ModelMapper: how to keep converters registered at mapper level when using a TypeMap with custom mapping

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ModelMapper: how to keep converters registered at mapper level when using a TypeMap with custom mapping



modelMapper.addConverter(new Converter<String, String>() {
    public String convert(MappingContext<String, String> context) {
        if (context.getSource() == null) {
            return "global null converter was here";
        return context.getSource();


现在,如果我需要进行更复杂的转换,使用类型映射上的 .map(getter, setter) 来处理不同的属性名称,全局转换器就不再被调用了。


这是一个使用了ModelMapper 2.3.8(当天最新版本)的示例代码(为了简洁起见使用了Lombok):

@Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor class A { String a; String b;}
@Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor class B { String a; String b; }
@Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor class C { String x; String y;}
public class MapperTestCase {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        A a = new A("aaa", "bbb");
        ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
        final TypeMap<A, B> AtoBTypeMap = modelMapper.createTypeMap(A.class, B.class);
        B b =;
        System.out.println("conversion with no converter A -> B: " + a + " -> " + b);

        a = new A(null, null);
        b =;
        System.out.println("conversion with no converter A -> B: " + a + " -> " + b);

        // 添加一个全局/回退转换器,用于转换所有空字符串值。
        modelMapper.addConverter(new Converter<String, String>() {
            public String convert(MappingContext<String, String> context) {
                if (context.getSource() == null) {
                    return "global null converter was here";
                return context.getSource();

        final TypeMap<B, A> BtoATypeMap = modelMapper.typeMap(B.class, A.class);
        a =;
        System.out.println("conversion with global converter B -> A: " + b + " -> " + a);
        // 为 B 到 C 的类型映射添加一个局部转换器
        BtoATypeMap.addMappings(mapper -> mapper.using(ctx -> {
            if (ctx.getSource() == null) {
                return "local converter was here";
            } else return ctx.getSource();
        }).map(B::getA, (w, x) -> w.setA(String.valueOf(x))));

        // 在这个转换中,应该同时使用全局和局部转换器
        a =;
        System.out.println("conversion with global and local converter B -> A: " + b + " -> " + a);

        // 创建一个新的类型映射,将 B 转换为 C,将 B::a 映射到 C::x,将 B::b 映射到 C::y
        final TypeMap<B, C> BtoCTypeMap = modelMapper.typeMap(B.class, C.class);
        // 为这个类型映射添加一个局部转换器
        BtoCTypeMap.addMappings(mapper -> mapper.using(ctx -> {
            if (ctx.getSource() == null) {
                return "local converter was here";
            } else return ctx.getSource();
        }).map(B::getA, (w, x) -> w.setX(String.valueOf(x))));
        BtoCTypeMap.addMapping(B::getB, C::setY);
        // 先进行一个没有空值的 B 实例的转换,按预期工作
        b = new B("some", "data");
        C c =;
        System.out.println("conversion with global and local converter B -> C: " + b + " -> " + c);

        // 现在进行一个带有空值的 B 实例的转换,会使用局部转换器,但不会使用在映射器级别定义的全局转换器。为什么呢?
        b = new B();
        c =;
        System.out.println("conversion with global and local converter B -> C: " + b + " -> " + c);


conversion with no converter A -> B: A(a=aaa, b=bbb) -> B(a=aaa, b=bbb)
conversion with no converter A -> B: A(a=null, b=null) -> B(a=null, b=null)
conversion with global converter B -> A: B(a=null, b=null) -> A(a=global null converter was here, b=global null converter was here)
conversion with global and local converter B -> A: B(a=null, b=null) -> A(a=local converter was here, b=global null converter was here)
conversion with global and local converter B -> C: B(a=some, b=data) -> C(x=some, y=data)
conversion with global and local converter B -> C: B(a=null, b=null) -> C(x=local converter was here, y=null)

最后一行的预期输出应为 C(x=local converter was here, y=global null converter was here)


I use ModelMapper to convert Models to DTOs. I have a bunch of default converters for null values that have been registered at the mapper level like this:

        modelMapper.addConverter(new Converter&lt;String, String&gt;() {
public String convert(MappingContext&lt;String, String&gt; context) {
if (context.getSource() == null) {
return &quot;global null converter was here&quot;;
return context.getSource();

This works fine with simple mapping when the properties name are the same on both side of the conversion.
The converter is used to handle null values as expected.

Now if I need to do a more complex conversions with different properties name by using .map(getter, setter) on the type map, the global converters are not called anymore.
I don't want the global converters to be discarded when configuring the typemap.

How can I fix that ?

Here is a sample code (with lombok for code brevity) that use ModelMapper 2.3.8, the today's latest version:

@Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor class A { String a; String b;}
@Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor class B { String a; String b; }
@Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor class C { String x; String y;}
public class MapperTestCase {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
A a = new A(&quot;aaa&quot;, &quot;bbb&quot;);
ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
final TypeMap&lt;A, B&gt; AtoBTypeMap = modelMapper.createTypeMap(A.class, B.class);
B b =;
System.out.println(&quot;conversion with no converter A -&gt; B: &quot; + a + &quot; -&gt; &quot; + b);
a = new A(null, null);
b =;
System.out.println(&quot;conversion with no converter A -&gt; B: &quot; + a + &quot; -&gt; &quot; + b);
// Add a global/fallback converter that should convert all null String values.
modelMapper.addConverter(new Converter&lt;String, String&gt;() {
public String convert(MappingContext&lt;String, String&gt; context) {
if (context.getSource() == null) {
return &quot;global null converter was here&quot;;
return context.getSource();
final TypeMap&lt;B, A&gt; BtoATypeMap = modelMapper.typeMap(B.class, A.class);
a =;
System.out.println(&quot;conversion with global converter B -&gt; A: &quot; + b + &quot; -&gt; &quot; + a);
// add a local converter for the B to C type mape only
BtoATypeMap.addMappings(mapper -&gt; mapper.using(ctx -&gt; {
if (ctx.getSource() == null) {
return &quot;local converter was here&quot;;
} else return ctx.getSource();
}).map(B::getA, (w, x) -&gt; w.setA(String.valueOf(x))));
// in this conversion both converter (global and local) should be used
a =;
System.out.println(&quot;conversion with global and local converter B -&gt; A: &quot; + b + &quot; -&gt; &quot; + a);
// a new typeMap that will transform a B into a C, mapping B::a to C::x and B::b to C::y
final TypeMap&lt;B, C&gt; BtoCTypeMap = modelMapper.typeMap(B.class, C.class);
// a local converter for this type map
BtoCTypeMap.addMappings(mapper -&gt; mapper.using(ctx -&gt; {
if (ctx.getSource() == null) {
return &quot;local converter was here&quot;;
} else return ctx.getSource();
}).map(B::getA, (w, x) -&gt; w.setX(String.valueOf(x))));
BtoCTypeMap.addMapping(B::getB, C::setY);
// first a conversion with a B instance without null values, works as expected
b = new B(&quot;some&quot;, &quot;data&quot;);
C c =;
System.out.println(&quot;conversion with global and local converter B -&gt; C: &quot; + b + &quot; -&gt; &quot; + c);
// now a conversion with a B instance wirth null values, the local converer will be used, but not the global one defined at the mapper level. Why ?
b = new B();
c =;
System.out.println(&quot;conversion with global and local converter B -&gt; C: &quot; + b + &quot; -&gt; &quot; + c);

The output is:

conversion with no converter A -&gt; B: A(a=aaa, b=bbb) -&gt; B(a=aaa, b=bbb)
conversion with no converter A -&gt; B: A(a=null, b=null) -&gt; B(a=null, b=null)
conversion with global converter B -&gt; A: B(a=null, b=null) -&gt; A(a=global null converter was here, b=global null converter was here)
conversion with global and local converter B -&gt; A: B(a=null, b=null) -&gt; A(a=local converter was here, b=global null converter was here)
conversion with global and local converter B -&gt; C: B(a=some, b=data) -&gt; C(x=some, y=data)
conversion with global and local converter B -&gt; C: B(a=null, b=null) -&gt; C(x=local converter was here, y=null)

The expected output for the last line is C(x=local converter was here, y=global null converter was here)


得分: 2











I must recognize that I normally use MapStruct or Dozer but, from time to time, I have used ModelMapper.

That been said, I will try to explain the mental model I follow when working with this library: I hope it helps you in understand your problem.

When you define a map between a source and a destination class in ModelMapper, you are actually defining the correspondence, the mappings, between their properties.

There is an implicit mapping that takes place if you do not define an explicit one between one property in the source class and another in the destination class.

This implicit mapping is based on several matching policies but we can safely say for our problem that it is based on property name matching.

If you define a Converter at the ModelMapper level, it will be applied to a property mapping only if one explicit property mapping is not provided, for the following reason: if you define an explicit property mapping between any properties in a TypeMap, by using the methods addMapping or addMappings, the configuration provided for that explicit mapping (source getter and destination setter, converters, pre-converters, post-converters) will be the only that will take place in the mapping process, no matter what you define at a higher mapping level.

You can easily test this fact by debugging your program and see, line by line, how the underlying property mappings are defined by the library.

For that reason I think it is not possible to implement such a global behavior: what you can do is repeat it by possibly implementing a factory method as suggested in other answer or better, by creating specific Converter classes that you can instantiate and set as converters (or, maybe, post-converters, in your use case) of every TypeMap and property mapping in which it is required.

There is an excelent post here in stackoverflow that will provide you a great and better explanation about what is happening under the hood when you use ModelMapper.


得分: 2


Converter<String, String> stringPropertyConverter = new Converter<String, String>() {
    public String convert(MappingContext<String, String> context) {
        if (context.getSource() == null) {
            return "全局空值转换器在此";
        return context.getSource();

ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper() {
    public <S, D> TypeMap<S, D> typeMap(Class<S> sourceType, Class<D> destinationType) {
        TypeMap<S, D> typeMap = super.typeMap(sourceType, destinationType);
        return typeMap;

    "TypeMap[String -> String]"
    "TypeMap[B -> A]"
    "TypeMap[A -> B]"


    "TypeMap[B -> C]"
    "TypeMap[String -> String]"
    "TypeMap[B -> A]"
    "TypeMap[A -> B]"



If You wanna create general propertyConverter you can try someshing like this

            Converter&lt;String, String&gt; stringPropertyConverter = new Converter&lt;String, String&gt;() {
            public String convert(MappingContext&lt;String, String&gt; context) {
                if (context.getSource() == null) {
                    return &quot;global null converter was here&quot;;
                return context.getSource();

        ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper() {
            public &lt;S, D&gt; TypeMap&lt;S, D&gt; typeMap(Class&lt;S&gt; sourceType, Class&lt;D&gt; destinationType) {
                TypeMap&lt;S, D&gt; typeMap = super.typeMap(sourceType, destinationType);
                return typeMap;

Generally problem in order convertors which using in mapping process.
At first modelMapper define convertor for your class, on the next step it search suitable convertor for field of class.
In the firs case your converters placed in order 

    &quot;TypeMap[String -&gt; String]&quot;
    &quot;TypeMap[B -&gt; A]&quot;
    &quot;TypeMap[A -&gt; B]&quot;

in the second case 

    &quot;TypeMap[B -&gt; C]&quot;
    &quot;TypeMap[String -&gt; String]&quot;
    &quot;TypeMap[B -&gt; A]&quot;
    &quot;TypeMap[A -&gt; B]&quot;

and convertor B to C is suitable convertor for any of your fields in your class.


# 答案3
**得分**: 1




关于你的代码我认为你应该使用Java 8的功能

modelMapper.addConverter(new Converter<String, String>() {
    public String convert(MappingContext<String, String> context) {
        if (context.getSource() == null) {
             return "全局空转换器在此";
        return context.getSource();


modelMapper.addConverter(context -> context.getSource() == null ? "全局空转换器在此" : context.getSource());

// 或者更好,因为你提取了映射逻辑:


private static Converter<String, String> mySuperConverter() {
    return context -> context.getSource() == null ? "全局空转换器在此" : context.getSource();


I think i found the solution :

it's because your class C have different attribute names than your class A and B. If you rename x to a and y to b, the output will be good.

Your question now is "why is this working like that", simply because modelMapper apply the converter only if the name between the 2 objects are the same. I don't think modelMapper provide a solution for a real "global" converter by ignoring attributes name as you wish.

About your code, i think you should use Java 8 functionality :

modelMapper.addConverter(new Converter&lt;String, String&gt;() {
    public String convert(MappingContext&lt;String, String&gt; context) {
        if (context.getSource() == null) {
             return &quot;global null converter was here&quot;;
        return context.getSource();

can be rewrite :

modelMapper.addConverter(context -&gt; context.getSource() == null ? &quot;global null converter was here&quot; : context.getSource());

// or much better because you extract your mapping logic :


private static Converter&lt;String, String&gt; mySuperConverter() {
    return context -&gt; context.getSource() == null ? &quot;global null converter was here&quot; : context.getSource();

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月26日 16:22:08
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