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How to open a file in Java that does not prevent external "Safe Save"?










最后但并非最不重要的: 这应该适用于Windows和Linux。但我们在Windows上遇到了这个问题。


We want to open a file in Java and read its contents.

This file may be updated by an external application using Safe Save. That means the file will be externally read and its updated contents will be stored to a new file. Eventually the original file is deleted and the new file is renamed to match the original file's name.

Unfortunately the external process fails during rename (last part of the Safe Save) when our Java Application is reading the original file at the same time.
We played with different kind of open modes but could not get a solution that does not fail the external reader.

Is there some way to open a file that does not interfere with external processes accessing the same file? Ideally, whenever an external process moves or deletes the file we would like to get an exception in our Java application. And only there.

Do you have any ideas on how to achieve that?


Just some clarification regarding the use case:

This an indexer like scenario. We want to index contents of a potentially very large filesystem where 3rd party independent processes can concurrently read from or write to as well. We have no control over the 3rd party processes.
Copying the original file seems like a big overhead and we are not sure if that helps with the original problem as it will probably fail the external reader on a Safe Save as well.

Last but not least: This should work on Windows and Linux. But we are experiencing this problems on Windows.


得分: 1


不幸的是,Java API不允许您控制低级别的Windows特定标志。有一个已经打开的bug报告,建议默认添加FILE_SHARE_DELETE,但由于向后兼容性(某些应用程序可能依赖于此行为),可能不太可能实现。报告中的一条评论建议使用以下解决方法来绕过此问题:而不是new FileInputStream(file),请使用java.nio API。

InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(file.toPath());



On Windows, whether a file can be renamed or deleted while it's open is controlled by the FILE_SHARE_DELETE sharing mode flag. This flag should be passed in when the file is opened with the low level CreateFile function.

Unfortunately, Java API does not give you control over low level Windows-specific flags. There is an open bug report to have FILE_SHARE_DELETE added by default, but it's unlikely it will be done because of backwards compatibility (some applications may depend on this behavior). the A comment in the report suggests a workaround: instead of new FileInputStream(file) use the java.nio API.

InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(file.toPath());

I don't have access to Windows right now to verify that this workaround uses the right sharing mode.


得分: 0



java.nio.file包提供了一个文件更改通知API,称为Watch Service API。该API使您能够向监视服务注册一个目录(或多个目录)。在注册时,您告诉服务您感兴趣的事件类型:文件创建、文件删除或文件修改。当服务检测到感兴趣的事件时,它会转发给注册的进程。注册的进程有一个专用于监视其注册事件的线程(或线程池)。当事件发生时,会根据需要进行处理。官方文档


Make a copy of the original file an use this within your Java program, and at the same time keep track of the original file.

Here, this might help you out:

The java.nio.file package provides a file change notification API, called the Watch Service API. This API enables you to register a directory (or directories) with the watch service. When registering, you tell the service which types of events you are interested in: file creation, file deletion, or file modification. When the service detects an event of interest, it is forwarded to the registered process. The registered process has a thread (or a pool of threads) dedicated to watching for any events it has registered for. When an event comes in, it is handled as needed. Official docs


得分: 0

你不能仅通过文件实现这一点,至少不能在不做额外假设的情况下实现。如果这些进程不同步,你将会遇到以下情况之一:(a) 错误 (b) 数据损坏或者 (c) 二者皆有。此外,这种系统会不稳定,容易出现竞态条件和实现特定的细节问题。这意味着,即使看起来工作正常,它也不会始终以每种情况下的正确方式工作。




You cannot achieve this only with files, at least not without making additional assumptions. If the processes are not synchronized you will get either (a) errors (b) corrupted data or (c) both. Furthermore, such system will be unstable, prone to race conditions and implementation-specific details. This means that even if it looks like it's working it will not work correctly always and in each case.

Depending on your circumstances you might try to use a combination of scehduling (i.e. process A runs every even minute, process B every odd minute), exclusive/shared open flags, range locks, copying files, file change notifiers, retrying on failure etc. If you can somehow ensure that your assumptions are never broken you might end up with something which is "good enough". But all in all, this is a bad engineering practice and should be avoided.

For a proper solution, you need to make both processes aware that they are talking to each other. What you have is really a textbook use case for a database. Besides using a database there are plenty of other ways to synchronize access to data - messaging, streams, locks, shared memory etc. Each way has its own benefits and downsides and without knowing more about your specific situation it is impossible to say which would be better.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月26日 01:37:57
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