyService(repository);



You can always mock injected beans even if you have private fields. You should have a look on @MockBean from Spring documentation. Essentially, you could do the following:

class MyServiceTest{

    private RepositoryInterface repository;

    private MyService service;


Supposing that RepositoryInterface is an interface (and not a concrete class) that is injected in MyService. What happens is that the SpringExtension for JUnit5, which should be already in your dependencies if you created your pom.xml from Spring Initialzr, will build a mock for that interface using another framework that is called Mockito (maybe have a look to it). Then Spring IoC will inject the created mock in the service. This works for field injection:

public class MyService{

    private RepositoryInterface repositoryInterface

setter injection:

public class MyService{

    private RepositoryInterface repositoryInterface

    public void setRepository(RepositoryInterface repositoryInterface){
        this.repositoryInterface = repositoryInterface;

or constructor injection:

public class MyService{

    private RepositoryInterface repositoryInterface

    public MyService(RepositoryInterface repositoryInterface){
        this.repositoryInterface = repositoryInterface;

Essentially, the last one is the recommended one because in this way your service's dependencies will be explicit. It's more on code style. Field injection is not recommended because iy hides your class dependencies. So, the recommended way of building a test using the constructor injection would be the following:

class MyServiceTest{

    private RepositoryInterface repository;

    private MyService service;

    void setup(){
        service = new MyService(repository);

Hope this helps your understanding.


得分: 2


而且,是的,这是反模式,会增加技术债务 - 虽然容易编写,但很难维护这样的代码,与其在编译时出现错误,还不如在运行时出现错误。不要这样做。使用构造函数注入。


Yes, it works. Some testing frameworks allow inject private fields.

And yes, it's antipattern, adds technical debt - easy to write, but hard to maintain such code, instead of compile-time errors you'll have runtime errors. Don't do that. Use constructor injection.


得分: 1


class MyService {

    private final MyDependency dependency;

    @Autowired // 不是必需的,只是为了这个示例而显式添加的
    public MyService(MyDependency dependency) {
        this.dependency = dependency;


There is field based injection, setter based injection, annotation based injection, and constructor based injection. Constructor based injection is best for testing simply because you can easily mock the dependencies needed. It's always nice to define services with final fields where possible.

class MyService {

    private final MyDependency dependency;

    @Autowired // not needed, explicit just for this example
    public MyService(MyDependency dependency) {
        this.dependency = dependency;


  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月26日 23:12:45
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