如何在Spring中禁用使用 @Component 注解创建的Bean?

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How can I disable creating bean with @Component annotation in Spring?




public interface RefactorAwareEntryPoint {

    default boolean doRefactor() {
        if (EventLogService.wasEvent(getEventType())) {
            return true;
        boolean result = doRefactorInternal();
        if (result) {
        return result;

    String getEventType();
    boolean doRefactorInternal();

然后,当我需要编写一些重构代码时,我使用方法实现这个接口,将类标记为 @Component,然后 Spring 会循环评估每个接口实现并将其注册到数据库中。但我们有很多重构(每年大约有 200-300 个新的)。手动禁用旧的实现很困难,而且我们的 Spring 上下文中有很多 bean。我们能否做一些事情,例如使用一些注解 - 该注解将根据某些条件禁用组件的创建?


public class CustomRefactor implements RefactorAwareEntryPoint {
    // 代码实现


if (YEAR.2020) {
    创建 bean -> new CustomRefactor()

当到了 YEAR.2021 时,我们在 Spring 上下文中将不再有来自 YEAR.2020 的 bean。


I have some common interface for refactoring logic in my project. It looks about like this:

public interface RefactorAwareEntryPoint {

	default boolean doRefactor() {
    	if (EventLogService.wasEvent(getEventType())) {
			return true;
		boolean result = doRefactorInternal();
		if (result) {
		return result;

	String getEventType();
	boolean doRefactorInternal();

And than, when I need to write some refactoring - I implement this interface with methods, mark class like @Component, and Spring in loop evaluate each interface implementation and register it in database.
But we have a lot of refactors (every year - 200-300 new). It's hard to disable old implementations manualy, and we have a lot of beans in our spring-context.
Can we do something, for example, use some annotation - which will disable component creation by some condition?

For example:

public class CustomRefactor implements RefactorAwareEntryPoint {
 // Code implementation

And this annotation will work like this (a pseudocode):

if (YEAR.2020) {
  create bean -> new CustomRefactor()

And when it will be YEAR.2021 - we will have no beans from YEAR.2020 in spring-context.


得分: 8


你可以在Spring Boot 2.4.0参考文档的3. Profiles部分找到更多信息。



public class CustomRefactor2020 implements RefactorAwareEntryPoint {
 // 代码实现
public class CustomRefactor2021 implements RefactorAwareEntryPoint {
 // 代码实现

Use the annotation @Profile that makes application configuration and beans available in certain environments.

You can find more at Spring Boot 2.4.0 reference documentation: 3. Profiles

> Spring Profiles provide a way to segregate parts of your application configuration and make it be available only in certain environments. Any @Component, @Configuration or @ConfigurationProperties can be marked with @Profile to limit when it is loaded

Consider each year as a separate environment.

public class CustomRefactor2020 implements RefactorAwareEntryPoint {
 // Code implementation
public class CustomRefactor2021 implements RefactorAwareEntryPoint {
 // Code implementation


得分: 6

除了我们的同事提供的答案之外,还要考虑到 Spring 的一个功能,称为“Stereotype 注解”。这就是像 @Service 这样的知名注解在 Spring 中是如何定义的。

一般来说,通过使用 @Component 注解标记你的类,你可以将该类作为 Spring Bean 加载,因为被注解的类将成为一个叫做“组件扫描”的过程的对象,这个过程会在你启动应用程序上下文时发生。

自从 Spring 4 开始,有一个条件接口,基本上可以实现类似于你所说的 @Enabled(YEAR.2020) 的逻辑。

你可以使用内置的 @ConditionalOnProperty 将 2020 年映射到属性,甚至实现一个自定义条件逻辑。我假设你已经实现了一个名为 @ConditionalOnYear 的自定义条件。

现在,有趣的是(这是我在帖子开头提到的一个“stereotype”特性),你可以创建自己的“组件”注解,并带有自定义的“条件”逻辑,并且可以像使用常规 Bean 一样使用它:

public @interface Year2020OnlyComponent {

	@AliasFor(annotation = Component.class)
	String value() default "";

public class CustomRefactor implements RefactorAwareEntryPoint {
 // 代码实现

你还可以通过巧妙使用 @AliasFor 注解来改进它,变成类似这样:

public class CustomRefactor implements RefactorAwareEntryPoint {
 // 代码实现



@SinceYear(2020) // 一个自定义条件
public class CustomRefactor implements RefactorAwareEntryPoint {
 // 代码实现

In addition to the answers provided by our colleagues, consider the feature of spring called "Stereotype annotations". This is how well-known annotations like @Service are defined in spring.

In general, the fact that you mark your class with @Component annotation allows you to load the class as a spring bean because the annotated class becomes a subject to a process called "component scanning" - a process happens when you start the application context.

Since spring 4 there is a conditional interface that basically makes possible implementing a logic similar to what you refer to as @Enabled(YEAR.2020).

You might use a built-in "@ConditionalOnProperty" to map the 2020 year to property or even implement a custom conditional logic. I'll assume that you've implemented a custom conditional as @ConditionalOnYear

Now, what's interesting (and this is a "stereotype" feature that I've mentioned at the beginning of the post) is that you may create your own "component" annotation with a custom "conditional" logic and use it "as if" its a regular bean:

public @interface Year2020OnlyComponent {

	@AliasFor(annotation = Component.class)
	String value() default "";

public class CustomRefactor implements RefactorAwareEntryPoint {
 // Code implementation

You can also improve that by clever usage of @AliasFor annotation to be something like:

public class CustomRefactor implements RefactorAwareEntryPoint {
 // Code implementation

But this is kind of out of scope for this question - so I just mention a direction here.

Of course, it's possible to merely use two annotations as you've suggested even without this "Stereotype" annotation feature:

@SinceYear(2020) // a custom conditional
public class CustomRefactor implements RefactorAwareEntryPoint {
 // Code implementation


得分: 0




Check out the BeanFactoryPostprocessor interface. Probably you can remove a bean before it‘s creation.

Else you might implement your own BeanFactory and create the ApplicationContext with your implementation.


得分: 0

你可以使用Spring Boot提供的excludeFilter注解。


You can use excludeFilter annotations provided by spring boot .


得分: 0

  1. 如他人所提,您可以始终使用@Profile注解来启用/禁用配置文件。
  2. 另一个选项是excludeFilter
  1. As mentioned by others you can always use @Profile annotation to
    enable/disable profiles.
  2. Another option is excludeFilter

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月26日 03:48:26
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63586118.html



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