“The array is only written to, never read from”错误显示在Java代码中。

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"The array is only written to, never read from" error showing in Java code




  1. package com.java24hours;
  2. public class GremlinLab {
  3. public static void main(String[] arguments) {
  4. int numGremlins = Integer.parseInt(arguments[0]);
  5. if (numGremlins > 0) {
  6. Gremlin[] gremlins = new Gremlin[numGremlins];
  7. for (int i = 0; i < numGremlins; i++) {
  8. gremlins[i] = new Gremlin();
  9. }
  10. System.out.println("有 " + Gremlin.getGremlinCount()
  11. + " 个小精灵。");
  12. }
  13. }
  14. }


  1. Gremlin[] gremlins = new Gremlin[numGremlins];

我无法想明白为什么这个地方不起作用!如果我太愚蠢的话,请原谅我,但是任何帮助将不胜感激 “The array is only written to, never read from”错误显示在Java代码中。 谢谢!



  1. package com.java24hours;
  2. public class Gremlin {
  3. static int gremlinCount = 0;
  4. public Gremlin() {
  5. gremlinCount++;
  6. }
  7. static int getGremlinCount() {
  8. return gremlinCount;
  9. }
  10. }


非常感谢大家,我真的非常感激。我在使用集成开发环境(IDE)并将这些类移动到源代码包文件夹,而不是“com.java24hours”包中...原始代码竟然正常工作了?!显然我是个新手!再次感谢大家 “The array is only written to, never read from”错误显示在Java代码中。


I've been trying to polish up on some Java and I'm trying to refresh the basics so I've been working through the Sam's 24 hour java book. One of the projects to familiarize yourself with describing objects gives the code as follows:

  1. package com.java24hours;
  2. public class GremlinLab {
  3. public static void main(String[] arguments) {
  4. int numGremlins = Integer.parseInt(arguments[0]);
  5. if (numGremlins &gt; 0) {
  6. Gremlin[] gremlins = new Gremlin[numGremlins];
  7. for (int i = 0; i &lt; numGremlins; i++) {
  8. gremlins[i] = new Gremlin();
  9. }
  10. System.out.println(&quot;There are &quot; + Gremlin.getGremlinCount()
  11. + &quot; gremlins.&quot;);
  12. }
  13. }
  14. }

The error "The array is only written to, never read from" is showing upon compilation in the 7th line:

  1. Gremlin[] gremlins = new Gremlin[numGremlins];

and I can't figure out for the life of me why this is not working! Apologies if I'm being stupid but any help will be greatly appreciated “The array is only written to, never read from”错误显示在Java代码中。 Thanks!

Sorry quick edit to add the other class I haven't mentioned!!

I have also got the following class:

  1. package com.java24hours;
  2. public class Gremlin {
  3. static int gremlinCount = 0;
  4. public Gremlin() {
  5. gremlinCount++;
  6. }
  7. static int getGremlinCount() {
  8. return gremlinCount;
  9. }
  10. }

I then specified the command-line arguments by customizing the project configuration.

Last Edit!!...
Thanks very much everyone, I really appreciate it. I'm using an IDE and moved the classes to the source packages folder rather than the 'com.java24hours' package....and my original codes have worked fine?! Clearly I'm very much a novice! Thanks again all “The array is only written to, never read from”错误显示在Java代码中。


得分: 3



  1. System.out.println("数组中有 " + gremlins.length + " 个小精灵。");




This is a warning, not an error. You can safely ignore it and your program will function as you intend.

The warning is because you are creating an array and filling it with elements. But then you never actually use the array nor the elements of that array for anything. For example, you could do

  1. System.out.println(&quot;There are &quot; + gremlins.length + &quot; gremlins.&quot;);

to print the length of the array. This will remove the warning.

Better yet, if you are writing this as an exercise to learn about static methods and variables, just don't use an array at all.


得分: 0

你没有对 gremlins 数组的元素进行任何操作。也就是说,在你的代码中没有类似 gremlins[i].someMethod() 这样的操作,但这只是一个警告。


You are not doing anything with the elements of the gremlins array. ie nowhere does your code do something like gremlins[i].someMethod(), but it's only a warning.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月26日 06:11:53
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63587809.html



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